Gun Control


New Member
there is a good reason the government put down ex military as potential extremist threats to their government.they themselfs arei n violation of the constitution and the men they train to do horrible things upon their behalf might not like getting fucked.
I'm certain I wouldn't like it. I was trained over 50 years ago, but still retain enough gun knowledge to be dangerous. Still fire a mean group, with both rifles and pistols, of which I have knowledge of their whereabouts.


Active Member

1. An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject.

2. A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.

3. Colt: The original point and click interface.

4. Gun control is not about guns; it's about control.

5. If guns are outlawed, can we use swords?

6. If guns cause crime, then pencils cause misspelled words.

7. Free men do not ask permission to bear arms.

8. If you don't know your rights, you don't have any.

9. Those who trade liberty for security have neither.

10. The United States Consti tu tion (c) 1791. All Rights Reserved.

11. What part of 'shall not be infringed' do you not understand?

12. The Second Amendment is in place in case the politicians ignore the others.

13. 64,999,987 firearms owners killed no one yesterday.

14. Guns only have two enemies; rust and politicians.

15. Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.

16. You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive

17. 911: Government sponsored Dial-a-Prayer18. Assault is a behavior, not a device.

19. Criminals love gun control; it makes their jobs safer.

20. If guns cause crime, then matches cause arson.

21. Only a government that is afraid of its citizens tries to control them.

22. You have only the rights you are willing to fight for.

23. Enforce the gun control laws we ALREADY have; don't make more.

24. When you remove the people's right to bear arms, you create slaves.

25. The American Revolution would never have happened with gun control.


New Member
Having a carry permit does not mandate that I carry, but just knowing I can is good Karma for the soul. I think all law abiding (Including pot smokers) citizens should be allowed to carry. A gun class is required to obtain a permit. It ensures that the person is familiar with the laws and is proficient with the weapon on the permit.


Well-Known Member
I have no problem with gun classes for conceiled carry. thats fine and dandy IMO. Only thing is this isn't the UK or Canada this is the US and here we be armed like a mother fucker! Don't tread on us, we bite!

pool dude

Active Member
Fuck gun control... it's all about triger control. Seriously though I like every other gun owner can see the writing on the wall the bans are coming. Soon we will all have to pay for a foid card just to exersize my rights. I'm sure we'll all be alot safer hell look at Chicago it's safe right. Barry and his crew of commies should look at the real causes of violence like bad parents. Anyway you should all be buying as many guns as possible I have been...can't find ammo but at least I have the gun


Well-Known Member
L.A. Plans to Buy Back Guns
By EGP News Service
Angelenos who turn in a gun to the police department, regardless of whether it has been used in a crime, will receive a $100-$200 gift certificate as part of the city’s gun buy-back program, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa announced April 9.
On May 9, a day before Mother’s Day, the Los Angeles Police Department will be at 20 locations throughout the city to accept guns in exchange for $100 gift cards to Ralphs, persons who turn in high-caliber weapons will be eligible to receive $200 Visa gift cards.
LAPD officials do not plan to run ballistics tests on any of the collected firearms to match them up to unsolved crimes, in hopes that that will encourage residents to participate in the program.
The city has $70,000 for the gun buy-back program, and the goal is to collect as many guns as possible, the mayor said. The weapons that are bought back will be melted down and destroyed.
Print This Post Posted by admin; Filed Under: News Briefs; Tagged: April 16 2009 Issue April 16, 2009
turn in your guns people. you'll get some money :)


Well-Known Member
not sure why there were 2 quote boxes ??? but gun buy backs... they're going on everywhere


Well-Known Member
i remember some old men i knew that had just boxs of fucking garbage guns for parts.
some of the buy backs they used to have would pay 100 to 150 dollars for a gun. they would go buy 50 dollar guns and turn them in..all like raven 25 cals and jennings garbage guns.
they were making out fat on the gun buys of the 90s.
i always loved to see the boxs of guns these fools buy.all junk.not worth ten bucks.the lot of them.
no one ever turns in a colt or smith and wesson.unless it is junk.


