Has the EU had enough of Israel?

Mythology is factual data. You heard it here folks.

another failure of a strawman created by AbandonIntellect.

you probably all saw that one coming though.

the inverse of your strawman is the equally absurd:

"Mythology is entirely fictional."

i guess we can all see why you embrace Marxism, while demonstrating a complete ignorance of Marxism's principles.

Thinking is hard. I can understand why you abandoned it.
When you don't have an argument, just do like Kynes and lie.

actually i MADE my argument. you have chosen to deform it beyond recognition, until it takes a shape that you can more easily attack.

the fact remains, despite your ignorance and stupidity, when you strip away the layers of religious bullshit and mysticism, the torah contains large amounts of historically useful information.

a great deal of it has been supported by modern science, particularly archaeology.

this does not mean moses magically parted the red sea, snakes can talk, or black people are black because a mythological figure allegedly murdered his equally mythological brother over some religious bullshit.

that is your strawman, and it is weak, even by strawman standards.

the torah and the talmud provide a great deal of insight into the customs, events, and lives of the REAL people and ACTUAL places it discusses, though it does include a lot of bullshit about imaginary people, and imaginary places too.

thats why you despise it so, you lack the ability to separate bullshit from fact, cuz thinking is hard.

you abandon intellect in favour of a weak, easily defeated imaginary opponent, though even your strawmen often kick your ass.