hello....day roundin up da brothas.....

how can there be a true study made in a time of so many homophobe and bible thumping people..Hell there is no scientific evidence that a man walked on water or rose from the dead..but they sure believe in a book that says it was so, using said book to tell me what is right and wrong...
i just want jack to know that he shouldn't try to limit what accesses his children mind. he should let that mind grow and explore and let the children make up their own mind on what's correct and what's not.

I just want redivider to know that children need direction and instruction in the way they should go. What you're advocating is exactly why there are so many idiots running around.

Do you let your children talk to strangers at the mall?
has anyone noticed that duke seems to have disappeared for the last couple of pages? maybe he decided to just shit in the pool and go home. it's a sure bet he isn't formulating some witty and insightful reply.:bigjoint:

Nah I went to visit my 91 year old grandma
BTW your avatar looks like a slut
Hardly a societal norm
how can there be a true study made in a time of so many homophobe and bible thumping people..Hell there is no scientific evidence that a man walked on water or rose from the dead..but they sure believe in a book that says it was so, using said book to tell me what is right and wrong...

You Christophobe!! Who do you think you are by hating people for simply believing in the bible?
I was making a point.

Do you think everyone who has a differing opinion on homosexuality is a "homophobe"?

I would suggest you make the point to the person who said that to you...

Homophobia is a term used to refer to a range of negative attitudes and feelings towards lesbian, gay and in some cases bisexual, transgender people and behavior, ..... now the question is do you have a negative attitude towards people who are homosexual ???? if so then by definition you are a homophobe...now if you don't have a negative attitude but still prefer a man to a woman then you are not...
Looks like you can't respond to my post because of your politically correct indoctrination so you resort to the straw man of "rights being stripped" and more emotional rhetoric.

My deathbed has nothing to do with the fact your ass has been handed to you. Enjoy your round of golf. Looking forward to our next meeting.

extensive research has informed me that those who feel the need to proclaim that they have handed someone's ass to them have done anything but.

face it, you want to limit the rights of certain individuals just because they prefer to do something in the privacy of their own home, between consenting adults, which hurts no one.

buddy, got news for you: it gets worse.

gays will be teaching your children at school, more will be raising their adopted children, and eventually they will be able to marry the partner of their choice. and guess what? the sky will not fall.

you are trying to force your fundamentalist christian beliefs upon others, so how does that make you any better than a muslim forcing sharia law upon others?
sorry folks, but homosexuality is neither the biological nor social norm.

i never said it was the norm. perhaps you may want to sharpen your reading comprehension instead of crafting purple prose replies all day.

what i did say was that homosexuality is a normal variation of human sexuality. it happens in every species, actually.
Everyone in the USA has the right to their opinion without being demonized. I see a double standard at work here. People who believe homosexuality is perverse behavior are called "stupid, bigots, haters, etc". Live and let live. If you want to be respected then show respect. That's how it works.

no, you don't.

do you honestly expect that someone can walk around speaking of the superiority of the white race and calling black people inferior without being universally scorned?

that person is rightly demonized for their bigoted beliefs. just as you will be rightly demonized for calling gays "perverse" just for being born a certain way.

and if you insist on calling it a "choice", then answer me: when and how did you discover you were heterosexual?
I was making a point.

Do you think everyone who has a differing opinion on homosexuality is a "homophobe"?

nope. only the ones who want to strip their fellow citizens of their rights and label them as "perverse".

the "anatomically speaking" argument was a telling factor too. the fact that you chose to voluntarily focus on anal sex tells me something.

sharia law and anal sex and science, oh my!
no, you don't.

do you honestly expect that someone can walk around speaking of the superiority of the white race and calling black people inferior without being universally scorned?

that person is rightly demonized for their bigoted beliefs. just as you will be rightly demonized for calling gays "perverse" just for being born a certain way.

and if you insist on calling it a "choice", then answer me: when and how did you discover you were heterosexual?

I think he was a gay man at first then tried sex with a female .. he then decided to choose between his man and his women
I think he was a gay man at first then tried sex with a female .. he then decided to choose between his man and his women

he keeps insisting that there is no scientific evidence that one is born gay (although there is).

to which i could reply: there is no scientific evidence that one chooses to become gay (there is none).

he's a fundamentalist christian. remember rickwhite? i think he is back.
I would suggest you make the point to the person who said that to you...

Homophobia is a term used to refer to a range of negative attitudes and feelings towards lesbian, gay and in some cases bisexual, transgender people and behavior, ..... now the question is do you have a negative attitude towards people who are homosexual ???? if so then by definition you are a homophobe...now if you don't have a negative attitude but still prefer a man to a woman then you are not...


&#8194; <a href="http://dictionary.reference.com/audio.html/lunaWAV/P03/P0368800" target="_blank"><img src="http://sp.dictionary.com/dictstatic/g/d/speaker.gif" border="0" alt="phobia pronunciation" /></a>&#8194;/&#712;fo&#650;
/ Show Spelled[foh-bee-uh] Show IPA
noun a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to a compelling desire to avoid it.

I have no irrational fear of homosexuals. I simply disagree with their lifestyle.

&#8194; <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Outgoing', 'dictionary.reference.com', '/audio.html/lunaWAV/P03/P0368800']);" rel="nofollow" href="http://dictionary.reference.com/audio.html/lunaWAV/P03/P0368800" target="_blank"><img src="http://sp.dictionary.com/dictstatic/g/d/speaker.gif" border="0" alt="phobia pronunciation" /></a>&#8194;/&#712;fo&#650;
/ Show Spelled[foh-bee-uh] Show IPA
noun a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to a compelling desire to avoid it.

I have no irrational fear of homosexuals.

i think you do. anal sex, specifically.

i would rather have a gay person teach my child than an intolerant, fundamentalist christian who tries to force his beliefs upon others and legislate morality.

what is an upstanding, righteous christian like yourself doing on a weed website anyway?
extensive research has informed me that those who feel the need to proclaim that they have handed someone's ass to them have done anything but.

face it, you want to limit the rights of certain individuals just because they prefer to do something in the privacy of their own home, between consenting adults, which hurts no one.

buddy, got news for you: it gets worse.

gays will be teaching your children at school, more will be raising their adopted children, and eventually they will be able to marry the partner of their choice. and guess what? the sky will not fall.

you are trying to force your fundamentalist christian beliefs upon others, so how does that make you any better than a muslim forcing sharia law upon others?

My beliefs are much more positive than Islamic beliefs.
nope. only the ones who want to strip their fellow citizens of their rights and label them as "perverse".

the "anatomically speaking" argument was a telling factor too. the fact that you chose to voluntarily focus on anal sex tells me something.

sharia law and anal sex and science, oh my!

Be specific and tell me what rights I want to strip queers of.
i think you do. anal sex, specifically.

i would rather have a gay person teach my child than an intolerant, fundamentalist christian who tries to force his beliefs upon others and legislate morality.

what is an upstanding, righteous christian like yourself doing on a weed website anyway?

Damn, I failed the anal sex litmus test. Oh well.

LOL. I don't think I ever proclaimed I was an "upstanding, righteous Christian". Are you hearing voices?

Are people with differing beliefs and opinions allowed to post on this site or not?
I have no quarrel with Gay folks. After all, as a Libertarian, I believe that everyone has the right to debase themselves anyway they see fit as long as they don't violate the rights of anyone else in the process. :lol:

And by the way, undertheice, I love your new avatar. Cute. :)