Help !

Looks to me to be spider mites. It appears as though there are signs of them, but I very well could be wrong looking just at pictures which are a bit deceiving.

Check for webs on the plants, and using a loupe, scope or magnifying glass, look at the underside of the leaves for tiny black dots running around.
Its not mites
How are you checking the ph ? Do you use a pen aswell as a soil testers. Also bit of a stupid question but how much and how often are you watering
I water every 2-3 days depending on how light it heavy the pots are I dont let them really dry out too much , and I have a pen style and a capsule style that you mix with water , are there any recommendations on a good ph test ? For water or soil
Check the PH as the water drains — likely it will move down. Simply flush the plant with higher PH water like 7 with nothing in it until your measured drained water is about 7 (I recommend to do that after you transplant to a large pot with perlite as others recommended)
So I'll need to get a water ph tester all I have is soil testers unless that can be used for both ? If not any recommendations on a accurate one?
Alright so I just repotted my 4 plants I added 3 cups or perlite and 3tbs of dolomite lime to each, while I had the plants out of the pot I noticed the root clump was pretty moist which is odd since I havent watered it recently but all of the surrounding soil is bone dry my questing is should I water them or not water them for a while, they're currently under light until tommorw afternoon
Where should ph be ? I check 2 times a week and it's always around 6 unless the tests I use arent accurate
Assuming it's soil, 6.5 - 6.8 know that your nutrient pH could be going in at 6.5 but that doesn't mean the medium / root zone isn't much lower.

Checked on them this morning they looked droopy as hell from the transplant and stress from taking them out the pots I gave them a tiny bit of water around the edges where the soil was bone dry just need to know if i should let them be until they straighten back up or if i should water them since i added the perlite and lime, again the outer soil was bone dry and the root clump was pretty moist
Yes go ahead and water them. The soil should be draining correctly now with the addition of the perlite. They should perk right back up shortly. Should see a difference within a day or so.
It's been about 24 hours since I transplanted and corrected the soil the 2 problem plants look the worst out of the 4 hopefully itll pop back up by tommorow


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That’s not good! That soil looks pretty thick and probably not draining correctly. Don’t touch it for a bit and see if it bounces back but looks like a candidate for root rot and this point unfortunately.