Has the EU had enough of Israel?

I'm left wing - but I support Israel and feel they are held to a far higher standard than their Arab neighbours.

After WW2 the Jews should have been allowed to choose which ever part of Germany they wanted to call the Jewish Homeland
But it didn't happen like that and there's no going back.

That's probably the most intelligent thought I've heard on this subject to date, it's a shame it didn't happen.
I'd like to throw few regions of Italy in for good measure.
So all the bullshit from the past makes it ok to fuck the Palestinians today? That seems to be what your point is. Well, thankfully most of the world today disagrees with you.

the "palestinians" are foreigners living in a military occupation zone, engaging in insurgency against the forces maintaining that military occupation zone.

was the US any more kind and gentle with the german insurgents after ww2, unrepentant nazis engaging in sabotage murder and terrorism to attempt the resurrection of the third reich?

is the US any more gentle with the afghan foreign fighters staging their insurgency?

or the iraqi foreign militants in THAT insurgency?

israel is prosecuting their military occupation far less aggressively than the US does, and they are practically gentle compared to the arab suppression of their insurgency problems.

israel would have returned the occupation zones to the previous owners (the west bank to jordan and gaza to egypt) just as they did when they returned the (strategically vital) golan heights to syria and the (oil rich) sinai to egypt.

but jordan and egypt dont want gaza and the west bank back, because they are FUCKED UP and full of radicals, radicals they coddled and encouraged for decades, but who would turn on them at a moments notice if they accepted those stinking cesspools back into their folds.

the arab world stuck the jews with the tarbaby they created to destabilize israel, and they aint gonna touch it now.

you expect israel to bow to your uninformed and ignorant demands, but israel isnt that stupid. if the pallies stopped acting the fool tomorrow, they would be free in short order, but thats not what they want, they want israel destroyed, and dipshit muttonheads like you are gulping down their propaganda gleefully, since it reinforces your hate for "zionism" (which is just code for your hate for all of Das Juden, nobody is fooled Heinrich.)

israel doesnt exist in your comfortable fantasy world where submission to the demands of the barbarians placates them, and causes the savages to leave you alone.
What the fuck attacks are you talking about? Those bottle rockets from Gaza that hit nothing, where the reply from Israel is F15's that eradicate villages? Maybe nothing personal, but fuck you.

How would you think the united states would respond if Mexico or Canada fired rockets into our borders?
It's funny how all groups that are currently known as Terrorists were known as Rebels in the 90's. The States started naming them that, then Israel did the same, and then the Russians. Now protestors are Terrorists, if you protest energy companies that is. Amazing times we live in.

I like that hate in the rants from Dr Kynes, nice touch. The fact that most of the attacks are against Jewish Settlements on disputed land NOT ISRAEL like you said, right ? If you watch an American news broadcast they say Israel was attacked, in every other part of the world they say an Israeli Settlement was attacked. You said "the "palestinians" are foreigners living in a military occupation zone, engaging in insurgency against the forces maintaining that military occupation zone" so too are Settlers then. If they die that's their fault for being there much like the "Palestinians" they're both in the wrong, shouldn't have being there no need to retaliate with force of any kind. Didn't the Nazis also use the term Military Occupation Zone aswell ?

If Israel doesn't want the territories, why does it keep building homes and roads on the land?? Why keep killing and displacing those people on the land that are resisting those efforts? Which only increases the tension between the parties?

No other country in the middle east has America vetoing every UN resolution against them. They'd have so many Economic Sanctions on them right now if they didn't for the crap they pull. They wouldn't have a plane to fly the bombs to drop or the fuel to get it off the ground.They would have no way to Defend themselves Israel would have been destroyed or over run a long ago by the surrounding nations if not for America (and the billions they shower down on Israel for arms).
Not to mention the UN/World turning a blind eye to Israels Nuclear Weapons. Israel could launch Nuclear Weapons with impunity since they have a Missile Defense Shield to protect them and the rest of the middle east doesn't.

I liked the "jordan and egypt dont want gaza and the west bank back, because they are FUCKED UP and full of radicals" wouldn't you agree that killing the people and making orphans of their children may affect those children. Maybe they'd hate you for that? Maybe? Also "radicals they coddled and encouraged for decades" well living in concentration like camps for decades being held there by Israels Armed Forces as they roll through with tanks and dropping bombs etc..... hasn't helped Israel at all with winning the "pallies" over or forcing them out. You said they want to be there but then you also said they could be free if they stopped "acting the fool". So are these people currently free to leave but their hate for Israel binds them to the land or are they held there as captives and won't be free as long as the tomfoolery continues? And by what means will they use to leave if they shouldn't be there or if they're freed, when Israel makes sure they don't have an Economy? How can Israel claim to be the victim when Israel victimizes the people worst then Israel could ever be victimized in return. How does that make Israel the victim again?

