Has Anyone Ever Puked from Smoking?

Around here we call them toke-n-pukes.... hah..... and it only happens when you take a fat hit..... and you cough until you puke.

Marijuana DOES NOT make you puke..... intense coughing will.
I have puked maby 3 times after getting high. for me its not usually the coughing. When happens is im just sitting down all chill, then i feel like i am falling down a never ending hole until i get motion sick ness. after that I feel fucking amazing.
i never have but my buddy took too big of a bong rip once and just barely missed me. if i hadn't of jumped out of the way it would have been all bad.
ive only ever been sick once and that was because i had ate to many sickly sweets and my friend threw up so i couldnt hold mine in

apart from that never, ive seen others be sick thou but only once or twice
If I'm drinking hard and smoke, I'll puke hard.

Alcohol + smoke doesn't work for me.. for some reason it's always been that way.
I puked the 1st time i smoked pot. Not Cause of the pot. I don't smoke any cigs. So I wasn't used to smoking. I Was also drunk off my ass when i tried it. So the coughing from the smoke made me sick with help from the drinking
ive dont that a couple times you al;wase know its coming tho cuz u get extreemy exausted and u can barely walk like the flu but after everything is normal
Ive puked once from smoking, but only because i was trippin on 4-5 grams of mushrooms and didnt realize how fat of a shotgun i was taking. funniest thing of my life though
It's been over ten years for me. I never puked unless I had consumed alcohol then smoked. For myself, cannabis and alcohol just dont mix whatsoever. I have superman'd a joint before that mad me puke my brains out from gaggin like a bitch :) Ive learned to stick to my bongs for sure :) I have also took too large of a hit that mad me cough till I puke....but I am now a very seasoned veteran and learned to stay within my boundaries. Granted I have a huge passion of smoking, but I am still human at the end of the day :)

Peace, Love, and Happiness
I actually smoked with my Aunt at a Haloween party last year and she hadnt smoked since the 80's and we were in a 4 man circle just shooting the shit with these huge hippies from my moms work that smoke top shelf stuff all the time because they smoke all day long, but meanwhile there were 2 White owl blunts of OG Kush and a joint of G-13..... needless to say 10 mins after they were all out I couldnt find her, she was in the bathroom puking her brains out and had to leave the party early...... She came out looking like death and asked me if it was lased..... lol I was laughing so hard I told her it was pure ganga and it wasn't the same stuff she was used to smoking back in the day, its the new school.

Introducing old school smokers to the New potent strains....... Priceless
we call it a whitey. its were your face goes white/green, you freeze but sweat, get bad dry mouth, you feel like your falling when you close your eyes and then you spew it and in rare occasions fainting, after threwing up your feel normal.

its from not eating properly before you smoke and your sugar levels get low and your body either makes you get the munchies to restore the sugar's in your blood or "go white/ go green" were the body flushes is self and reboots itself
lol yea i have once or twice but i think its cause i swallowed it down the wrong tube hahaha. XP
But then again i shouldnt swallow it at all...
but sometimes weed is so good you even want to eat it in its smoke form jk
we call it a whitey. its were your face goes white/green, you freeze but sweat, get bad dry mouth, you feel like your falling when you close your eyes and then you spew it and in rare occasions fainting, after threwing up your feel normal.

its from not eating properly before you smoke and your sugar levels get low and your body either makes you get the munchies to restore the sugar's in your blood or "go white/ go green" were the body flushes is self and reboots itself
man i didnt even know or think about that. hahaha. good call