Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
The first contact should always be about peacefully resolving the situation, whatever it is.
I appreciate your sentiment, but you can't train a turd not to be a turd, despite any feverish polishing of the turd. It will remain a turd.
"The police" are not and cannot ever be actual peace officers using the present model, literally impossible. Not the fault of the individual cops either, it is a systemic problem, which cannot be solved with "better training".
Police' purpose is not to "resolve situations". They enforce laws, codes, etc. and follow orders regardless of whether following the order or law is an act of breaking the peace or not. They have no duty to protect citizens (supreme court ruling) and even if they did, that too would be impossible in total since their pay is derived from a confiscatory means. Meaning if you remain peaceful, but say, "no thanks, I don't need your service and would prefer to be left alone" you can and will be attacked. Pay up bitches! Forcing an unwilling, but peaceful person to pay you, is not a good way to "peacefully resolve situations".
The first contact of any real service provider would be to make an offer to potential customers. That offer could then be accepted or declined by the potential customer. We know Police don't do that. Yet, if you or I had a business model where we could extort our customers, people would realize we were thugs and not "peace officers".
Police are not real service providers, they are the enforcement arm of a revenue and population control scheme orchestrated by the people who rule other people. That can only change if the "peaceful customer" has the option of declining their "service" without being harmed. Otherwise, the police are initiating the breaking of the peace, at their first contact. This is an irrefutable fact.

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