My older brother sold cars back in the day. He knows a lot about bullshit and people. It's the nature of the business

When I went shopping for my first nice car I was very impressed with the Kia / Hyundai 10 year warranty on the power train and 5 years on the bumper to bumper. As soon as I mentioned the H word to my brother the look of "what the fuck" washed over his face as his head began shaking back and forth. He explained that Kia's and Hyundai's are complete trash from inception to manufacturer. The company moves those pieces of trash because they slap a long term warranty on it to convince stupid bottom feeder consumers with shitty credit (Kia's bread and butter) that their cars must be built to the highest standards. Consumers are stupid and easily manipulated. My brother then explained why I should buy a Toyota, Honda, or a Nissan. He explained while the warranty may not be as good as Kia / Hyundai the car will last longer, be built better, and have a higher resale for the aforementioned reasons. Needless to say I bought a Toyota and couldn't be happier with my choice.
Buy the product that does the job the best, will last the longest, and gives you the most value for your money spent. It's really no more complicated than that, but slick salesman are great bullshitters
Edit: My personal feeling is the US based manufacturer's are significantly overcharging for their boards. Their selling point is that they are US based and they will get a replacement overnight shipped to you in the event of a failure under warranty. Again, why not just do business with a China based manufacturer and get twice the volume of lights for the same amount of money spent with a US based manufacturer? For me this is simply about getting the most value for my money spent and not paying more for something than it's worth.