gun law reform... please!


Well-Known Member
The idea that the Federal Government could force everyone to give up all the firearms is a dream. The idea that they would go house to house through HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of homes is preposterous. aint gonna happen.

No such thing as kitchen table gun dealers anymore
You must of been in it like 20 years ago


Well-Known Member
I don't know what has caused the fatidemic, but I feel it has more to do with the fact that we use cars to get around, we are happy sitting still for hours typing on the computer or watching tv, Most jobs used to be manual labor, farm type most jobs involve sitting in a chair be a phone or computer. Peopls don't have to work hard anymore to survive and eat well...

I don't eat very healthy. I mean normal american fare...I eat fast food sometimes, and I put cheese on my veggies, I don't exercise as much as I am sure I should, but I am still not fat...

I feel like it has to be something else...something else is happening to these people. If not then I would be fat too. I mean I don't have some super metabolism or anything...I even have a weakness for candy and anything made of sugar. I am only pleasantly

I can't help but get pretty grossed out when I see those people in walmart driving the little carts around full of twinkies and diet coke...For god sakes, perhaps if you walk around the store your blood sugar won't skyrocket you straight into kidney failure after you eat that whole box of twinkies.

We have had autos for well over 100 years. We stopped being an agrarian society sometime in the 30's. You say you are "pleasantly chubby", who is to say that two decades previously, you would not be.

Note how the right argues against anything that might incriminate the corporate food industry. It is cars, no, it is atari, no it is our society, no, it is our concept of nutrition.

In short it is not something that is happening to "these people". It is something that is happening to US.


Well-Known Member
I am sure that arms manufacturers are partially to blame for the US love of guns...but I also think it has more to do with the people that buy the guns making the people that make the guns rich and powerful...

We know that big pharma does all it can to assist the diversion of certain drugs into grey or black markets, there are far too many oxys buzzing around for them all to have been taken from mom's purse.

We know as well that big firearms companies are perfectly willing to look the other way while their products are being funneled into grey markets. Want to control weapons? Start there.


Well-Known Member
Gun Control will never happen

I will tell you what will happen

Gunpowder tax
5000 dollars a ounce
law enforcment and military excluded

I'm predicting it right here on this forum
Gunpowder is easy to make in most of its forms, smokeless or black.


Well-Known Member
We know as well that big firearms companies are perfectly willing to look the other way while their products are being funneled into grey markets. Want to control weapons? Start there.
Do you have ANY proof whatsoever of a US Manufacturer of firearms doing this? Or are you simply stating that if Big Pharma can do it, well then the firearms guys MUST be doing it also since all big corporations break all the laws all the time. Is that about it?


Well-Known Member
Gunpowder is easy to make in most of its forms, smokeless or black.
And how many people would
1 actually make it
2 make a reliable product
3 not blow themselves up like the duponts did many times
4 not be able to buy the pre cursors
Look at the shit me th makers have to go thru now
and all the goverment has to do is regulate 3 ingredients


Well-Known Member
And how many people would
1 actually make it
2 make a reliable product
3 not blow themselves up like the duponts did many times
4 not be able to buy the pre cursors
Look at the shit me th makers have to go thru now
and all the goverment has to do is regulate 3 ingredients

While I agree that few people could or would actually make gunpowder - black or smokeless, I am quite certain that anyone will always be able to get the precursors, they are pretty basic.

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
And how many people would
1 actually make it
2 make a reliable product
3 not blow themselves up like the duponts did many times
4 not be able to buy the pre cursors
Look at the shit me th makers have to go thru now
and all the goverment has to do is regulate 3 ingredients
Yes, when the availability of the ingredients becomes restricted what then?


Well-Known Member
And how many people would
1 actually make it
2 make a reliable product
3 not blow themselves up like the duponts did many times
4 not be able to buy the pre cursors
Look at the shit me th makers have to go thru now
and all the goverment has to do is regulate 3 ingredients

sulfur, charcoal and salt peter.

95% of my guns don't use those ingredients in the propellant and neither do most people's firearms.

Guns haven't used those ingredients for over ONE HUNDRED YEARS!!!!

In fact most of the guns produced that did use blackpowder aren't even classified as firearms by the government.

Someone needs to acquaint themselves with firearms, gunpowder, smokeless powder..


Well-Known Member

sulfur, charcoal and salt peter.

95% of my guns don't use those ingredients in the propellant and neither do most people's firearms.

Guns haven't used those ingredients for over ONE HUNDRED YEARS!!!!

In fact most of the guns produced that did use blackpowder aren't even classified as firearms by the government.

Someone needs to acquaint themselves with firearms, gunpowder, smokeless powder..
Does it dimninish my argument that the precursors can be regulated?


Well-Known Member
I figure if we get teh guns away from the criminals then it would take down on a lot of gun related crimes...
But citizens fear that if they don't have a gun that hoards of criminals will descent upon them...when in reality the criminals would have fewer guns if they couldn't steal them along with your tv...He came for the TV and now he has a gun...this will only amp up his criminal efforts.
I don't think anyone anywhere should have a gun...because if nobody has them then nobody else needs them...
Whatever happened to a good old fashioned knife fight...Very few innocent bystanders get hurt in epic knife worry about a knife flying through your wall and killing your children.

If my house gets robbed I will try to fight you off, but I don't own a gun, nor will I.
I find it difficult to shoot targets and animals without a gun. Ever tried to chase down a 120 lb whitetail and stab it to death? Ever tried to stone a flushed pheasant out of the air? Difficult.

Guns are used for more things than killing people.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
The idea that the Federal Government could force everyone to give up all the firearms is a dream. The idea that they would go house to house through HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of homes is preposterous. aint gonna happen.
They did it to the people of hurricane Katrina.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Gunpowder is easy to make in most of its forms, smokeless or black.
100% agree. I am a hobby pyro and make fireworks. I make my own black powder because it is cheaper than buying it and I can make my own grain size. You only need potassium nitrate, sulfur, air float charcoal, and a ball mill. The first two chemicals are in so many things and medications there is no way in hell they could be banned. The charcoal is properly burnt wood in a crucible and is easily done at home.


Well-Known Member
They did it to the people of hurricane Katrina.
Disarming a few hundred people who stayed behind is different than kicking in the doors of 200 million. There aren't enough resources and the number of people they would have to fight would be staggering.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Disarming a few hundred people who stayed behind is different than kicking in the doors of 200 million. There aren't enough resources and the number of people they would have to fight would be staggering.
You are right, they don't have the resources to hit everyone at once. They would do it in small waves in small towns. Enough to where people sort of get used to and accept it, look how they are doing it with the TSA. Then move into more and more places while at the same time, doing it at a small enough level that people think they are being protected. If they get enough people to believe they are being saved instead of harmed, they will demand this.


Well-Known Member
Yet again, the gun toters here get all moist about the prospect of their high noon shoot out with government jack booted thugs. "cold dead fingers", nope. If there is any record of your weapon then you will simply surrender that weapon to your local armory, no one will visit you, no one will come and break down your door, you will willingly hand over your arms.

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
Yet again, the gun toters here get all moist about the prospect of their high noon shoot out with government jack booted thugs. "cold dead fingers", nope. If there is any record of your weapon then you will simply surrender that weapon to your local armory, no one will visit you, no one will come and break down your door, you will willingly hand over your arms.
Nice, before we give it to them should we put it in a box with our balls?