Heat/Humidity Problems Help!!


One other thing mate, do you think i should begin flowering now? ill send a pic over for you to judge later tonight..


Well-Known Member
You can definitely up the feeding.

See how your top growth looks a little swollen. IMO that means higher strength nutes.

Are you planning on training at all?

IMO you would benefit from topping the plant. That's just my opinion though. I like to have more than one top cola. I like to spread the plant out a little.

You can grow and harvest pretty much the same without topping though.

If training decide now and do it. Don't adjust the strength of your nutes if you plan to top. Cutting the plant size in half would reduce its requirements while it heals and diverts growing hormones. Wait 7 days after topping before flowering.

No training, increase the strength of your nutes for a week then flower.

Stems look fine to me. They appear a little pale but other than that A OK.



You're a star. To be honest yeah i had a quick peek at your original journal and noticed you topped about the same height as mine are now. The issue i have is with the height of my tent which is 1.8m so worried i may have issues with space later on. Ok i think im going to top, so you recommend keeping nutes at dosages currently? How long before i should increase the nutes then if this is an issue going foward still? I will wait the 7 days as you suggested before begininning 12/12? Cheers bud, thanks for taking time out to reply to my messages. Btw your 11oz harvest is bonkers of 4 plants!!!! Nice one


Well-Known Member
If you are topping YES keep nute strength the same as it is now!

After 1 week up your nute strength.

Do you know how to top?

Also how many plants are you growing under this 400w?



Yeah i know how to top..just could do with a little guidance going forward on the pruning etc to get the most out of the plant..as its bit of a grey area for me mate. I have four growing under the light but ones a seedling still about two weeks old, so its behind a lot growth wise :( this is because one of the original four seeds i had planted didnt germ, so i planted an 'amnesia' as back up (maybe not a good idea) so im not expecting anything from that! However if you'd suggest anything to help it along ill go with it.


Well-Known Member
Just let the amnesia do what it wants. If any growth gets out of hand then you can just use some LST to keep its canopy even with the others. If its too short it can be raised. IMO it would be wise to have a second mixing bottle for the amnesia as it won't require as high strength nutes as the others.

Lets concentrate on each of your 3 further along plants. When I top I always clear off some under growth leaving a few nodes and growing tips on the plants. Allow the plants a week to recover and send out the new growing tips. At this point I choose the 4 strongest contenders off the main stem and cut off anything else. Leaving the 4 main tops I want.

Switch to 12/12 and I continue to trim off any bottom growth I feel necessary. I try to keep 2ft of plant within the penetration of the 400w. So starting at the top of the plant I measure approx 2ft down. Anything below this area gets removed. Watch how bushy they become and either cane them to keep them where you need them or remove SOME leaves but not too many just to keep plants with air moving between them. Too dense and it restricts airflow causing mould breeding grounds.

After the 2week stretch is over just keep them happy and healthy.



Okay great stuff, well i decided to top the purple haze because it was getting out of hand and left the other three to do what they want pal. They seem to be picking up now after the upped dosage of nutes so ill keep monitoring them and go from there. Thanks for the trimming tips btw. There looking healthier now though. The only thing ive noticed which im not too happy about is the purple haze. This is because when i ordered the seed i only specified a fem seed and it appears because of the pistil development they had sent me an autoflower in error..so its further along than the others. i thought i was getting too buddy rather than just showing pre flowers. However may be a good thing as the flowering period is longer with it so it may level out against the others :) Oh btw ive transplanted now, was like pulling teeth as was getting that root bound!! Hasnt stressed them though from what i see growth wise.


Heres a pic taken today fella. Only noticed a couple of pistils on each of the Blueberry and the Himalean Gold on the left hand side, is this normal mate?...only at day 4 of 12/12 though.
Also the blueberry on the right is turning into a monster would you advise on any trimming at this point or to let it run its course for a while?


Well-Known Member
Get a pic of the plants so that I'm looking across the pot.

I need to see the whole plant from down low to up top.



Well-Known Member
Picture 1 - I would thin it out a little underneath. Remove anything that's close to the stem. Don't worry if you take too much it will be fine.

Picture 2 - same as above

Picture 3 - thin out the centre, and clean some of the branches leaving around 3 nodes on each branch.

Picture 4 - same as above.