I don't believe they are victims in anyway shape or form, they can't keep claiming that they are innocent in all of this while leaving a swath of dead in their wake. But things will never change and they will keep pulling the trigger and claiming to be the victims in all of this. With Israel and the Jews are you are either with them or against them it seems, there's no middle ground can't have that. If you can't or don't agree with their ideas or actions you're an anti-semite but if you do (You'd be an idiot) there would be no problem. But as it turns out I'm in the middle. I believe Israel has a right to exist and to defend itself, but I don't agree with killing people that attack their settlements on land they don't own and turns out they don't want, while calling it defending themselves against aggressors of no known nationality. Tarbaby is a racist term I do believe. Maybe Israel could spread a little of the American and German money to the "Pallies" and have them fuck off, well the ones they (Israel) haven't converted to hard core radicals might take the money and run. Then you'd only have a small genocide on your hands and nobody would bat an eye instead of the current much larger genocide at hand.
It's funny how all groups that are currently known as Terrorists were known as Rebels in the 90's. The States started naming them that, then Israel did the same, and then the Russians. Now protestors are Terrorists, if you protest energy companies that is. Amazing times we live in.

I like that hate in the rants from Dr Kynes, nice touch. The fact that most of the attacks are against Jewish Settlements on disputed land NOT ISRAEL like you said, right ? If you watch an American news broadcast they say Israel was attacked, in every other part of the world they say an Israeli Settlement was attacked. You said "the "palestinians" are foreigners living in a military occupation zone, engaging in insurgency against the forces maintaining that military occupation zone" so too are Settlers then. If they die that's their fault for being there much like the "Palestinians" they're both in the wrong, shouldn't have being there no need to retaliate with force of any kind. Didn't the Nazis also use the term Military Occupation Zone aswell ?

If Israel doesn't want the territories, why does it keep building homes and roads on the land?? Why keep killing and displacing those people on the land that are resisting those efforts? Which only increases the tension between the parties?

No other country in the middle east has America vetoing every UN resolution against them. They'd have so many Economic Sanctions on them right now if they didn't for the crap they pull. They wouldn't have a plane to fly the bombs to drop or the fuel to get it off the ground.They would have no way to Defend themselves Israel would have been destroyed or over run a long ago by the surrounding nations if not for America (and the billions they shower down on Israel for arms).
Not to mention the UN/World turning a blind eye to Israels Nuclear Weapons. Israel could launch Nuclear Weapons with impunity since they have a Missile Defense Shield to protect them and the rest of the middle east doesn't.

I liked the "jordan and egypt dont want gaza and the west bank back, because they are FUCKED UP and full of radicals" wouldn't you agree that killing the people and making orphans of their children may affect those children. Maybe they'd hate you for that? Maybe? Also "radicals they coddled and encouraged for decades" well living in concentration like camps for decades being held there by Israels Armed Forces as they roll through with tanks and dropping bombs etc..... hasn't helped Israel at all with winning the "pallies" over or forcing them out. You said they want to be there but then you also said they could be free if they stopped "acting the fool". So are these people currently free to leave but their hate for Israel binds them to the land or are they held there as captives and won't be free as long as the tomfoolery continues? And by what means will they use to leave if they shouldn't be there or if they're freed, when Israel makes sure they don't have an Economy? How can Israel claim to be the victim when Israel victimizes the people worst then Israel could ever be victimized in return. How does that make Israel the victim again?

I don't believe they are victims in anyway shape or form, they can't keep claiming that they are innocent in all of this while leaving a swath of dead in their wake. But things will never change and they will keep pulling the trigger and claiming to be the victims in all of this. With Israel and the Jews are you are either with them or against them it seems, there's no middle ground can't have that. If you can't or don't agree with their ideas or actions you're an anti-semite but if you do (You'd be an idiot) there would be no problem. But as it turns out I'm in the middle. I believe Israel has a right to exist and to defend itself, but I don't agree with killing people that attack their settlements on land they don't own and turns out they don't want, while calling it defending themselves against aggressors of no known nationality. Tarbaby is a racist term I do believe. Maybe Israel could spread a little of the American and German money to the "Pallies" and have them fuck off, well the ones they (Israel) haven't converted to hard core radicals might take the money and run. Then you'd only have a small genocide on your hands and nobody would bat an eye instead of the current much larger genocide at hand.

