Having a problem with a professor at school


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever have a problem with a professor at school? There's a long and short version of my story and I don't think everyone wants to sit and read the whole thing but basically I got screwed when the seller I bought my books from online didn't ship the books in time--so I basically was screwed for the first assignment. I filed a complaint with the seller and printed out this complaint to bring to class to show the professor that I wasn't just BSing him I actually did make an attempt to get the book but it was beyond my power.

He basically said "not to sound cold hearted but it's not my problem" which kind of got on my nerves but I kept my composure. I had basically written an essay on the small amount of readings I was actually able to do, but he wasn't going to take it because I didn't print out 2 copies (there are two professors in the class). I understand that it's college and you're supposed to take "personal responsibility" but it was out of my control at that poitn there was nothing I could do. I just kind of think the guy is being a dick to me and the semester has started off on a bad foot.

I think it's definitely a salvageable situation and I'm going to do my best not to get into an argument with the guy again, but I wanted to know if there was anyone else who ever had a problem witih a professor at school.

Thanks :blsmoke:

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
It really isn't his problem....could have borrowed someones book or took it and made copies. You're really just blaming him for not doing more to get it done. My professors don't give me shit because I don't make excuses. You had options. He knows that. You didn't use them.

Now you got your book bust ass and get good scores and he wont have a problem with you.


Well-Known Member
A.) Your School's library SHOULD have a copy to check out.
B.) You could become "friends" with someone in the class and partner up and share the book.
C.) Be persistent, ask for extra credit, mercy, and let this guy know that you're serious.
D.) If all else fails, audit or drop that class QUICK.


Well-Known Member
i feel for you, but i also understand where the teacher is coming from. When did u order the book in relation to when you registered? did you wait till last week to get it? if u did it last minute then its your fault, i cant see a book taking more then a week or so to come. Professors have ~13 weeks to teach a whole textbook worth of material, and they are going to get into the work asap. If you are unprepared for class then its not their problem, they arent going to change the syllabus for one student. Did you look to see if your school lib has a refrence copy of it? most do, i know mine does. GL man and next time get on that early or find ppl who already took the class.


Well-Known Member
I agree with all the above posters, at the very least you could have gone to the library and checked it out long enough to read the material and completed the assignment. I've been in school 3 weeks and didn't buy my geo book till yesterday but I would spend a few hrs before class in the library reading the text and taking notes. In College you are only wasting your time and money unless u put forth the effort tO be there.


Well-Known Member
If he makes an exception for you, he can be accused of favoritism or academic dishonesty. Had you approached him before the assignment was due, perhaps he had an extra copy he could have loaned you? Your school library resources? Hell, Google probably has most of the damn book, it only skips a few pages here and there and you can piece that together.....

You have to learn that life is rough. Your actions or lack thereof brought about a consequence. To simply state 'I did my part by buying the book online' would be irresponsible. When he said he pained him to say no, he meant it. You should not have put him in that situation. Apologize and man up.... That is what I would do.


Well-Known Member
So you didn't do your book report and your teacher gave you attitude, like he tried to guilt you into doing your work next time. You should be glad he even cares that you don't care. We need more teachers like him, what middle school does he teach in? I would like to thank him myself.....oh and grow up, JR


Well-Known Member
Lol... that's how most professors are and should be... I'm guessing you're new to this college thing?

and yeah, I've had problems with professors, lots, but it IS your personal responsibility, and you alone have to deal with this. This is actually quite a trivial problem, as all the sensible suggestions that were posted have indicated. I can't even recall how many classes I took without getting a book (for finalcial reasons, couldn't find it, whatever) yet I had no problem getting the material, yeah I had to go out of my way, but that's college. You can either have the "learned helplessness" attitude, or you can act like an accountable adult :D

Also, a word of advice, unless it's a letter from a doctor or a judge, most notes you bring in will make you look silly.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
this reminds me of when i had just started college. it was a rude awakening. it's kind of surreal to go from high school where you get your hand held to college and BAM. they don't care if the bus ran late, they don't care if the library was being fumigated, and they certainly don't care if you can't get your book. it's completely outside the realm of their concern, much like real life. an advertising executive can't show up late for a meeting without his presentation and blame someone else. it just doesn't work that way, no matter what his excuse is.