Her home in kenya....
it's fairly common knowledge in Kenya that Obama was born there. Even the ambassador from kenya has said so. They aren't aware of the constitutional issue, just as we are unaware of their constitutional limitations in kenya. They simply speak the truth as they know it.

Of course, again, any original BC will do.

I will also accept as proof his college admissions applications. (off limits by the way.... why?)
the man screen name is cracker jax
that alone tills you what hes about
he dont think for himself
he doent like anyone who's skin is dark or jew, and he dosnt know why
it just what he been doing for so long
if aliens droped out of the sky he'll attack them
before even giving them a chance to here there message

the sad thing about guys like this is they really are loners
if the only race on the planet was his, he'll still find something to not like about them cracker's
hate, hate, hate
these people fight with each other more then what ever full of shit cause that they have on there agenda
just 3 years ago they where shouting "we dont' agree with everthing pres. bush say's but we suport hem because he is the pres.... you shouldn't be bad mouthing the pres. he are commander, and it make us appear weak to other super powers". but now that a BLACK MAN is in the chair its a nother story.....
Her home in kenya....
it's fairly common knowledge in Kenya that Obama was born there. Even the ambassador from kenya has said so. They aren't aware of the constitutional issue, just as we are unaware of their constitutional limitations in kenya. They simply speak the truth as they know it.

Of course, again, any original BC will do.

I will also accept as proof his college admissions applications. (off limits by the way.... why?)
where's the interview were this was asked and that answer was given

where's the interview were this was asked and that answer was given

where's the interview were this was asked and that answer was given

where's the interview were this was asked and that answer was given

where's the interview were this was asked and that answer was given

where's the interview were this was asked and that answer was given

where's the interview were this was asked and that answer was given

where's the interview were this was asked and that answer was given

where's the interview were this was asked and that answer was given

where's the interview were this was asked and that answer was given

where's the interview were this was asked and that answer was given
Her home in kenya....
it's fairly common knowledge in Kenya that Obama was born there. Even the ambassador from kenya has said so. They aren't aware of the constitutional issue, just as we are unaware of their constitutional limitations in kenya. They simply speak the truth as they know it.

Of course, again, any original BC will do.

I will also accept as proof his college admissions applications. (off limits by the way.... why?)

That's enough, troll.:finger: I'll provide the lack of college admissions debunking when you provide proof that you Graduated from elementary school.:dunce:
Here, chew on this for awhile... lawdy, what's next?

I'll still settle for his college admissions which are Off Limits as well.... curious.


What does Pelosi know about Obama's eligibility?

Online images for certification of nomination raise questions

September 11, 2009

By Bob Unruh

A commentator at Canada Free Press says he has obtained copies of two
documents apparently prepared by Democrats to certify Barack Obama as
their nominee for president in 2008 that suggest House Speaker Nancy
Pelosi knew there was an unresolved issue with his eligibility under
the U.S. Constitution.

Writer JB Williams describes himself as a "no nonsense commentator on
American politics, American history, and American philosophy." And he
say's he's gotten possession of copies of the documents in question.

The first includes a verification that Obama and Joe Biden,
then-candidate for vice president, "are legally qualified to serve
under the provisions of the United States Constitution."

The second form obtained by Williams appears identical, down to a
typographical error in "through." But in this one, the verification of
eligibility under the requirements of the U.S. Constitution is gone.

Now this is the stuff real conspiracies are made of!" Williams, who
also maintains his own website, wrote. "Please allow me to connect the
dots here…"

"The DNC drafted, signed and notarized TWO slightly different versions
of their Official Certification of Nomination documents, not one," he
wrote. "One of those documents had complete legal language, and one of
them was missing the text concerning the constitutional eligibility of
Barack Hussein Obama.

"The version which is absent any certification of constitutional
standing for the office of president is the version that was filed with
every state in the country, and the one used by the DNC to elect Barack
Obama president," he wrote.

WND contacted the Democratic National Committee multiple times over
three days to request an explanation of the two images, including
whether one might be a forgery. A spokeswoman in the press office
confirmed, "We are aware of it," but declined to elaborate.

Likewise, WND contacted the office of Pelosi, but got no response over
several days. And the White House declined to respond to multiple
e-mails asking for a comment.

Want to turn up the pressure to learn the facts? Get your signs and
postcards asking for the president's birth certificate documentation

"The fact that TWO DNC Certifications exist, both signed, dated and
notarized by the same individuals on the same day, means that a very
real conspiracy to commit election fraud was under way, and since it
took until six months after the election to uncover it, the conspiracy
was indeed successful," Williams wrote.

"Are you still wondering why Barack Obama has spent nearly $1.5 million
in taxpayer's funds to race Department of Justice lawyers around the
country to stop all cases questioning Obama's eligibility before
discovery can force Obama to open up his top secret life?"