youre rant was full of fallacies, so i shall have to break it down and deal with each point in turn:

1 : "Rebels" and "Freedom Fighters" attack the government institutions and military forces of their opponent, they do not attack women and children, they do not strap bombs to retarded kids or brainwash their dumbass youth to blow themselves up in hospitals with the express intention of killing women, children and yes, even helpless infants. rebels and freedom fighters dont lionize people who attack PRESCHOOLS with machine guns in a foreign land, for no other reason than the kids in that school are the same ethnic group the rebel or freedom fighter says he is opposing. those assholes have always been "Hostis Humani Generis", enemies of all mankind.

2 : protesting is NOT terrorism. setting fire to a guy's house with his wife and children inside because he works for a corporation you feel is evil is not "Protest", nor is random looting of shops rioting or throwing molotov cocktails ate somebody because you dont like their policies.

3 : most attacks are NOT against the "settlements" directly, the "settlers" are heavily armed and quite willing to shoot. this is too dangerous for the pallies' courageous warriors of liberation. the attacks are almost always directed at a soft target, and the rocket attacks are invariably targeted (as much as those random POS rockets can be) at neighborhoods in israel proper. the rockets go OVER the border and into isrtael every fucking time. the pallies attack hospitals, schoolbusses and pizza joints because thats how they get their body count, attacking military installations doesnt engender terror, since military outposts are expected to be attacked.

4 : the world press always talks about pallies attacking "settlements" because that is how the world press views ALL of israel, as one giant illegitimate settlement. check the maps when you hear al jazeera talk about attacks on "settlements" and youll see they almost always mean a neighborhood within israel's pre-1967 borders. i can find only ONE example of an attack on israelis in a "settlement" in the west bank, and thats "the Itamar massacre" in 2011, which was simply murdering a family in their beds.
in Gaza, the pallies occasionally attack military outposts, but see, thats not terrorism. thats legitimate resistance. see how that works?

5 : the "settlements" are a bad idea, if israel plans on keeping the occupied territories, they should eject the pallies and claim it, thus ending the arguments about a pally homeland, if they dont want it, they should make it quite clear that if you buiold a house in the west bank or gaza, you are under Palestinian Rule and when the pallies get their shit sorted out and can finally be freed, you will be living in palestine. but the pallies dont WANT a pally homeland in gaza or the west bank, they want a pally homeland in israel, forcing srael to return to it's pre1948 borders, which is Non-Existence. thats what machmoud achmediniejihad meant when he said "the great ayatollah said "this illegitimate regime occupying jreusalem must be lifted/cleansed from the pages of time" and this is a wise thing" (which was accurately translated as "wipe israel off the map" in the western press, and by the iranian's own information ministry)

6 : "israel" does not "keep building homes" in the occupied territories, some israelis are doing that, sometimes with approval, sometimes without. the "displaced persons" are the descendants of persons determined to be ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT by the Hope Simpson commision long ago, they claim ancient rights and a historical tie to the land, but this was bullshit then, and it is still bullshit now. israel does not grant citizenship to illegal aliens or their offspring, no matter how many generations have squatted in their "refugee camps". and this is a wise thing. this entire line of argument is easily dismissed by the simple fact that 40% of israel's population, IN ISRAEL PROPER, are of arab descent, many are arab moslems, and they are as free as any jew, christian or druze in israel. the "Pallies" are illegal immigrants squatting on land that NEVER belonged to them. this is why they have no tribal leaders, which is unheard of in the arab world. they dont have tribal leaders because they came from many different trribes, from many different lands as opportunistic squatters.

7 : in 1948 israel had NO help from the US, in 1968, israel had NO help from the US, israel recieves aid NOW because they are viewed as a single solitary light of democratic stability in the midst of arab theocratic dictatorships.

8 : israel didnt create the pallie problem, the arabs did. they sent their unwanted population to the levant, encouraged them to set up squats and claim they had lived there for centuries. damascus is still printing out fake ancient land deeds by the truck load. the pallies dont live in "concentration camps" they live in "refugee camps" they created for themselves. these "camps" look like towns and cities to everyone else in the mideast, and luxury gated communities to people in war torn africa.

