Gun Control


Well-Known Member
That's one reason I opted for an AK/SK47 type weapon, Ammo availability. It is very available from all over the world, the peoples weapon. In Nam, grunts would pick up AK's and ammo from dead charlies and stash their M-16 in their tent. The russians make a real nice hollow point round for the AK, real cheap also. about 1/3 the price of .223 ammo. You can buy 500 rd. bricks at gun shows for about $100.00, sometimes cheaper. May have gone up in the last few years, havent bought any in a while.
You are correct, Med. And I agree that soviet-era designed weapons which chamber the 7.62 x 39 are extremely fine firearms.

The ammo is abundant and inexpensive, yes. However, one point you may have overlooked is future availability here within the U.S. Anytime the government wishes it can put a stop to the import of foreign made ammunition. And such a move would be tolerated far easier than any frontal assault on the production of U.S. made ammunition.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
its fine ammo i go out to the mojave for most of my shooting anyways. i just know when i go to the range the range masters walk up and down the the lanes with a magnet any ammo that is magnetized is not allowed as a fire hazard sort of silly but the range does start on fire a few times a year cali is very dry. but yeah its great ammo i assume your speaking of the stuff that has a weird greenish color on the shells sort of camo i guess.


Well-Known Member
the greenish color is a protect to keep the metal cases from rusting.
american ammo is made out of brass and it will not rust.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
i feel steel or aluminum cased ammo beats up the firearm more (brass is much softer) so i avoid except through ak type weapons but i dont like to shoot wolf brand blazer brand or other steel or aluminum cased ammo through any of my higher end firearms. plus you cannot reload it. good for plinking or training though imo.


Well-Known Member
man looking at gun prices, i wish i would have bought more guns.. i had a buddy who was selling 5 milled aks for 500 a pop.. same ones going for 1200 now LOL

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
1200 for ak's now wow. you use to be able to buy chinese ones for like 350 that sucks. that means ar's must be terribly expensive now.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
ar's have always been expensive thats true 750 to 2800. ak's were cheap 10 years ago i hope the ar price did not go higher than it already was.


Well-Known Member
you cant even get ars right now.. parts for them are very hard to get, and even a base bushy is about a grand from a private seller.. try getting one from a dealer and you are for sure paying 1300 or more for a base model.. but to get one worked on with some nice accessories you are easily pushing 2500 dollars without breaking a sweat...

id rather have a new ak anyways.. much more reliable, cheaper ammo, and more rugged.. if TSHTF and guerilla warfare is happening, id rather have an ak for sure


Well-Known Member
and guess what, no matter how sacred life is, nothing gets off this planet alive.. and if someone wants to take my life, they will have to give me theirs

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
guns = death

all life is sacred :peace:
I agree with you that life is sacred and should be respected...two questions though.

If somebody were attacking you with intent to kill you and an armed person came to your aid would you refuse it?

How do you propose to take guns away from those that already legally own them and harm nobody? Would you use guns?


Well-Known Member
Guns = Liberty
Guns = Life
Guns = How we got this country in the first place.
Guns = Deserving of your respect because without them you would be a slave.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
there will always be bad people as long as people exist so unfortunately good people need to be armed. its just the way it is and always has been and the way its always going to be.


Well-Known Member
and guess what, no matter how sacred life is, nothing gets off this planet alive.. and if someone wants to take my life, they will have to give me theirs
Actually, there's some people called Astronauts or Cosmonauts that do get off this planet alive. (Sorry, couldn't resist making a smart ass comment.)

As far as not escaping life alive, nothing does that.

Well except the Mythical Phoenix.


New Member
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]"To my mind it is wholly irresponsible to go into the world incapable of preventing violence, injury, crime, and death. How feeble is the mindset to accept defenselessness. How unnatural. How cheap. How cowardly. How pathetic." ~ Ted Nugent[/FONT]