Active Member
to even announce a gun ban or confiscation will cause ALOT of men to go hunting..there will not be enough bridges . rail roads ..roads .the power grid will be destroyed ...the water system will be destroyed other than wells or pumps..
keep fucking around see what it gets you..alot of people i know will not sit and wait for the government gestopo to show up at the door..they will show up at THEIR doors.instead of them showing up in mass with enough force fifty to one to take people down one at a time we will show up at their doors where their familys live while they are out acting like ass clowns and take their shit..and harm their familys..turn about is fair play..i know were every single cop in my area lives..the stupid bastards drive cop cars paying for it and the gas and insurance and repairs..they say it helps deter crime letting cops take their cars home. so i can pay all of their fucking bills then.fuck these communist jack booted thug mother fuckers i hate them with the intensity of the sun.

As i look through the barrage of door kicking, and violence, i agree with your root argument how ever, you're just giving them what they want, violence, a just cause to take away firearms, and honestly do you know much about the military? cuz it seems as if you dont, speaking from experience. you talk about us as if we're trained baby killers and thats fucked up mate. post with moderation, other than that i agree cuz your root point is, fuck em, we own em, we keep em.

"I've got the gun, i'll keep the peso's...yea that sounds fair"


Active Member
Government gun control, well in Basic training, they taught me how to control an M1 Garand, later they let me learn how to control a few other arms, M-14/AR-15, the rocket launcher was some fun shit, only got to fire one once, didn't learn much control on that one, but with the m-14, I fired the highest score in the whole Batalian, I'd say that was pretty good control. As far as them taking my guns, I won't say they cant, but they had better bring a few guns with them.

tho we disagree in politics, we agree on two things, guns and weed.

army eh? hooah what was your MOS?


Active Member
Anyway you should all be buying as many guns as possible I have been...can't find ammo but at least I have the gun
lotta good they'll do haha,

few guns LOTS of ammo = survival in a revolution

lots of guns little ammo = easy target

i'd be focusing on gabbin up as much ammo as i can before shit goes south.

ammo isn't impossible to find, if you look hard, grab a little per store


New Member
tho we disagree in politics, we agree on two things, guns and weed.

army eh? hooah what was your MOS?
I think it was 741.23, but that was a long time ago, Ordnance clerk. I tried to avoid the killing fields, although I did have to go on some dangerous patrols, delivering high explosives etc. Most of my time was in the rear, thank God, I never had to do box duty, but I saw them coming in. 18-25 year olds by the most part, cut down in their prime for some stupid as a brick politics. Gotta Stop the commies, and in the end, the commies won out, just like in the end, the Iraqis and the Afghanis will win out as we go Bust, Just like Russia. This stupidity, when will it ever end, Fucking idiotic people just need to learn how to get along, I mean, even here on this site we can't seem to get along. I don't see this civilization lasting much longer, too much pent up anger and frustration and a few folks have that magic nuclear trigger, can you say," bend over and kiss your ass goodbye".


Well-Known Member
As i look through the barrage of door kicking, and violence, i agree with your root argument how ever, you're just giving them what they want, violence, a just cause to take away firearms, and honestly do you know much about the military? cuz it seems as if you dont, speaking from experience. you talk about us as if we're trained baby killers and thats fucked up mate. post with moderation, other than that i agree cuz your root point is, fuck em, we own em, we keep em.

"I've got the gun, i'll keep the peso's...yea that sounds fair"
sounds like you have never did door to doors.
you want some door to door search;s going on your about road blocks all over the place.i dont know who you are. but i know who i am . and if they start gun confiscation i KNOW im not sitting and waiting my turn.
ill go turn em in..right up the street at my local cops home..
then ill go to the next one..then the next one.