9 : the pallies are not attacked randomly by israel. the IDF attacks TERRORISTS who lob rockets at israeli neighborhoods. the pallies set up those rocket emplacements IN PALLIE NEIGHBORHOODS so they can feign outrage when the IDF blows them up. they even put rocket launchers on top of hospitals. this is cowardly, and if the pallies dont want to get blowed up, they should not allow the PLO, Hamas, hezzbollah, Fatah, and Al Aqusa to set up rocket launchers in their back yards.

10 : the pallies are not prisoners of israel. they can leave any time they choose. the problem is THEY ARE NOT WELCOME IN ARAB COUNTRIES! lebanon accepted a great many of them, and lebanon is now run by Hezzbollah, and their syrian backers. egypt will NOT accept even their own egytian residents from gaz back, because they are RADICALIZED MILITANTS and those militants will be militant against any government which does not submit to their demands, no matter if they are jews or arabs. jordan keeps it's borders on the west bank locked up tight, for good reason. the arab world shoved their excess population into the levant during the mandatory period, and when they failed to create a moslem theocracy in the 1948 ewar, and failed to destroy israel in 1968, the arab world left the "palestinians" to simmer in the pressure cooker they created. israel is not keeping the pallies in prison, the arabs wont let them leave, and they generally dont WANT to leave since they are told over and over, (by the world press, and dolts who repeat the PLO talking points) that when their liberation comes, THEY WILL OWN ISRAEL, and the jews will be pushed into the sea.

i could go on, but you clearly need to learn more about this conflict and the real motivations involved.
Oh look another manifesto written by limited means... Shove zions trumpet up your ass

historically verifiable facts.

if you had a rebuttal you would have used it.

instead you accuse me of being a booster for "zionism" (nice play Adolph.)
historically verifiable facts.

if you had a rebuttal you would have used it.

instead you accuse me of being a booster for "zionism" (nice play Adolph.)

Facts according to you aren't really facts, just copy/pastes and amalgamations of others words with a good dash of "look at me"... Sheltered and ignorant rednecks don't rate high on my list of humans.
I really need to get more informed, there is a shitton of Jew hate on this site that I never saw before and I still don't understand it.

I don't claim them to be perfect, but I didn't realize so many people thought of them in such a negative light.
I really need to get more informed, there is a shitton of Jew hate on this site that I never saw before and I still don't understand it.

I don't claim them to be perfect, but I didn't realize so many people thought of them in such a negative light.

I'm with you, the middle east is not a subject that comes up very often in my circle of friends.
Now that you mention it, there is quite a bit of hostility towards Israel on this site.
I'm with you, the middle east is not a subject that comes up very often in my circle of friends.
Now that you mention it, there is quite a bit of hostility shown towards Israel on this site.
. Well, MAYBE there should be hostility shown towards Israel's actions in regards to the treatment of the Palestinians on this site. Does Israel deserve any less? Or, do you think the status quo in the OCCUPIED territories ( as defined by numerous resolutions of the UN) is OK? Is Israel's actions towards the Palestinian PEOPLE, an acceptable treatment of ANY GROUP OF PEOPLE in the 21st century? If you think that it is fine, then you are part of the problem, as to the continued attempts to silence dissent by any group, in any country, anywhere, by using "Anti-Semitism" as a Trump Card. I mentioned tune in next week for an update on the ongoing crisis in the OCCUPIED TERRORITIES. Well, I didn't have to wait that long for Israel to further the complete destruction of any hope of peace in PALISTINE ( I prefer to use that term for the description of that area that was before the Jews STARTED to show up in 1945, and changed the maps). Today it was announced by Israel that a fourth zone of developed settlements would have to be added to any treaty, meaning that these areas of ILLEGAL settlements will not be part of any treaty. This was after Palestinian reps stated they might accept 2 zones, with compensation. Israel effectively stated that after all the land available for a treaty that could be agreed upon, they want 13% MORE of the total available land that would be available for a state of Palestine, and this is while peace negotiations are gong on. Every other week thousands of new settlements are announced, and it seems that the longer that the Palestinians sit at the negotiation table, the more land they fucking lose. So, if this site appears to chide Israel, well maybe they deserve it. How's that for a thought.
Oh, and Dr. Keynes, who I am sure will call me a racist, and probably a mutton head again, go fuck yourself and YOUR racist viewpoints, in that the Jews can do no wrong. Peace out.
Facts according to you aren't really facts, just copy/pastes and amalgamations of others words with a good dash of "look at me"... Sheltered and ignorant rednecks don't rate high on my list of humans.

still no rebuttal on the facts...

surely you can find something which demonstrates that this ignorant redneck is wrong.

certainly theres some information which refuted the hope-simpson commission, or changes the meaning of the mandatory documents, or the promise made by the brits to the jews.

