Gun control is coming

Another mass shooting of children in Nashville, thoughts and prayers once again. If there are 400 million guns in America, and just 3% of the population own 50% of them, 200 million, an interesting statistic.

Another mass shooting of children in Nashville, thoughts and prayers once again. If there are 400 million guns in America, and just 3% of the population own 50% of them, 200 million, an interesting statistic.

your morning shooter quiz:

The shooter was (pick one from the list below)

a. A Muslim terrorist
b. An angry Black man
c. An angry Mexican man
d. A mentally disturbed white man,
Not on the list. I'm guessing D. This is where gun nuts start talking about needing better screening for mental health that they will oppose vigorously on the grounds of the 2A.

the need for better screening for mental health is need, prolly would have stopped the asshat who did Uvalde...
female shooter in her teens.......

how in the heck did she get her hands on:

"She had two assault rifles and a handgun"

It depends on her age. The handgun could not have been purchased legally by her. No mention in the below about background checks.

Restrictions on Firearm Ownership Tennessee
In order to purchase a firearm legally, the buyer must be 18 years old to purchase rifles, shotguns and ammunition. Buyers looking to purchase handguns must be at least 21 years old. No permits or registration are required to own a firearm in the state.S

What are the laws for selling guns in Tennessee?
Privately Selling a Firearm

Tennessee does not have any laws regulating the sale of a firearm between two (2) private parties. The only necessity is that both parties are legally allowed to own a firearm.
It is March 27th, 85 days into this year

This is the 128th mass shooting in the US this year
Monday morning's shooting at the Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee, is the 128th mass shooting in the US so far in 2023, according to data from the Gun Violence Archive.
The Gun Violence Archive, like CNN, defines a mass shooting as one in which at least four people are shot, excluding the shooter.
Three students and three adults were killed at the Covenant School. The shooter, an unidentified female who police said seemed to be a teenager, was also killed in a shootout with police.
Last year, the US hit 100 mass shootings on March 19, per the GVA. The previous year, 2021, saw a late March date as well. From 2018 to 2020, the country didn't reach 100 mass shootings until May.
It is March 27th, 85 days into this year

This is the 128th mass shooting in the US this year
Monday morning's shooting at the Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee, is the 128th mass shooting in the US so far in 2023, according to data from the Gun Violence Archive.
The Gun Violence Archive, like CNN, defines a mass shooting as one in which at least four people are shot, excluding the shooter.
Three students and three adults were killed at the Covenant School. The shooter, an unidentified female who police said seemed to be a teenager, was also killed in a shootout with police.
Last year, the US hit 100 mass shootings on March 19, per the GVA. The previous year, 2021, saw a late March date as well. From 2018 to 2020, the country didn't reach 100 mass shootings until May.
it's getting worse...but it was already fucking horrific.
One mass shooting per year is unacceptable, 100s is a fucking waking nightmare...perpetuated by shrimp dick redneck 2nd amendment freaks...i hope every one of them gets the karmic fucking they deserve.
It depends on her age. The handgun could not have been purchased legally by her. No mention in the below about background checks.

Restrictions on Firearm Ownership Tennessee
In order to purchase a firearm legally, the buyer must be 18 years old to purchase rifles, shotguns and ammunition. Buyers looking to purchase handguns must be at least 21 years old. No permits or registration are required to own a firearm in the state.S

What are the laws for selling guns in Tennessee?
Privately Selling a Firearm

Tennessee does not have any laws regulating the sale of a firearm between two (2) private parties. The only necessity is that both parties are legally allowed to own a firearm.

yeah there laws are very similiar to down here. Texas is looking towards the mental health aspect now.....kinda wish they would do something sinsable(sp) like raise the 21
yeah there laws are very similiar to down here. Texas is looking towards the mental health aspect now.....kinda wish they would do something sinsable(sp) like raise the 21
i don't remember there being a big jump in responsibility, empathy, or intelligence between being 18 and 21...the first such large leap came in my early 30s, and the next was in my mid 40s...
at 21, you're still a fucking ignorant pinhead, run by your emotions and hormones, and not your brain.
No one under 35 who isn't in the military should be allowed to own a handgun, if emotional maturity is a real issue.
i don't remember there being a big jump in responsibility, empathy, or intelligence between being 18 and 21...the first such large leap came in my early 30s, and the next was in my mid 40s...
at 21, you're still a fucking ignorant pinhead, run by your emotions and hormones, and not your brain.
No one under 35 who isn't in the military should be allowed to own a handgun, if emotional maturity is a real issue.

true, they are for some at that age they are a little more respconsible, not much, but a little more than most.....

imo i would like to see hand gun/ bolt action/ and shotguns be 21, i would also like to see, and i agree with the age, but somewhere between 30-35 for them with a heavy background check inculding military service, now if you service record has mental health and or a dishonable gun for you
Cmon ya fucks, treat guns like books. Ban that shit.

I hear trans people like guns. Jesus said we can't be having that shit, they will make the guns gay. So to get your guns into heaven you need to make it so they can't accidentally catch the gay, best to keep them out of the hands of everyone to get them through the pearly gates.
it's getting worse...but it was already fucking horrific.
One mass shooting per year is unacceptable, 100s is a fucking waking nightmare...perpetuated by shrimp dick redneck 2nd amendment freaks...i hope every one of them gets the karmic fucking they deserve.
Now that the "active shooter" has taken on a new profile,I sure as hell hope this incident doesn't spawn copycat shootings,man this shit has gotta end,how do people build up rage to this degree,how do they seemingly act on this rage in such a indiscriminate,emotionless,cold blooded manner.? How is it that this is uniquely an American problem?.Is there something telegenic happening in the US,yeah we have more guns than other countries but the mentality to randomly unleash heartless carnage points to something deeper.What prompts the heart to become this dark,is there some neuro electrical FK up in the brain similar to the CTE found in multiple concussed brains?