gun law reform... please!


Well-Known Member
The book specifically addresses the calorie-count fallacy. What sets it apart from the usual sensationalist tripe with a title like that is that it is a meta-analysis of the medical literature. cn

I am talking plain old physics.


Well-Known Member
The book specifically addresses the calorie-count fallacy. What sets it apart from the usual sensationalist tripe with a title like that is that it is a meta-analysis of the medical literature. cn
Carbohydrates and our INCREASING addiction to them is why people are fat, that and extremely sedentary lifestyles, both at work and at home. We used to labor for our sustenance, either in the field or on the job. Now we sit on our asses typing at the computer or watching the magic picture box. It ain't a conspiracy, it ain't anyone's fault but the fat-ass, if it were, why are only 1 in 4 obese?

I ate a 3 egg omelet with sausage and cheese, cooked in butter for breakfast yesterday. Lunch was a chef salad with Olive Garden creamy Italian dressing. Dinner was a grilled double cheeseburger on low carb bread and some steamed broccoli. I lost exactly 3/4 of a pound and didn't exercise. Such is the case pretty much every day for the last 6 weeks. Carbs are everything.


Well-Known Member
boo, communism.

Is that what you see Football? communism? So long as one believes that everyone's opinions are equal we can never resolve any issue and in fact we can never know anything at all.

You say it doesn't matter why we are getting fatter but we "should" do things differently as individuals. Again I will ask, why are we getting fatter?


Ursus marijanus
Carbohydrates and our INCREASING addiction to them is why people are fat, that and extremely sedentary lifestyles, both at work and at home. We used to labor for our sustenance, either in the field or on the job. Now we sit on our asses typing at the computer or watching the magic picture box. It ain't a conspiracy, it ain't anyone's fault but the fat-ass, if it were, why are only 1 in 4 obese?

I ate a 3 egg omelet with sausage and cheese, cooked in butter for breakfast yesterday. Lunch was a chef salad with Olive Garden creamy Italian dressing. Dinner was a grilled double cheeseburger on low carb bread and some steamed broccoli. I lost exactly 3/4 of a pound and didn't exercise. Such is the case pretty much every day for the last 6 weeks. Carbs are everything.
That is part of it: the demonization of dietary fat, and the blockade of the hazardous-carbs theory. cn


Well-Known Member
Carbohydrates and our INCREASING addiction to them is why people are fat, that and extremely sedentary lifestyles, both at work and at home. We used to labor for our sustenance, either in the field or on the job. Now we sit on our asses typing at the computer or watching the magic picture box. It ain't a conspiracy, it ain't anyone's fault but the fat-ass, if it were, why are only 1 in 4 obese?

I ate a 3 egg omelet with sausage and cheese, cooked in butter for breakfast yesterday. Lunch was a chef salad with Olive Garden creamy Italian dressing. Dinner was a grilled double cheeseburger on low carb bread and some steamed broccoli. I lost exactly 3/4 of a pound and didn't exercise. Such is the case pretty much every day for the last 6 weeks. Carbs are everything.

Seems whenever I get into these discussions someone has to tell me their dietary and excercise habits and go on to explain that if everyone operated the same way the problem would go away.

You claim that our "addiction" is increasing - all by itself? after, as I said, 50,000 years? Well, how about we just talk about the 220 years we have been here. We started seeing evidence of a problem in the mid to late 70's Now why did we all of a sudden start getting this addiction then and not 50 years prior or 10 years ago? And I stated that a current study indicated that our activities has little to do with our obesity. We are talking about a society, a society that is composed of different people all responding in different ways to differents stimulus. Not everyone becomes fat or becomes fat at the same rate.


Well-Known Member
That's at the very core of the fallacy. it's in the book. cn
I buy that there are differences in the actual uptake of energy from one substance to another. But I don't believe that cultural understanding of fat vs carbs contributed to our epidemic. in 1978 we ate 1876 calories per day. in 2006 we ate 2157 calories a day.



Well-Known Member
what a touchy subject. I simply said that I'm sick of seeing mass shootings. Is there anything that can be done, short of taking everyone's guns away, to stop this type of stuff from happening. I've already been told to listen... and to fuck off...
I figure if we get teh guns away from the criminals then it would take down on a lot of gun related crimes...
But citizens fear that if they don't have a gun that hoards of criminals will descent upon them...when in reality the criminals would have fewer guns if they couldn't steal them along with your tv...He came for the TV and now he has a gun...this will only amp up his criminal efforts.
I don't think anyone anywhere should have a gun...because if nobody has them then nobody else needs them...
Whatever happened to a good old fashioned knife fight...Very few innocent bystanders get hurt in epic knife worry about a knife flying through your wall and killing your children.

