Originally Posted by hanimmal
What good would that do? You seriously think that if they provided a birth certificate at this point you would believe it? Mind that this would be coming from the Obama administration, that you have proven to not trust anything that they have said or done, and repeatedly called a nazi or socialist.

And even if you lie and say you would, the other birthers out there have said that they would not.

Yes I do think it will solve all the problems. All he needs to do is pick up the phone and have the long form released.

A better question might be why all the fuss about NOT releasing it? Why all the fuss about NOT releasing any papers where Obama has signed off on his origin of birth?

These are not outrageous questions, but questions in response to crazy patterns. Patterns made by Obama himself and no one else. this is a mess of his own doing and only he can resolve it. He chooses not to..... why? It certainly isn't helping him lead!! It certainly is hurting his administrations credibility! The polls are GROWING against him!

The common sense thing to do is clear the decks of dissension, but alas no, that option cannot be taken....why?

The answer is right in front of you......

You are right the answer is right in front of me, I highlighted it in red.
The only thing in red is the American taxpayer.

Everyone acts like it is some kind of hardship for Obama to release the documents. It isn't I assure you.

It's the fallout from releasing the documents Obama is very afraid of.

It leads me to believe he cannot be trusted. Obama has given me other amazing examples, but this is one more for the pile of dishonesty....from the Administration of HOPE and CHANGE. Uh huh.....

Wow were you guys taken in....:roll:
The only thing in red is the American taxpayer.


Everyone acts like it is some kind of hardship for Obama to release the documents. It isn't I assure you.

It's the fallout from releasing the documents Obama is very afraid of.

It leads me to believe he cannot be trusted. Obama has given me other amazing examples, but this is one more for the pile of dishonesty....from the Administration of HOPE and CHANGE. Uh huh.....

Wow were you guys taken in....:roll:

You say there is so much stuff, but it is false accusations after false accusations, the one thing that I can point to showing him doing actual illegal (or even shady really) shit on this website was the firing of the attorney general for him not dropping charges on the mayor of Sacremento.

You just don't want to see anything positive about him and are completely willing to swallow anything tossed your way even if it is by the nuts like Alex Jones.
no, it's just the same "request"., not an accusation. The accusation comes from the omission.

Let's try another angle of the same slice of pie. Okay, the COLB is considered to be the "short" form. The original is the "long" form.

One is a legal medical document..... the other is not.

But let's put that aside even though that reveals motive.

So, other than the legal issue, what's the difference between the two forms? In your opinion...... a big difference, or maybe not so much?

Tell me what you think the differences between the COLB and the original.
So, other than the legal issue, what's the difference between the two forms? In your opinion...... a big difference, or maybe not so much?

Tell me what you think the differences between the COLB and the original.

To be honest I don't really care about this at all, aside from the stupidity that it represents.
To be honest I don't really care about this at all, aside from the stupidity that it represents.

The stupidity of Obama not just saving an infinite amount of time and labor and letting the public see his birth certificate so that this answer can be resolved?

I see plenty of stupidity there, unless Obama is in fact not a citizen, because only that would explain why he has spent so much money (Nearly $2 Million) attempting to block access to his Long Form Birth Certificate, School Records, and other attempts to force him to prove his citizenship.

While you may think that it is irrational that people believe that this is important, you are doing nothing but exposing your far leftist ideals, and utter disregard for the Constitution in the same way that Obama is when he continually refuses to show that he is in fact Constitutionally qualified to hold the office that he was elected to. If he was not qualified then he had no business to run. If he is not qualified then he needs to be impeached, and then perhaps to set an example that will echo through out the future, be drawn and quartered and have his entrails fed to dogs.
It is again... an issue of principal.

He has provided evidence which survived and continues to survive the scrutiny required to be president. If I asked you to demonstrate that you weren't on welfare... what do you suppose you would suggest I do to myself? Making that call would serve only to appease, for the briefest of moments, half of the people who are in sworn opposition of Obama. The other half will call it a forgery and insist on conspiracy... because it is intoxicating to people already motivated to distrust. Let's look at it this way...

While you spend your time mired in research of a ludicrous claim of illegitimacy, which has already been scrutinized and satisfied at the highest levels... he moves forward with his agenda. You spin your wheels, while he sets a precedent of non-disclosure. The louder you yell, the less legitimate you appear... and the more he chuckles.

There is a reason the CIA doesn't deny claims waged against them... It is the smartest policy when you DO have something perhaps you don't want out there... and we all have skeletons... some have graveyards worth. A policy of non cooperation is the best policy when you are given the power to shatter worlds. No chance my will would be broken by people who can be compared to moon landing deniers.

Why on earth would he go above and beyond the call of duty for a ridiculous demand from people who are only going to switch immediately to something else to detract from him? Why on earth would he want to satisfy YOU? It does nothing but serve his goals to not tell you anything. This keeps you busy... and makes you look ridiculous. If it were me... no chance I would cater to the haters. Go fuck yourselves. Be mad. Hahahahahaha. That would be my position.

So cracker... prove to me that you aren't on disability.
Guys, they will never prove or disprove this. The powers that be want this dude in office.

If the term 'the powers that be' indicate the people of the United States, then yes, they want him in office. They sure as hell voted him in. And aren't the people of the US penultimate? Even more so than the constitution?
God what... huh, that is so disturbing I cannot even read your posts. The naked Kim pic was less offensive.
*Thinks jrh doesn't know what penultimate means...

*thinks what...huh cannot detect sarcasm....

But we know how you like to be right, so think what you want. Between you and Cracker, I don't see how there's enough bandwidth on this site to fit both of your inflated egos. Sad.
Sarcastic or serious, it is an improper use of the word. It is not my ego which is threatened here.

We all like being right. The only unusual thing about me, it could be said, is that I admit when I am not.

*You must feel as though I am picking on you, when I am just picking at you. I think you are a valuable member. Our ideologies are VERY different, but I believe the board would suffer your loss. I have never given you anything but +rep. You are a bit smug though, and to stick it to you a bit when you make a VERY rare mistake is funny to me. I defer to your obvious prowess of philosophy, however I own vocabulary.

I am sure if I made an incorrect statement about a philosophical premise you would correct me... would you not?
I'm not sure how the whole release of vital records thing works in Hawaii... but I know for a fact that some states have completely done away with the so-called "long form" birth certificate. They aren't filed for new births, and existing birth records have been computerized and the "originals" filed away. If I went into the vital records department and asked for a "long form" birth certificate, they would all laugh at me - then hand me the "certification of vital record" form that NOW serves all the same purposes as the original "long form" certificate.

In short, if he doesn't have his original birth certificate - he's never going to get it. I lost my "long form" certificate years ago, and they CANNOT replace it with the same document and DO NOT issue "long form" certificates anymore, period.
There is also the fact that on the first day in office he signed an executive order to which he DOES NOT need to present any "Presidential Records"/documents clarifying anything about himself ..FOR ANYONE. That's kinda sketchy considering all this kerfuffle about his birth whereabouts...