hello....day roundin up da brothas.....

My beliefs are much more positive than Islamic beliefs.

bullshit. is that why you call my friends, who are upstanding citizens in this great country and honorable human beings "perverse"?

Be specific and tell me what rights I want to strip queers of.

the right to teach, from what i have discerned. i would also bet you want to keep them from being able to marry the person of their choosing, but that is just a guess.

LOL. I don't think I ever proclaimed I was an "upstanding, righteous Christian". Are you hearing voices?

Are people with differing beliefs and opinions allowed to post on this site or not?

they sure are. and people with beliefs that do not mirror yours are allowed to express themselves about the bigoted, hateful nature of your beliefs.
bullshit. is that why you call my friends, who are upstanding citizens in this great country and honorable human beings "perverse"?

the right to teach, from what i have discerned. i would also bet you want to keep them from being able to marry the person of their choosing, but that is just a guess.

they sure are. and people with beliefs that do not mirror yours are allowed to express themselves about the bigoted, hateful nature of your beliefs.

If you have friends that participate in perversion, then that is your right as a free American. I never said anyone could not commit perverse sexual acts in the USA. You must have confusd me with someone else or perhaps you're hearing voices.

I never said queers could not teach. I said they will not teach my kids.

I think a reading comprehension class along with some counseling and anger management would do you some good.
If you have friends that participate in perversion, then that is your right as a free American. I never said anyone could not commit perverse sexual acts in the USA. You must have confusd me with someone else or perhaps you're hearing voices.

I never said queers could not teach. I said they will not teach my kids.

I think a reading comprehension class along with some counseling and anger management would do you some good.

i think that staying away from a book about a magical zombie would do you some good.

i bet that gay people have taught you kids, whether you knew it or not.

something tells me that you have no problem with two women getting it on.

fucking christian fundamentalists. i wish they would all just stop forcing their version of sharia law on us.
i think that staying away from a book about a magical zombie would do you some good.

i bet that gay people have taught you kids, whether you knew it or not.

something tells me that you have no problem with two women getting it on.

fucking christian fundamentalists. i wish they would all just stop forcing their version of sharia law on us.

You are Christophobic. Why do you hate Christians, you bigot.
experts do not agree on whether homosexuality is a genetic trait, a behavior honed from experience and environment, or both.

that claim is up for debate, and you picked a side that supports your own personal opinion.
i was referring to you BTW.

i have not picked a side when it comes why gays are gays, all i know is they have done nothing to deserve being treated differently. on the contrary, they wake up, go to work every day, serve in our military, serve in public office... in a society that treats them like sub-citizens... it is not fair and it is not right.
he could just convert to muslim. they live in the stone age today. no need to time travel or anything

no they don't. that remark shows a lack of knowledge that is out of this world.

certain geographic areas in the world live in what could be considered 'stone-age' type living conditions, and some of those areas happen to be muslim.

there are tribes in the amazon who live in pre-colombian societies. tribes in africa, indonesia, and parts of asia also live in pre-colombian societies without modern technology.

there are a billion muslims in the world, and the majority of them live in modern homes with modern amenities and such. the vast minority live in the 'stone-age'...
i was referring to you BTW.

i have not picked a side when it comes why gays are gays, all i know is they have done nothing to deserve being treated differently. on the contrary, they wake up, go to work every day, serve in our military, serve in public office... in a society that treats them like sub-citizens... it is not fair and it is not right.

I treat everyone the same. Everyone has the right to live their life as they see fit in this nation.
no they don't. that remark shows a lack of knowledge that is out of this world.

certain geographic areas in the world live in what could be considered 'stone-age' type living conditions, and some of those areas happen to be muslim.

there are tribes in the amazon who live in pre-colombian societies. tribes in africa, indonesia, and parts of asia also live in pre-colombian societies without modern technology.

there are a billion muslims in the world, and the majority of them live in modern homes with modern amenities and such. the vast minority live in the 'stone-age'...

Islam is a stone age backwards cult that has a major problem in the world. Christians are not the reason people are checked at the airport.
actually, christians passed the laws and regulations.

so technically a christian over-reaction is the reason everybody is searched at the airport.
no they don't. that remark shows a lack of knowledge that is out of this world.

certain geographic areas in the world live in what could be considered 'stone-age' type living conditions, and some of those areas happen to be muslim.

there are tribes in the amazon who live in pre-colombian societies. tribes in africa, indonesia, and parts of asia also live in pre-colombian societies without modern technology.

there are a billion muslims in the world, and the majority of them live in modern homes with modern amenities and such. the vast minority live in the 'stone-age'...

you ever been to a "modern"muslim country? they still make houses out of mud, ride camels, beat their wives, rape their young boys, keep their women from driving or being educated and subjegate them to wearing those hidious scarves over their face. plus many strap bombs on their young children and send them into shopping malls and weddings. all by force from the men.

what century would you classify that behavior as?
You are Christophobic. Why do you hate Christians, you bigot.

I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ. - gandhi

i don't hate christians. i hate people like you that pervert the message in order to wage a war against gays and muslims.