Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
A nuke is a bomb, not a firearm. I already can't buy C4 as an average joe with a clean background, much less a nuke. This conversation seems like it might have some potential, let's not kill it further, eh?
you used to be able to buy dynamite at the hardware store. same with machine guns.
the question is, have We The People become less trustworthy, or has the government simply decided we are less to be trusted?
i can assure you, weapons have not become more dangerous, nor have they become more available in the last 50 years.
amidst all the weeping and crying over one nutcase losing his damned mind before getting his brain splattered all over the place, where are the machinegun toting mafiosos, the rampaging interstate bank robbers and the bonnie and clyde crime sprees lately?
but we need MORE gun control than we had in 1968?
has what we have been so good that we need more?
or has it failed so miserably that we need more to fix the failure?
or is it all just a carefully orchestrated put-up job designed to convince us to give up our rights, not all, just a little bit...
just the rights that the city folks aint using...
really you wont even miss it...
youll be safer...
Think Of The Children.