
My CFL grow was going great until yesterday when almost all leaves began to droop.
only watering once a day. do you guys have any suggestions?? first time grower in need of some help.070711214223.jpg
im using nutrigrow plus A+B i put 1and a half teaspoons in a little less than a gallon of water and feed it about 1 and a half teaspoons a day. i couldnt get the idea of how to get the ph drops to work so the guy at the hydroponics store said skip it.
fasho. im not sure what the ph is cause it wouldnt turn to yellow it would just stay at green. so i said fuck it and just mixed water with the nutrients a+b and threw a little chlorine killer in it.
u dont need to water everyday i wait like 3 days n u dont need to feed it that much either especially when theyre young if they are heathy but drooping u cn try to poke holes in the soil try not to damage roots tho i would cut feeding in half till u get that nute butn under control mayby even 1/4 strength every other watering
alright koo thanks bro, but should i just start using regular water when i feed instead of using the nutrients that i have mixed with the water? and when do you think is a good time to switch to my bigger pot?


The top of the soil looks dry in your pictures, if that is the case, then too much water is not the problem. It is probably a good idea to lay off the nutes for now though.

You might consider cutting the bottom leaves that are all nasty yellow in 1/2... cut all the ends off.

If you wanted to be extreme, I think it would be a good idea to cut off the whole bottom branch in the picture... I realize that is a lot of the plant! But if you cut if off, you will encourage your plant to grow up and you will get a much bigger buds in the end. Was this plant originally a clone? Because that would explain a lot. The roots may not be able to support all the growth at the top. Otherwise it is strange that the lower branch has as many nodes as the top.

So like this:
yes sir it is a clone of skywalker from the local dispensary. are u sure i should cut just about all of the nasty yellowness off? you seem to know alot so i might take that advice. yes my soils been getting a bit dry so do you think i should start just giving it a little regular water with out the nutes? how long should i hold off on the nutes until?


Since I don't know how much nutes the plants have already got, it is hard to say. I would say to hold off for more than two weeks if I actually though nutes was the only problem. It might be part of the problem, but I don't think it is the whole problem. In fact since your soil looks dry - it is very possible that nutes have nothing to do with it. If you make the cuts and the plant grows a few inches over the next week and looks completely healthy, you can consider giving it more nutes. Go light though - it sounds like you are new to this, and it is better to err on the side of caution.

Snce you are confirming that the top of the soil actually is dry - if this has been pretty normal, then I really think the problem is the clone was just not well cut before the grow started. Cutting off the extra bits will get the plant to a good size so you can be sure the root system is able to support a healthy plant. The lower branch is actually large enough to turn into its own clone, so you could potentially turn it into two plants if you didn't want the branch to go to waste.