Gun control is coming

Your interpretation does not follow the context of the sentence in the 2A. Like a clock or a gunsight? "A well calibrated militia"? Even so, that interpretation does not mean unregulated.

My hostility to that absurdity stems from how originalists in the Republican Party are insisting on using that kind of argument to justify inaction on the storm of mass shootings and gun homicides we are experiencing every day in today's USA. SCOTUS CHOSE to overlook those words to favor "shall not be infringed".
The debating skills of you 2 men is off the charts in terms of depth,intellect,and general entertainment,if I wasn't aware this was basically a grow weed forum w/a political thread I'd think I was sitting at a high level think tank meeting, the depth of your back and forth exceeds my "crush level" by many fathoms.
The debating skills of you 2 men is off the charts in terms of depth,intellect,and general entertainment,if I wasn't aware this was basically a grow weed forum w/a political thread I'd think I was sitting at a high level think tank meeting, the depth of your back and forth exceeds my "crush level" by many fathoms.
Agreed, it was an entertaining, well presented back and forth with a little touch of sassy.
The debating skills of you 2 men is off the charts in terms of depth,intellect,and general entertainment,if I wasn't aware this was basically a grow weed forum w/a political thread I'd think I was sitting at a high level think tank meeting, the depth of your back and forth exceeds my "crush level" by many fathoms.
Given the low level of critical thinking and communication skill presented to this forum on a daily basis by the GOP MAGA and Q crowd, it's a relief to have a debate with somebody who has an informed opinion so that we can talk about a subject using the same set of facts. Disagreements about something that is grounded in objective facts and what is really known instead of speculation are opportunities to share and learn from each other. You are clear, direct and informed about the facts as well, if you disagree with something I say, I'll listen. I might reply in disagreement but again, if we disagree but stick to what can be known and share speculative ideas while admitting they are speculative, I'd love to have the opportunity. It would beat the dumbass propaganda repeated by the red crowd.

I hope to some day have a debate with an informed, honest and well grounded Republican but thus far, I haven't met one.
Given the low level of critical thinking and communication skill presented to this forum on a daily basis by the GOP MAGA and Q crowd, it's a relief to have a debate with somebody who has an informed opinion so that we can talk about a subject using the same set of facts. Disagreements about something that is grounded in objective facts and what is really known instead of speculation are opportunities to share and learn from each other. You are clear, direct and informed about the facts as well, if you disagree with something I say, I'll listen. I might reply in disagreement but again, if we disagree but stick to what can be known and share speculative ideas while admitting they are speculative, I'd love to have the opportunity. It would beat the dumbass propaganda repeated by the red crowd.

I hope to some day have a debate with an informed, honest and well grounded Republican but thus far, I haven't met one.
I grew up in a staunchly Republican household and absorbed my parents’ values. I voted for Reagan and Bush senior. However, I was not really aware of the way the “family values” Trojan horse of the dominionists was being mainstreamed. (I was also recovering from a stint as an enthused evangelical, which gives me a fine-grained view of both sides of that particular coin.)

With the coming and going of the first Gulf war and no correction of the Gipper’s stupid economics, I found myself realizing that the Party had left me (as a committed centrist) to its left. Since Clinton’s first campaign I’ve voted for Democrats for President, and my voting R for Congress and local sorta went away.

Now the Democrats have claimed the center and even some of the center-right, while the GOP has cleaned its house of moderates and actual conservatives. And don’t get me started on the Federalist Society!

Unless the Republicans once again want a republic, I’m done voting red. In fact my politics are now center-left. Automation encroaching means a job for everyone is an endangered concept, and a living wage has gone the way of the dinosaurs. (I now believe in some core social-democrat values, like free education and healthcare.) And of course my views on guns have undergone a sea change.

So I also am grateful for intelligent and respectful opposition. It’s a good thing to be around people who challenge my assumptions, induce me to look things up, and help me evolve my social awareness. Thank you.
Gun nuts: Puhleeze don't dive into the minutia of "what an AR-15 is", just note that more and more people hate your fucking guns and want them off our streets. If all gun fighter nation can muster is a defense based upon the Constitution and not an argument of reason, by all means do so. I do support the Constitution including the rights of people to get it amended. Simply citing the 2A without giving a good reason for selling these mass murder weapons is a losing argument. Eventually we will get that amendment changed. It's only a question of how many lives will be sacrificed to your unreasonable fears.

Washington becomes 10th state to ban assault weapons sales

Sales of AR-15s are now banned in Washington state, as are sales of dozens of other firearms the state has classified as assault weapons.

Driving the news: Gov. Jay Inslee (D) signed a measure into law Tuesday that bans the sale, manufacturing, and distribution of more than 50 specific types of semiautomatic firearms.

  • In addition to those models, the ban applies to all semiautomatic rifles less than 30 inches in length, as well as other semiautomatic firearms with features such as thumbhole stocks and additional hand grips.
The big picture: The new law, which took effect immediately, makes Washington the 10th state to ban sales of military-style firearms.

  • The others are: California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey and New York.
  • Washington, D.C., also has similar restrictions in place.
Gun nuts: Puhleeze don't dive into the minutia of "what an AR-15 is", just note that more and more people hate your fucking guns and want them off our streets. If all gun fighter nation can muster is a defense based upon the Constitution and not an argument of reason, by all means do so. I do support the Constitution including the rights of people to get it amended. Simply citing the 2A without giving a good reason for selling these mass murder weapons is a losing argument. Eventually we will get that amendment changed. It's only a question of how many lives will be sacrificed to your unreasonable fears.