He described the discoveries as "actually very serious business."

"We are talking about the top-down leadership of the ruling political
party knowingly and wantonly defrauding voters by way of playing monkey
business with fraudulent election documents."

The documents show the "Official Certification of Nomination" of Obama,
of "5046 South Greenwood Avenue" in Chicago and Joe Biden, of "1209
Barley Mill Road" in Wilmington, Del., as the party's candidates.

They were signed by Pelosi as chair of the Democratic National
Convention as well as Alice Travis Germond, the secretary of the
Democratic National Convention at its nominating meetings in Denver a
year ago.

They were notarized by Shalifa A. Williamson of Denver.

Other bloggers also speculated that a document was signed with the
verification of constitutional eligibility, and Democratic officials
then decided to generate another without, suggesting at least an
awareness of the issue involved.

WND has reported on dozens of legal challenges to Obama's status as a
"natural born citizen." The Constitution, Article 2, Section 1, states,
"No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United
States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be
eligible to the Office of President."

Some of the lawsuits over the dispute question whether he was actually
born in Hawaii, as he insists. If he was born out of the country,
Obama's American mother, the suits contend, was too young at the time
of his birth to confer American citizenship to her son under the law at
the time.

Other challenges have focused on Obama's citizenship through his
father, a Kenyan subject to the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom at
the time of his birth, thus making him a dual citizen. The cases
contend the framers of the Constitution excluded dual citizens from
qualifying as natural born.

Complicating the situation is Obama's decision to spend sums estimated
over $1 million to avoid releasing a state birth certificate that would
put to rest the questions.

WND has reported that among the documentation not yet available for
Obama includes his kindergarten records, Punahou school records,
Occidental College records, Columbia University records, Columbia
thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles,
scholarly articles from the University of Chicago, passport, medical
records, files from his years as an Illinois state senator, his
Illinois State Bar Association records, any baptism records, and his
adoption records.

See the movie Obama does not want you to see: Own the DVD that probes
this unprecedented presidential eligibility mystery.

WND reported this week on a decision by a California judge to schedule
a trial early next year on the arguments over Obama's eligibility.

U.S. District Judge David Carter tentatively scheduled a trial for Jan.
26, 2010, for the case. If the case actually goes to arguments, it will
be the first time the merits of the dispute have been argued in open
court, according to one of the attorneys working on the issue.

Arguments over other online Obama images also have raged. His campaign
and now his administration repeatedly has pointed to an online image of
a "Certification of Live Birth" from Hawaii has documenting his status,
even though such documents are not, in fact, proof. Critics have
suggested the image itself is fraudulent.

And in just recent days, WND reported Lucas Smith, the man who tried to
sell an alleged Barack Obama Kenyan birth certificate on eBay, filed
court papers insisting – under threat of perjury – that the Obama birth
certificate in his possession is the genuine article.

California attorney Orly Taitz, who is working on the California
challenge now scheduled for trial, posted on her blog Smith's
declaration, which claims he obtained the alleged birth certificate
from Coast General Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya, and insists it's real.

"The true and correct photocopy of the birth certificate obtained is
attached to this affidavit as Exhibit A," the declaration reads. "I
declare, certify, verify, state and affirm under penalty of perjury
under the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing
statements of fact and descriptions of circumstances and events are
true and correct."

Smith's affidavit, which includes a copy of the certificate, has been
filed with Carter, whose works in the Central District of California.

In his filing, Smith declares that he traveled to Kenya in February and
paid off a military officer in order to obtain a copy of the birth
certificate from Coast General Hospital in Mombasa. The declaration
also states that the hospital administrator signed and sealed the copy,
which indicates Obama's birth in Africa on Aug. 4, 1961, at 7:24 p.m.

However, WND has reported on an authentic 1961-era Kenyan birth
certificate, which looks distinctly different from the document Smith
released in the video.

Williams explained political parties in the U.S. are responsible for
vetting their own candidates.

The nomination form, however, including the certificate of eligibility
under the Constitution, wasn't actually used.

"Instead, a very similar document was delivered to 50 state DNC
offices, which those offices certified to each of 50 state Election
Commissions, who then date-stamped the document and stuck it in a file
cabinet, and proceeded to place these 'certified' candidates on the
ballot,'" Williams wrote.

"And yes, I have a copy of this version of the DNC Official
Certification of Nomination letter too!" he wrote.

"There is no honest debate on the matter anymore. Obama is NOT a
constitutional president, which is to say, we do NOT have a
constitutional federal administration at present and every
anti-American policy of the last six months is also, BINGO! –
Unconstitutional!" he wrote.

