Gun control is coming

What if a state banned guns, except for members of the national guard, who could possess them? You know the well-regulated militia; you need the SCOTUS to put a sharp point on the second and this is one way of doing it. More words were spent on the first well-regulated militia part of the 2nd, than on the shall not be infringed part and it would not infringe, since militia members (national guard) would be free to possess arms. Of course, the state would make provisions for the 4% of the population that hunted, with hunter safety courses and weapon rentals from the state hunting armory during hunting season and after that they would turn the gun back in. Signs at the state borders could warn visitors that it is a $10,000 dollar fine to bring a gun into the state for the first offense and they could reduce taxes quite a bit by snagging morons with out of state plates!

It would be no different than pot or abortion laws, one state it is legal and in the next state it is years in prison.
I can’t find it, but decades ago there was a scandal around a Japanese exchange student getting shot at the wrong someone’s door.

Doonesbury did a panel on it involving a DJ taking calls about it iirc. One caller pointed to a general decline in American values as a cause.

“I mean, what happened to the courtesy of a warning shot?”

GOP blocks gun reform as mass shootings surge: Ari Melber breakdown

45,147 views May 1, 2023 #msnbc #republicans #gunviolence
America's gun epidemic grinds on as authorities search for mass shooter who killed five people in Texas. There have been 181 mass shootings in first few months of 2023. The GOP is under renewed pressure as a new poll shows a majority of Americans back stronger gun safety laws.
I am 100% pro gun. I think anyone who wants whatever gun should be able to own it.....if they are responsible, and competent. now I also think there should be a specific class lisc for each type of weapon and you should have to get a psychological evaluation, competence testing, and the pay a certain fee to be able to own said weapon. And you should be tested at specific times maybe random etc.
People use knives as weapons. Ban all knives? Someone used a van to run up on the sidewalk and mow down people. Ban all vans?
Ban all knives over 12"?
Ban all 4door vans?
Not fair to punish people who genuinely enjoy sport shooting/hunting and play by all the rules for the sins of others.
I am 100% pro gun. I think anyone who wants whatever gun should be able to own it.....if they are responsible, and competent. now I also think there should be a specific class lisc for each type of weapon and you should have to get a psychological evaluation, competence testing, and the pay a certain fee to be able to own said weapon. And you should be tested at specific times maybe random etc.
People use knives as weapons. Ban all knives? Someone used a van to run up on the sidewalk and mow down people. Ban all vans?
Ban all knives over 12"?
Ban all 4door vans?
Not fair to punish people who genuinely enjoy sport shooting/hunting and play by all the rules for the sins of others.
Gun bans save lives, the gun death rate in America is 23 times than in Australia, the UK or EU, it is 8 times higher than Canada, mostly due to smuggled handguns from America. So, the way to reduce gun deaths is to reduce the number of guns with laws and regulations to increase the expense burden and liability of gun ownership. Cars and even knives have other uses, guns only have one purpose and that is to kill. About 4% of the population hunts and most actual hunting rifles are not the issue, weapons of war and handguns are though. Fair is what the majority thinks is fair, and the constitution allows, and it allows the regulation and taxation of guns and registration for taxation purposes. America will come to this conclusion in the not-too-distant future, Trump fucked the republicans, foxnews and even the NRA with Russian money. The stars are aligning for the first round of gun regulation, but it will just be the first round others will follow with each mass murder. Tax guns, it's time the freeloaders got off the taxpayers backs and paid the full financial costs of their vice to society and that cost is billions each year.
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I am 100% pro gun. I think anyone who wants whatever gun should be able to own it.....if they are responsible, and competent. now I also think there should be a specific class lisc for each type of weapon and you should have to get a psychological evaluation, competence testing, and the pay a certain fee to be able to own said weapon. And you should be tested at specific times maybe random etc.
People use knives as weapons. Ban all knives? Someone used a van to run up on the sidewalk and mow down people. Ban all vans?
Ban all knives over 12"?
Ban all 4door vans?
Not fair to punish people who genuinely enjoy sport shooting/hunting and play by all the rules for the sins of others.
What then would you do if charged with the task of reducing mass shootings by 90%? Please be specific.
I am 100% pro gun. I think anyone who wants whatever gun should be able to own it.....if they are responsible, and competent. now I also think there should be a specific class lisc for each type of weapon and you should have to get a psychological evaluation, competence testing, and the pay a certain fee to be able to own said weapon. And you should be tested at specific times maybe random etc.
People use knives as weapons. Ban all knives? Someone used a van to run up on the sidewalk and mow down people. Ban all vans?
Ban all knives over 12"?
Ban all 4door vans?
Not fair to punish people who genuinely enjoy sport shooting/hunting and play by all the rules for the sins of others.
Guards in schools, transparent backpacks, metal detectors, locked doors, armed teachers... Everything except addressing the real problem, guns are the problem, and the solution is not just apparent, it has been proven to work over and over again, there is no debate as to what the real solution is.
What then would you do if charged with the task of reducing mass shootings by 90%? Please be specific.
Is there really an answer? If someone wants to kill people, they will. You can make bombs with fertilizer...should we ban that too later?
Banning things doesn't work. Heroin is banned, and still smugglers bring it in everyday. Where there's a will there's a way. People print guns with 3d printers.... There's always a way around a ban. Just like anything, regulating who can own guns is more of an answer than anything. Simply banning something doesn't solve anything. It's just a bandaid.
Its a touchy subject I know.... I'm just voicing my opinion. Seems like the anti gun people are more angry than the pro gun people. Lol
Is there really an answer? If someone wants to kill people, they will. You can make bombs with fertilizer...should we ban that too later?
Banning things doesn't work. Heroin is banned, and still smugglers bring it in everyday. Where there's a will there's a way. People print guns with 3d printers.... There's always a way around a ban. Just like anything, regulating who can own guns is more of an answer than anything. Simply banning something doesn't solve anything. It's just a bandaid.
you’re evading. You’ve been given the JOB of reducing mass shootings by 90%, an eminently reasonable objective. Outline strategies.

Your post is a parade of false equivalences.
you’re evading. You’ve been given the JOB of reducing mass shootings by 90%, an eminently reasonable objective. Outline strategies.

Your post is a parade of false equivalences.
Lol. That's not my job. My job is to live my life the way I want to without being told what I can and can't possess. I'm a good person. I've never been charged with anything let alone a violent crime. I enjoy shooting and gun culture... Why am I not allowed to own what I want?
You can go as far as saying you're being a hypocrite with the fact you fight for weed which was a banned and controlled substance
Lol. That's not my job. My job is to live my life the way I want to without being told what I can and can't possess. I'm a good person. I've never been charged with anything let alone a violent crime. I enjoy shooting and gun culture... Why am I not allowed to own what I want?
You can go as far as saying you're being a hypocrite with the fact you fight for weed which was a banned and controlled substance
how many mass hotboxings have there been?
how many mass shootings do the antigunners commit?
A couple?
How many mass shootings do registered, licensed, responsible gun owners commit?
Silly questions to push your point.... Are there shootings? Of coarse. Is it a problem? Of coarse. It's absurd anyone loses their life that way. I dont have the answer, but I do know banning things doesn't work.