maybe the syrians will fabricate some "ancient documents" for you if you ask real nice.
. Well, MAYBE there should be hostility shown towards Israel's actions in regards to the treatment of the Palestinians on this site. Does Israel deserve any less? Or, do you think the status quo in the OCCUPIED territories ( as defined by numerous resolutions of the UN) is OK? Is Israel's actions towards the Palestinian PEOPLE, an acceptable treatment of ANY GROUP OF PEOPLE in the 21st century? If you think that it is fine, then you are part of the problem, as to the continued attempts to silence dissent by any group, in any country, anywhere, by using "Anti-Semitism" as a Trump Card. I mentioned tune in next week for an update on the ongoing crisis in the OCCUPIED TERRORITIES. Well, I didn't have to wait that long for Israel to further the complete destruction of any hope of peace in PALISTINE ( I prefer to use that term for the description of that area that was before the Jews STARTED to show up in 1945, and changed the maps). Today it was announced by Israel that a fourth zone of developed settlements would have to be added to any treaty, meaning that these areas of ILLEGAL settlements will not be part of any treaty. This was after Palestinian reps stated they might accept 2 zones, with compensation. Israel effectively stated that after all the land available for a treaty that could be agreed upon, they want 13% MORE of the total available land that would be available for a state of Palestine, and this is while peace negotiations are gong on. Every other week thousands of new settlements are announced, and it seems that the longer that the Palestinians sit at the negotiation table, the more land they fucking lose. So, if this site appears to chide Israel, well maybe they deserve it. How's that for a thought.
Oh, and Dr. Keynes, who I am sure will call me a racist, and probably a mutton head again, go fuck yourself and YOUR racist viewpoints, in that the Jews can do no wrong. Peace out.

mmm so factual, so laden with references to documentation.

you support your assertions about as well and echie does.

check this documentary on the "Oppression" of the pallies if you dare.


my favorite part is when the "Victims" of jewish violence fall off their funeral biers and then all by themselves, climb back on, to continue their mournful procession and their fake burials.
. Well, MAYBE there should be hostility shown towards Israel's actions in regards to the treatment of the Palestinians on this site. Does Israel deserve any less? Or, do you think the status quo in the OCCUPIED territories ( as defined by numerous resolutions of the UN) is OK? Is Israel's actions towards the Palestinian PEOPLE, an acceptable treatment of ANY GROUP OF PEOPLE in the 21st century? If you think that it is fine, then you are part of the problem, as to the continued attempts to silence dissent by any group, in any country, anywhere, by using "Anti-Semitism" as a Trump Card. I mentioned tune in next week for an update on the ongoing crisis in the OCCUPIED TERRORITIES. Well, I didn't have to wait that long for Israel to further the complete destruction of any hope of peace in PALISTINE ( I prefer to use that term for the description of that area that was before the Jews STARTED to show up in 1945, and changed the maps). Today it was announced by Israel that a fourth zone of developed settlements would have to be added to any treaty, meaning that these areas of ILLEGAL settlements will not be part of any treaty. This was after Palestinian reps stated they might accept 2 zones, with compensation. Israel effectively stated that after all the land available for a treaty that could be agreed upon, they want 13% MORE of the total available land that would be available for a state of Palestine, and this is while peace negotiations are gong on. Every other week thousands of new settlements are announced, and it seems that the longer that the Palestinians sit at the negotiation table, the more land they fucking lose. So, if this site appears to chide Israel, well maybe they deserve it. How's that for a thought.
Oh, and Dr. Keynes, who I am sure will call me a racist, and probably a mutton head again, go fuck yourself and YOUR racist viewpoints, in that the Jews can do no wrong. Peace out.
The Jews are fucking great. They contribute a lot to the world. They invented copper wire fighting over a penny. Their contributions to the world cannot be understated.

The Palestinians, on the other had, are completely fucking worthless. They make good kibbie, that is about it.

If they were worth a fuck, the place would have been worth a fuck before it was made into the Jewish state. Basically the Jews got the most worthless piece of property on the planet. They have turned it into a fairly decent spot.

The Jews have not started one single war over there. Every conflict has resulted from aggression and offensive preparation by their neighboring countries.

So how to the Jews treat the Palestinians? Just how they deserve to be treated.

Why should Israel negotiate with them as equals? They are not equals. If Israel gives them anything, they should consider themselves lucky. Israel would be well within their rights to evict every last one of them and force their relocation to other places, and I'm fine if its the bottom of the Mediterranean.