If my house gets robbed I will try to fight you off, but I don't own a gun, nor will I.


Well-Known Member
I posted the difference in caloric intake between 1978 and 2006 and I told you that recent scientific findings (they measured the caloric intake and excercise of a native tribe). Atari ain't in there.


Well-Known Member
A few? I believe we are talking about close to 1 in 4 are obese and many of those morbidly so. The problem has gotten so bad that the pentagon is fearful for our national security if things progress. I don't blame the eaters any more, I blame the supliers of these new "drugs" - salt, fat and sugar
I don't know what has caused the fatidemic, but I feel it has more to do with the fact that we use cars to get around, we are happy sitting still for hours typing on the computer or watching tv, Most jobs used to be manual labor, farm type most jobs involve sitting in a chair be a phone or computer. Peopls don't have to work hard anymore to survive and eat well...

I don't eat very healthy. I mean normal american fare...I eat fast food sometimes, and I put cheese on my veggies, I don't exercise as much as I am sure I should, but I am still not fat...

I feel like it has to be something else...something else is happening to these people. If not then I would be fat too. I mean I don't have some super metabolism or anything...I even have a weakness for candy and anything made of sugar. I am only pleasantly

I can't help but get pretty grossed out when I see those people in walmart driving the little carts around full of twinkies and diet coke...For god sakes, perhaps if you walk around the store your blood sugar won't skyrocket you straight into kidney failure after you eat that whole box of twinkies.


Well-Known Member
And all the other wonders,Plus our parents telling us they dont want us to work as hard as they had too.
Its not what you eat it is how much you eat!!! And that is a fact.
Part of the problem are parents who use video games as babysitters.
Kids sitting around all day/night drinking Dew and eating chips.


Well-Known Member
I posted the difference in caloric intake between 1978 and 2006 and I told you that recent scientific findings (they measured the caloric intake and excercise of a native tribe). Atari ain't in there.

So in your words the study that shows pot as being bad!! It really must be bad because the study says so......:wall:


Well-Known Member
And all the other wonders,Plus our parents telling us they dont want us to work as hard as they had too.
Its not what you eat it is how much you eat!!! And that is a fact.
I eat all kinds of junk food...I guess I just don't eat my body weight in a day....


Well-Known Member
I figure if we get teh guns away from the criminals then it would take down on a lot of gun related crimes...
But citizens fear that if they don't have a gun that hoards of criminals will descent upon them...when in reality the criminals would have fewer guns if they couldn't steal them along with your tv...He came for the TV and now he has a gun...this will only amp up his criminal efforts.
I don't think anyone anywhere should have a gun...because if nobody has them then nobody else needs them...
Whatever happened to a good old fashioned knife fight...Very few innocent bystanders get hurt in epic knife worry about a knife flying through your wall and killing your children.

If my house gets robbed I will try to fight you off, but I don't own a gun, nor will I.
And you don't think that the gun manufacturers are in any way complicit? As always, it is everyone's fault but corporations. Fascinating how corporations have managed to insulate themselves from blame for everything they do even when it is obvious.


Well-Known Member
Gun Control will never happen

I will tell you what will happen

Gunpowder tax
5000 dollars a ounce
law enforcment and military excluded

I'm predicting it right here on this forum


Well-Known Member
Partially true. I was a licensed gun dealer, a home business before I started having kids and got out of it because I had too many guns and kids in the house. During that time I had a few routine ATF compliance checks. Part of the check was they took copies of my sales and purchase records that I was required by law to keep. So the government got their copies and the checks always seemed to be before the time I could destroy the records. When I turned in my dealers license, I was required to send in ALL original sales paperwork within a very short period of time.
There are very few instances that a legal firearms dealer would need to contact the ATF, multiple fire arms purchased within a 30 day period was one of them, but during their routine compliance checks, they were getting all the information the wanted. If you don't comply with their demands, you loose your license and failure to comply is a criminal act.
The idea that the Federal Government could force everyone to give up all the firearms is a dream. The idea that they would go house to house through HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of homes is preposterous. aint gonna happen.


Well-Known Member
And you don't think that the gun manufacturers are in any way complicit? As always, it is everyone's fault but corporations. Fascinating how corporations have managed to insulate themselves from blame for everything they do even when it is obvious.
I am sure that arms manufacturers are partially to blame for the US love of guns...but I also think it has more to do with the people that buy the guns making the people that make the guns rich and powerful...