Heat/Humidity Problems Help!!


Okay Thanks
Well i've managed to lower my temp to 29c with RH at 35..although growth does not seem to be as i had expected after one week, as three pronged leaves have only just started to appear a little between leaves....is that a problem or am i just being impatient???


Well-Known Member
Are you in coco?

With coco you have to start feeding almost straight away!!!

Do you have any means to test the strength of your nutes?



Are you in coco?

With coco you have to start feeding almost straight away!!!

Do you have any means to test the strength of your nutes?

Bloody hell!! really?...no ph kits etc man :( yeh growing in Canna coco...they say with canna coco nutes per 10 litres max 40ml each for a&b so i was thinking 10ml for both combined now, what do you think??


Are you in coco?

With coco you have to start feeding almost straight away!!!

Do you have any means to test the strength of your nutes?

Yeh i have the canna coco substrate, no Ph kit etc...was just gonna feed via coco canna a&b nutes. Its says via directions 40ml of each combined per 10 litres of water so ive figure about 10ml combined per 1 litre buddy??


only got the ratio on the nute bottle...it says good for all stages however phosphorous levels seem a bit low on ratio?? have u used a&b before mate?


Thanks again Jondamon mate ur a star
Jondamon, one of my seedlings leaves look like their drooping mate coco dryin out very fast am im over watering or too little? just leaves hanging down not dry or anything man!! im only watering right now when coco is really dry....


Well-Known Member
Go to canna uk website and work through the nutrient calculator.

Base it on light feeding schedule.

This will give you an amount to use based on how much you are mixing.

In order to do it effectively an EC tester is a must.
BlueLab EC truncheons are shit hot! Around £60. IMO pH isn't as crucial but if you can afford it get yourself a pH tester too along with the calibration solution. £40.

I used to run EC and pH at the following.
VEG 1.2EC no higher pH5.8
FLOWER weeks 1-3 at 1.4EC p5.6
FLOWER WEEK4 pk1314 at 1.5ml per litre then add nutes upto 1.6EC pH5.8
Dropping to EC0.8 for around 2weeks at the end pH5.8



Go to canna uk website and work through the nutrient calculator.

Base it on light feeding schedule.

This will give you an amount to use based on how much you are mixing.

In order to do it effectively an EC tester is a must.
BlueLab EC truncheons are shit hot! Around £60. IMO pH isn't as crucial but if you can afford it get yourself a pH tester too along with the calibration solution. £40.

I used to run EC and pH at the following.
VEG 1.2EC no higher pH5.8
FLOWER weeks 1-3 at 1.4EC p5.6
FLOWER WEEK4 pk1314 at 1.5ml per litre then add nutes upto 1.6EC pH5.8
Dropping to EC0.8 for around 2weeks at the end pH5.8

That's great man thanks. i may buy a cheaper ph testing kit and ec mon and see where i go..any positive difference is a result eh? ;)


That's great man thanks. i may buy a cheaper ph testing kit and ec mon and see where i go..any positive difference is a result eh? ;)
Can you Have a quick look at the attached pics for me mate the leaves appear to be curling under...more so on the purple haze...I've been watering almost every day as the coco is drying out very quickly...Does this look like a sign of overwatering? What do you think. I've only begun feeding nutes last night so don't think it is that.

CheersView attachment 2410551View attachment 2410552View attachment 2410553


Well-Known Member
They look pale and have red stems.

Either they're getting too cold on the night cycle or they are hungry.

Due to your temp problems to start with I doubt its the cold.

Dont forget feed every time you water them.

dont go heavy handed on nutes. Start small and work your way up.

Did you use the nutrient calculator on canna's website?

This will help greatly to not over do it on nutes.



They look pale and have red stems.

Either they're getting too cold on the night cycle or they are hungry.

Due to your temp problems to start with I doubt its the cold.

Dont forget feed every time you water them.

dont go heavy handed on nutes. Start small and work your way up.

Did you use the nutrient calculator on canna's website?

This will help greatly to not over do it on nutes.

Okay cool...it actually looks worse on the picture..the leaves are nice and green, just drooping a little :(

I'm feeding on the nutes now anyways...so i'll feed every time as you suggest..I did go on the website but it appears to be for a hydro setup mate. I've followed the directions on the canna coco container (8ml of both a&b combined per 1 litre) I'll only feed when soil gets completly dry normally every two days!! Temp is now a steady 28-29c and RH 40. although when the light is off (3pm-9pm)...temp drops to around 17-19c


Well-Known Member
4ml of A and 4ml of B per litre???

thats seems like ALOT!!!

let me check the website for you.

ght now based on light feeding you need 1.9ml per litre.

In 1 weeks time you want 2.3ml per litre.

This will be ok until flowering.

Then 3ml per litre during first 2 weeks of 12/12

Then during PK13/14 week3 1.5ml of PK1314 and 3.4ml of A and B.

Then from week 4 onwards 2.3ml of A and B until you finish.



4ml of A and 4ml of B per litre???

thats seems like ALOT!!!

let me check the website for you.

ght now based on light feeding you need 1.9ml per litre.

In 1 weeks time you want 2.3ml per litre.

This will be ok until flowering.

Then 3ml per litre during first 2 weeks of 12/12

Then during PK13/14 week3 1.5ml of PK1314 and 3.4ml of A and B.

Then from week 4 onwards 2.3ml of A and B until you finish.

Great stuff...thanks for clearing that up for me mate i'll make a note of the dosages...4ml of each is max its suggests on bottle though!! god knows what thats about :( okay so initially i'm using 1.9ml of each A&B per litre?