"What is still in question however – does any court in America have the
backbone to do what must be done? – And what do the American people do,
if not one court in the nation has that kind of constitutional backbone
today?" he continued.

Because of the dearth of information about Obama's eligibility, WND
founder Joseph Farah has launched a campaign to raise contributions to
post billboards asking a simple question: "Where's the birth

The campaign followed a petition that has collected more than 450,000
signatures demanding proof of his eligibility, the availability of yard
signs raising the question and the production of permanent, detachable
magnetic bumper stickers asking the question.

The "certification of live birth" posted online and widely touted as
"Obama's birth certificate" does not in any way prove he was born in
Hawaii, since the same "short-form" document is easily obtainable for
children not born in Hawaii. The true "long-form" birth certificate –
which includes information such as the name of the birth hospital and
attending physician – is the only document that can prove Obama was
born in Hawaii, but to date he has not permitted its release for public
or press scrutiny.

Oddly, though congressional hearings were held to determine whether
Sen. John McCain was constitutionally eligible to be president as a
"natural born citizen," no controlling legal authority ever sought to
verify Obama's claim to a Hawaiian birth.
the man screen name is cracker jax
that alone tills you what hes about
he dont think for himself
he doent like anyone who's skin is dark or jew, and he dosnt know why
it just what he been doing for so long
if aliens droped out of the sky he'll attack them
before even giving them a chance to here there message

the sad thing about guys like this is they really are loners
if the only race on the planet was his, he'll still find something to not like about them cracker's
hate, hate, hate
these people fight with each other more then what ever full of shit cause that they have on there agenda
just 3 years ago they where shouting "we dont' agree with everthing pres. bush say's but we suport hem because he is the pres.... you shouldn't be bad mouthing the pres. he are commander, and it make us appear weak to other super powers". but now that a BLACK MAN is in the chair its a nother story.....

There is definitely validity to what you're saying here. The reason Obama is trying to stay above the fray is to allow it to burn itself out. It might be a wise move, He's a lot on his plate at the moment, calling out ignorant racists can wait. Plus, denial is a heavy thing, man. Racists won't say what is really bugging them, because they'd find even less credibility than this crap here, if you could imagine that.bongsmilie
Writer JB Williams describes himself as a "no nonsense commentator on
American politics, American history, and American philosophy."

A lot of people have delusions of grandeur. Self proclamation does not a duck make.
hey more race baiting

dont like obama? your a racist!

even though cracker has never shown an inclination as to which race he actually is your calling him racist

from now on, anyone who crys racism when there is no racism present is themselves, racist
hey more race baiting

dont like obama? your a racist!

even though cracker has never shown an inclination as to which race he actually is your calling him racist

from now on, anyone who crys racism when there is no racism present is themselves, racist
stop fooling yourself
no oneelse loves to call themself a cracker other then a cracker,,,cracker
There is definitely validity to what you're saying here. The reason Obama is trying to stay above the fray is to allow it to burn itself out. It might be a wise move, He's a lot on his plate at the moment, calling out ignorant racists can wait. Plus, denial is a heavy thing, man. Racists won't say what is really bugging them, because they'd find even less credibility than this crap here, if you could imagine that.bongsmilie

Not to mention that rainbows and butterflies and doves didn't magically spring forward on Inauguration Day 2009, there are a lot of racist morons everywhere, and I mean everywhere. As a white guy, I get to hear a lot of it when they think it's "safe" to say so. Of course, racism is not monopolized by white people, there are as many types of racists as there are races (which is a social construct, mind you, not a genetic factor, go look that one up) but the difference is the level of influence and the historical context. Still a majority for the moment (not forever mind you, and that's at the core of some of the panic) it makes a difference. So say what you like, progress can only be hindered and railed against, it will never be (and never has been) stopped.bongsmilie
hey more race baiting

dont like obama? your a racist!

even though cracker has never shown an inclination as to which race he actually is your calling him racist

from now on, anyone who crys racism when there is no racism present is themselves, racist

That's not typical reactionary rhetoric... If you aren't able to detect it, that's sarcasm. :roll:
Not to mention that rainbows and butterflies and doves didn't magically spring forward on Inauguration Day 2009, there are a lot of racist morons everywhere, and I mean everywhere. As a white guy, I get to hear a lot of it when they think it's "safe" to say so. Of course, racism is not monopolized by white people, there are as many types of racists as there are races (which is a social construct, mind you, not a genetic factor, go look that one up) but the difference is the level of influence and the historical context. Still a majority for the moment (not forever mind you, and that's at the core of some of the panic) it makes a difference. So say what you like, progress can only be hindered and railed against, it will (and never has) stopped.bongsmilie

i knew i like this guy from his first post