Washington becomes 10th state to ban assault weapons sales

Sales of AR-15s are now banned in Washington state, as are sales of dozens of other firearms the state has classified as assault weapons.

Driving the news: Gov. Jay Inslee (D) signed a measure into law Tuesday that bans the sale, manufacturing, and distribution of more than 50 specific types of semiautomatic firearms.

  • In addition to those models, the ban applies to all semiautomatic rifles less than 30 inches in length, as well as other semiautomatic firearms with features such as thumbhole stocks and additional hand grips.
The big picture: The new law, which took effect immediately, makes Washington the 10th state to ban sales of military-style firearms.

  • The others are: California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey and New York.
  • Washington, D.C., also has similar restrictions in place.
40 to go....
I wonder how many years she's gonna get. She can't plead stupidity, perhaps she will demand her 2nd amendment rights! :lol:

Under Section 36(1) of the Firearms Act, a person must not supply, acquire, possess or use a firearm that is not registered. The maximum penalty for this offence is five years imprisonment unless the firearm is a prohibited firearm or pistol in which case the maximum penalty is 14 years imprisonment.
Firearms Offences (NSW) - Go To Court Lawyers

I wonder how many years she's gonna get. She can't plead stupidity, perhaps she will demand her 2nd amendment rights! :lol:

Under Section 36(1) of the Firearms Act, a person must not supply, acquire, possess or use a firearm that is not registered. The maximum penalty for this offence is five years imprisonment unless the firearm is a prohibited firearm or pistol in which case the maximum penalty is 14 years imprisonment.
Firearms Offences (NSW) - Go To Court Lawyers

It's perfectly legal to pack a firearm in your non-carry on baggage as long as it's not loaded

Australia is often held up as an example of how decisive action gun control can succeed in reducing deaths from firearms.

The country implemented sweeping gun-control measures after a lone shooter murdered 35 people in Port Arthur, Tasmania, in April 1996.

Rapid-fire rifles and shotguns were banned, gun owner licensing was tightened and remaining firearms were registered to uniform national standards alongside a hugely successful nationwide buy-back and amnesty scheme.

Gun violence has reached record levels in the United States, which is the only nation in the world where civilian firearms outnumber people. In Australia, there are approximately just 14 guns for every 100 people, compared to 120 per 100 in the US, according to the Switzerland-based Small Arms Survey (SAS).

How US gun culture stacks up with the world
The US also has more deaths from gun violence than any other developed country per capita. The rate in the US is eight times greater than in Canada, 22 times higher than in the European Union and 23 times greater than in Australia, according to Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) data from 2019.
It's perfectly legal to pack a firearm in your non-carry on baggage as long as it's not loaded
You are not allowed to import firearms into Australia without the required permission.

Firearms include rifles, shotguns, handguns, revolvers, pistols, muzzle-loading firearms and black powder firearms. Blank firing firearms, deactivated firearms and soft air firearms are also considered firearms. The importation of firearms into Australia is prohibited under the Customs (Prohibited Imports) Regulations 1956.
Permission to import

You need permission from your state or territory police or from the Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department. An appropriate firearms licence is required.

The import permission must be presented to the Australian Border Force at the time of importation.

When the firearm enters Australia, the Australian Border Force will undertake serial number checks and safety testing.

Penalties could apply if the required permission is not obtained before the goods arrive in Australia. This could include loss of your goods, on the spot fine, prosecution and large financial penalties.
What is the percentage of hunters in the United States?

Today, however, only 11.5 million people in the United States actually hunt. That's less than 4% of the national population.
While they were busy confiscating the obvious placed decoy weapon, with their eyes fixated on the shiny gold plating.. the real payload made its way through easily. A golden gun that does 1 shot kills? Psh.. that was chump change compared to what the other smugglers behind her got away with. She'll get paid off good for her deed, and just play it off like a innocent American that didn't know any better..
While they were busy confiscating the obvious placed decoy weapon, with their eyes fixated on the shiny gold plating.. the real payload made its way through easily. A golden gun that does 1 shot kills? Psh.. that was chump change compared to what the other smugglers behind her got away with. She'll get paid off good for her deed, and just play it off like a innocent American that didn't know any better..
Gun nut fantasy?

While they were busy confiscating the obvious placed decoy weapon, with their eyes fixated on the shiny gold plating.. the real payload made its way through easily. A golden gun that does 1 shot kills? Psh.. that was chump change compared to what the other smugglers behind her got away with. She'll get paid off good for her deed, and just play it off like a innocent American that didn't know any better..
It sure does prove that getting rid of guns is the solution to America's gun problem, there is a proven solution that works 100% of the time. It would work even better in Canada if not for smuggled handguns, it is hard to smuggle anything into Australia. Canada's gun death rate is 8 times less than America and it should be at least 20 times less than in the states.

How many lives would be saved if America had 20 times fewer gun deaths each year?

In 2020, the most recent year for which complete data is available, 45,222 people died from gun-related injuries in America. If America had gun laws like other democratic countries less than 2,300 would die each year, well over 40 thousand lives could be saved annually.

Since half of firearms deaths are suicides, that would mean about 1,000 gun murders a year for all of America and practically no mass murders.
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