so this is one week old today. growing in a hempy 100% perlite. 120watt cfl. temp 80. ph water 6.2. so i havent added any nutes yet since she is so young but im starting to see the same problems as my other plant and want to take care of it. there leaves are turning from dark green to light green and even yellowish brown. it may be a zinc deficency or maybe overwatering but im not sure. im watering about once a day because i dont think the roots has hit the water table yet. any advice is thanked in advance.View attachment 1475971


Well-Known Member
so this is one week old today. growing in a hempy 100% perlite. 120watt cfl. temp 80. ph water 6.2. so i havent added any nutes yet since she is so young but im starting to see the same problems as my other plant and want to take care of it. there leaves are turning from dark green to light green and even yellowish brown. it may be a zinc deficency or maybe overwatering but im not sure. im watering about once a day because i dont think the roots has hit the water table yet. any advice is thanked in advance.View attachment 1475971

does the perlite you are using contain any nutes at all>? like miracleGro or summit?


Active Member
He stated NO nutes.
Is the perlite drying out or you just guessing. Doesn't need to be wet... only moist.
How close is this 120W light ?


Well-Known Member
No nutes just perlite rocks. The ones preloaded with nutes better?
no as they can burn seedlings - but it looks to me like she's starving but i may be wrong...

if i were you i'd give it some feed - start very low....

maybe wait for a few more comments to confirm or not...


Well-Known Member
That's over- something....probably the stage it's in, it may not make it reagardless of what you do.....if it was mine, I'd ignore it a few days, alowing it to dry out mostly.....I'd bet it recovers a bit although it will prob be stunted.....
That's over- something....probably the stage it's in, it may not make it reagardless of what you do.....if it was mine, I'd ignore it a few days, alowing it to dry out mostly.....I'd bet it recovers a bit although it will prob be stunted.....
what would you recommend for my first two weeks of feeding? everyday seems like too much now after i see what it has done.