of course you dont because you arent interested in looking into the other side Person of Color,
Police are supposed to maintain order, and helpfulness , they are not to get fucking knee happy andtrigger happy because someone in a scary fucking situation "resisted" if they did.
Their fucking job is to maintain order if you cant do that without being trigger happy you dont know your job. you need to be retrained.
Youre telling me someone who lives in systematic poverty , whos been brought up hounded by mayo people, and police their entire lives are suddenly supposed to just BE CALM and ACT NORMAL when someones shoving a fucking gun in their face? no.
that doesnt happen
people are SCARED of police for a goddamn reason because they are scary and they are trigger happy. the majority of these cases WERE NOT resisting arrest or not obeying. people have fucking rights you cant just go tackle the fuck out of some black guy because " you fucking think hes bad"
man , seriously you have the best internet int he world available information is out there, lots of research done on this.