

Well-Known Member
I'm in So Cal and the weather in our area has been around 90 or so. This week we are having a heatwave where the temps are supposed to go up to 100+. When it gets this hot, is it better to move my 3 month old plant to a balcony where it will be in the shade for the most part? Or leave it out in the full sun but water it daily? The plant is in its flowering stage.


Well-Known Member
Leave them out there and just make sure they have water. cannabis is capable of surviving really high heat. bad example is mexico but if they grew it properly they would have huge dank buds. Instead they get fluffy buds and brick them up and sold as schwag.


Well-Known Member
I'm out on the east coast here this summer has been hot as hell and very dry. Lots of days in the 90's and 2-3 week long periods with zero rain, which isn't normal here we average 40" of rain a year. My plants showed a few signs of heat stress, but all in all they got by. I think strain is a factor. Hydration is the key though. I didn't realize how much water they would need and during our little drought was humping it 2 gallons at a time. Never again. Next year, I'm planting closer to water.


Well-Known Member
Full sun, but in hot dry weather, shade your pots with pieces of plywood, or whatever is available.

In the ground, mulch heavily to keep the roots cool.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies. I was concerned about the heat because yesterday morning I noticed the leaves were drooping so I gave it a good watering before the sun came out. Now it seems fine. I was trying not to overwater but I guess its drinking more now thats its starting to go through the flowering phase.


Well-Known Member
If you have good drainage, it's tough to over water. In hot weather, I'll often water daily, and heavily. Especially late in vegging.

Drainage is key.

Mr Cannabis Sativa

Active Member
yea man your pretty lucky to have hot weather her in canada its been like max 30'c all summer it sucks but my plants are doing pretty good,,
all i have to say is make sure they get shade and lots of water m8


Active Member
its actually better to keep them in the shade. like a little bit of shade and a little bit of sun is better than full sun. i read that in high times. when the plant is in the shade it tends to grow towards the sun , ( this goes for all plants ) so if you think about it the plant will grow bigger in the shade because it will fight for the sun.... i experimented this year i put 2 plants by some bigger bushes and 2 plants where it got full sun allday. the plants in the shade grew bigger than the ones in full sun because they grew taller and taller towards the light source. so i recommend keeping your plants in the shade rather than sun allday long.


Well-Known Member
The plant in the shade probably stretched. The plant in full sun has closer nodes so it is shorter than the shaded plants. Full sun makes for denser buds and more yield.bongsmilie