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'Completely Surreal': A Metal Detectorist In Norway Just Found A Gold Coin With The Face Of Jesus On It
Experts aren't sure how the coin got to Norway.

I consider myself an agnostic atheist and have been a minister of the Universal Life Church since my birthday in 1978. Got re-ordained in Jan 2020.Well, Personally I have a Logic based mind, I believe in Science, so naturally Im atheist. Funny thing is, one of my closest friends is a Minster.
Or a flashback to our birth our first memory.I consider myself an agnostic atheist and have been a minister of the Universal Life Church since my birthday in 1978. Got re-ordained in Jan 2020.
Maybe that light we see at the end of the tunnel when we die is just our newborn self being pushed out of another vagina.
Nah, that aint it at all, We atheist just dont believe in fairytales. Most of us atheist, would be more than happy to believe, if you(the believers) had one single shred of testable repeatable Scientific evidence to even slightly point to the existance of a creator, but there is none, and the burden of proof falls on the ones making the claims, you claim there is a god, then the burden of proof falls on you to prove said god exists. What can be asserted without evidence should also be dismissed without evidence.thing that all the atheist's fail to recognize is...
(Romans 8.19) For one mans disobedience(Adam) many were made sinners, so also by one Man's obedience (Jesus) many will be made righteous.
All we need do is understand that Jesus was born from the virgin birth (you heard all the Christmas carols about this time of year), believe he was Gods son, and was raised from the dead by God, in order to receive forgiveness of sin caused by our inherent carnal nature.
(see Romans 10.9)
its not that hard to get your head around, just that most of us are to busy or distracted by the daily grind of life, to put any effort into seeking God, in our lives. Try opening a bible once or twice a week and have some alone time with God.
even Darwin could see the many faults in his theory of evolution, that there was intelligent design involved in the creation of various animals,Nah, that aint it at all, We atheist just dont believe in fairytales. Most of us atheist, would be more than happy to believe, if you(the believers) had one single shred of testable repeatable Scientific evidence to even slightly point to the existance of a creator, but there is none, and the burden of proof falls on the ones making the claims, you claim there is a god, then the burden of proof falls on you to prove said god exists. What can be asserted without evidence should also be dismissed without evidence.
A youtube video is not proof of anything, Show me the Scientific Studies, by PhD scientist, that are tested, and repeated by other PhD scientist, that are Published and Peer Reviewed, that follow the Scientific Method, THAT is what PROOF is. A youtube video proves nothing. I can make a youtube video right now saying vampires,werewolves,Dragons,and Zombies are REAL, that doesnt make it true.even Darwin could see the many faults in his theory of evolution, that there was intelligent design involved in the creation of various animals,
God exists,
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how much proof you want?
Not one bit of proof in that. Believers have just taken what science has discovered and attributed it to their god.how much proof you want?
funny how the bible got it right thousands of years b4 science, kinda debunks that argumentNot one bit of proof in that. Believers have just taken what science has discovered and attributed it to their god.
Somehow I must of missed that when I read the bible cover-to-cover in my late teens. Must have got lost between all the incest, genocide, mass murder, betrayal, intimidation, torture and suicide. The juicy bits.Doctors only recently started washing their hands between operations a hundred or so years ago, the bible mentions it a few thousand years ago, think of the lives that could have been saved if they just read and practiced what the bible advised
i am also a sinner, like you, and have failed to uphold the ten commandments, i just pray for forgiveness and put my trust in gods word.Somehow I must of missed that when I read the bible cover-to-cover in my late teens. Must have got lost between all the incest, genocide, mass murder, betrayal, intimidation, torture and suicide. The juicy bits.
You wouldn't happen to have the numbers for that particular psalm would you? Not that I don't take your word for it as you being a good god fearing type surely wouldn't make things up to convince a sinner like me now would ya.
That's pretty weak to support superior scientific knowledge. Doesn't say So wash your hands before you start cutting that guy up to take out his appendix.i am also a sinner, like you, and have failed to uphold the ten commandments, i just pray for forgiveness and put my trust in gods word.
Isaiah 1:16-20 - NIRV - So wash your hands. Make yourselves clean. (written in 740 to 701 BC)
Numbers 5 1-25 also talks about Quarantining sick people outside the camp of Israel, until they are healed,
(written 520BC)
during the 1348 plague the brilliant doctors of the time simply thought it was bad air that made people sick,
its the doctors and scientists that are playing catch up with God not the other way round, as you suggest
but it does point to the fact that your hands need to be washed to remove bacteria, and viruses. Something that seemed to allude doctors not so long ago,That's pretty weak to support superior scientific knowledge. Doesn't say So wash your hands before you start cutting that guy up to take out his appendix.
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They had no clue about germs. Get real. People have washed when they get dirty since the cave man ffs. Many animals wash themselves so I guess they were scientifically advanced long before modern man to eh.but it does point to the fact that your hands need to be washed to remove bacteria, and viruses. Something that seemed to allude doctors not so long ago,
That's probably happening right now in Gaza. Out of necessity because it's go non-stop or more people die and what's left of their hospital has no f'n water or alcohol or anything a working hospital has. Desperate times demand desperate measures.imagine a pregnant woman watching a doctor saw off the infected leg of a solider to save his life, rock up to deliver her baby, without washing his hands
i dont think i know everything, you asked for where it was written in the bible, so i googled it, for youThey had no clue about germs. Get real. People have washed when they get dirty since the cave man ffs. Many animals wash themselves so I guess they were scientifically advanced long before modern man to eh.
When I was a kid I read books about the history of medicine, great doctors of the past etc etc for fun. A bloody apron with weeks worth of pus and gore on it was at one time a badge of honour for a surgeon but science is always advancing and they don't do that no more.
That's probably happening right now in Gaza. Out of necessity because it's go non-stop or more people die and what's left of their hospital has no f'n water or alcohol or anything a working hospital has. Desperate times demand desperate measures.
Can you really not see how lame your argument is? It's got holes big enough to drive a truck through.
Should say thousands instead of dozens at least in my case. Maybe my diploma in environmental chemistry doesn't make me a scientist per se but of the thousands of books I have read in over 60 years at least half were non-fiction on a myriad of subjects just to learn something new even if it wasn't all that interesting a subject to me. Time used to gain knowledge is time well spent.
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