has only 5 mm base thickness i think that a little small to be goodIt is TME.com and look for rad it the price I told you and I assume that it is enough for 100w passive (5, 4kg)
Yes it is 39x6.5x1.3 14 fins big piece of aluminum...fast shipping and they have almost everything else!
Do you have one like this?has only 5 mm base thickness i think that a little small to be good
I didnt want to offend youDo you have one like this?
I do...and it is a perfect hs...good enough to cool 4 cxb3590 @1400mA!
And 0.5cm is more than enough!
Why you said that?...I said that because I tryed and it work...who told you that it is not thick enough!
How thick is yours?
How thick is 5.88 hsusa profile almost everybody use here?
A french guy who have the same tested it without fan with cxb3590 @1400mA X4 (same as mine and maaaany other EU growers too...no more in stock)with a laser thermometer behind the cob and it was 32ºc after 2H of use with a tº of 22ºC in the room
I believe someone already ask and I am afraid it won't work....
And by the way tme is not so expensive...I bought an aluminum radiator (1000x165x35 14 fins) for 36, 50€ +vat and 7, 50€ shipping but I bought others things with so shipping cost were fair (it is a flat cost, always 7, 50 €)
You can cool 4 cxb 3590@1400mA with a 140mm fan on it at 5/7V.
Have a great day ★
0.5mm is very very thinBonjour
It is www.tme.com + RAD-A42 (1000x165x35mm) but because the base is only 0.5mm you will need fans!
@EfficientWatt is it ok with fans?
I thought if the hs was cold then no problems...it is really cold with 120mm fans @4.5V and i tryed without fan and it is not hot just warm...i hope it will last a few years...i know i will lurk on the new one as soon as they will be available so...
I guess biggest hs would compensate thinner base...
Tme didn't give the base size for the 50mm tall
And on 60mm it is 0.8mm base but it is 125 € for 1000x262x60mm and it is 36 € for the one I have!
So I will stay active I guess...less expensive
How do we can have a better mesure of cob tº...is it some kind of probe we have to put on the tº point on the cob?