heat issue with growing in soil in pots on hot balcony

My wife drank castor oil once to try to help induce labor, lol. She went into labor alright. She was delivering Mr. Hanky over and over again, :lol:

That's another use that's been used for years. I just shake my head though when I see companies just adding a small amount of an easily available ingredient to some water, putting it in a bottle, saying it does this and that, then targeting cannabis growers many of which are all to eager to part with their money.
Thanks everyone for the responses! Great stuff

Does anyone happen to have experience with using perlite or clay pebbles as mulch to protect the soil and roots from heat?


Wet the balcony down as needed. Assuming cement or equivalent. Will reduce ambient and residual temps.

That's a great idea, didn't think of that!

Keep them hydrated. Just for kicks I stuck an instant read thermometer into the pot of one of my outdoor plants. 3 gallon pot. It was around 95°F that day. Plants were in the sun all day.

Wow that sounds hot.

I've read that the root zone shouldn't get warmer than 25C/77F, were your plants okay and not badly affected by the heat?
I’m growing mine outdoors and daytime temps are 80/90s and they are in full sunlight daily. How do you think weed grows in S.America or Afghanistan in the summer. They just have to be acclimated, you don’t start seedlings in 90 degree full sunlight. You bring them out in early morning and a little longer to you see they can take it. Just watch your girls they’ll show what they can handle.
Wow that sounds hot.

I've read that the root zone shouldn't get warmer than 25C/77F, were your plants okay and not badly affected by the heat?

I've heard that as well. It might not be the ideal temperature but plants have been growing in black nursery pots in the sun for decades. Cannabis is just another plant. I'm just treating them like any other potted plant in my yard.

Plants are still sitting in the same spot during this mini heatwave. It's been in the upper 90's low 100's for days and will stay that way until Monday when we get back into the mid 80's. I water them good every morning. I only grow outdoors because it's too hot indoors so I might as well get an outdoor crop. I don't want big plants either so I grow in small pots. That way I can move them out of site when certain company comes over. It's legal here but I have friends I would rather not know that I grow. Or have children that I don't want seeing the plants.

Took these yesterday. I kept procrastinating about doing some training but never got around to it. Now they're taller than what I would like.

