Happy thread :)

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He has photographers following him around with telephoto lenses, so if say during a couple of hours, someone has their mask off for a second or two, to let's say have a drink, they catch it and it looks like they spent the whole afternoon like that. They follow Fauci because rightwing disinformation sources will pay thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of dollars for the picture. Then idiots like Rob can post memes about it that they find on the NAZI and right wingnut websites they frequent that tell them what to think.

If they have a few seconds of video, it worth even more, then Foxnews can play a loop of it dozens of times a day to try and distort reality as best they can.

i ask because the ability to manipulate pics and vid have become seamless; you seem to have to be AV expert to find the flaws.

remember the other day when they said they would release info about UFOs i knew that had to be bullshit (not the presence of them) but the 'release info' i'm not sure why the distraction. but the news did come from the Pentagon..do you think anyone there had anything to do with the January 6 2021 Insurrection in which a President ordered people into sedition and treasonous acts? The president said he would be walking with them and the crowd in the back screamed like school girls seeing the Beatles the first time. when that time came he walked alright, right to the tent with teevees so he could watch.
The really big news is my friend Night Crawler got the shot. His last video started with him in Walgreens (in his super hero shirt) getting the jab. Night Crawler isn't always rooted in reality, so I was really happy to see he had done it. I'm sure Super Classy had a lot to do with it.


this could be his step back to reality..remind him what an accomplishment that was- do math for him and let him know how many people he potentially saved- a real super hero! a real man! real men save people. he'll encourage others. :clap:
this could be his step back to reality..remind him what an accomplishment that was- do math for him and let him know how many people he potentially saved- a real super hero! a real man! real men save people. he'll encourage others. :clap:
He was serious about covid from the start. It's the rest of life he sometimes gets sideways on. They were scheduled to do a thru hike of the AT last summer. But they took to their van and stayed in remote national forests all year. And they hike for a living so it was a big deal for them. When you are not posting new videos to You Tube no one is sending cash to Patrion and Venmo.

This clip from his 2017 thru hike of the AT is the best way I can explain Night Crawler.

Cheat sheet. Yellow Blaze is hitchhiking. Wild Flower was NC's trail wife.

I'd like to thank Rob Roy, though "not with a like", for that pic of Fauci with Gates. Gates has been pro-active for over a decade to prep this country for a pandemic. He threw millions, (20 I think), for research and aid for AIDS in Africa.
He could potentionally be considered a prophet for his vocal cries. Warning of such a pandemic.
As far as Fauci with no mask is that something like this?


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I'd like to thank Rob Roy, though "not with a like", for that pic of Fauci with Gates. Gates has been pro-active for over a decade to prep this country for a pandemic. He threw millions, (20 I think), for research and aid for AIDS in Africa.
He could potentionally be considered a prophet for his vocal cries. Warning of such a pandemic.
As far as Fauci with no mask is that something like this?

i noticed you didn't 'like' my baby stoat post.
He was serious about covid from the start. It's the rest of life he sometimes gets sideways on. They were scheduled to do a thru hike of the AT last summer. But they took to their van and stayed in remote national forests all year. And they hike for a living so it was a big deal for them. When you are not posting new videos to You Tube no one is sending cash to Patrion and Venmo.

This clip from his 2017 thru hike of the AT is the best way I can explain Night Crawler.

Cheat sheet. Yellow Blaze is hitchhiking. Wild Flower was NC's trail wife.

'trail wife' creeps me out but at least he has teeth.
'trail wife' creeps me out but at least he has teeth.
The trail is about as close to a classless society as we have. Night Crawler is poor. You can look at him and tell. But Wild Flower was old money. She got off trail because of her knee and he followed her to Long Island. Her dad's place was about 5 acres with tennis courts and swimming pools. He had been helping her pay her way. He didn't have a clue she was moneyed.
The Zipper Was In Front - Fact-Checking No. 45's Pants Scandal

After the internet delighted in the possibility that America's previous president was copying a look from the legendary rap duo Kriss Kross, people may be disappointed to hear that fact checkers have proven the president was not wearing his pants backwards at a speech in North Carolina last weekend.
The Zipper Was In Front - Fact-Checking No. 45's Pants Scandal

After the internet delighted in the possibility that America's previous president was copying a look from the legendary rap duo Kriss Kross, people may be disappointed to hear that fact checkers have proven the president was not wearing his pants backwards at a speech in North Carolina last weekend.

ohhhhhhhhh c'monnnnnnnnnn..not from what i saw. @Budzbuddha has the twitter link + he wouldn't leave. check his feed or maybe he'll leave the link here..it seems as if the pundits know he's gonna get psych soon and wish to be kind.
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