Help me this is going to take a true pro to answer. . Wilting and dieing random plant

Hey guys i have 10 plants in a gh aero 20 system they are all started by seed they are in week 6 just went 12/12 one has been raped of quite a few branches for clones they are mostly afgan strain room temp is 80, res temp is 75, ph is 5.7-6.4 the tds is around 1000. For some strange reason i have had 2 plants a week apart just wilt and die no reason??? All leaves are perfect in color and all the other plants are fine.... Wtf? Using fox farm products and monster grow was in the last feeding

please help!!!!!! Any one....?? Any one??? Buler?


Well-Known Member
Ive just had the same thing happen to me, 2 northern lights 6 weeks into flowering jus wilted,went brown and died overnight for no reason, all other plants are fine so will be interested to hear what ppl have to say about it
this is what happen while moving the plants from one hole to another i unknownely pulled off a small patch of roots and thats what did it!!