Here it comes - gun control!!!

A nuke is a bomb, not a firearm. I already can't buy C4 as an average joe with a clean background, much less a nuke. This conversation seems like it might have some potential, let's not kill it further, eh?

you used to be able to buy dynamite at the hardware store. same with machine guns.

the question is, have We The People become less trustworthy, or has the government simply decided we are less to be trusted?

i can assure you, weapons have not become more dangerous, nor have they become more available in the last 50 years.

amidst all the weeping and crying over one nutcase losing his damned mind before getting his brain splattered all over the place, where are the machinegun toting mafiosos, the rampaging interstate bank robbers and the bonnie and clyde crime sprees lately?

but we need MORE gun control than we had in 1968?
has what we have been so good that we need more?
or has it failed so miserably that we need more to fix the failure?
or is it all just a carefully orchestrated put-up job designed to convince us to give up our rights, not all, just a little bit...
just the rights that the city folks aint using...
really you wont even miss it...
youll be safer...
Think Of The Children.
so, we can have guns, but only ones YOU approve of.

what happens when your favorite guns become disapproved by some clown even leftier than thou?

Let me state it for the 3rd goddamned time in this thread alone: I do no support banning any guns. FFS man, read what I post, not what you wanna think i post because of your delusional right wing bunker mentality views. Clown.

my "tin foil hat" is irrelevant, particularly since aluminium is the approved material for headwear, due to it's power to diffuse and disperse CIA mind control rays.

the second amendment does not exist to protect your hobby shooting,, or even hunting. it exists because the army is NOT SUPPOSED TO.

the army is an affront to the constitution, as is the coast guard and the air force. they are NOT authorized and the army is specifically prohibited in favour of a militia. the pretense that the army is a militia is silly.

The ramblings of a true wingnut
you may wish to check your OWN aluminium foil hat, as it seems to have become dislodged during your insertion of your head between your buttocks.
Bla bla bla get back to prepping, Im done with you. Youre either completely fucking ignorant, or have the reading comprehension of a retarded mouse.
I read your previous posts about the 5.56. I spent 4 years in the Marines, I never heard anyone speak highly of the M16. Sure, it got the job done just fine but it's not really special. I didn't accuse you of being into banning guns. You seemed to indicate that you were a gun owner yourself. I agree that the current situation has problems, I was just saying that I think you give the AR15 too much credit.
Semper Fi!!

I didnt say the M16 or the AR is some kind of wonder gun.

I said it has an awful lot of firepower (being able to put tons of effective rounds on a target very quickly using a high capacity mag)
I watched a documentary on the battle of Fallujah. That needs to be in the song. From the halls of Montezuma to the dirt streets of Fallujah.

IAC, the tangos were so high on Kaat, and meth they soaked up M16 rounds and didn't go down until after 6-8 hits sometimes. One story was a guy who took 3 from the Ma-duce before being deterred. 3 x .50 Cal. !!!!! Something also, about skinny combatants, low mass in a tee shirt, no fat, no muscle, no expanding wound channels. No web gear, no flak vest, close range, the FMJ goes right though.

Re: the AR-15 frame. It can be re-chambered for a heavier round. I've seen it in a prototype at .40 Cal. Special, hard hitting, urban combat rounds. But, the way it is going a squad soon will have 3 SAW and 5 LMG.

The LMG is no yet fielded but will use plastic cartridges. Each round will weight less that 1/2 the 7.62 in the SAW.
A lunatic in America can lay his hands on a gun easily and mow down 20 ppl.
A lunatic in say the UK can go crazy not find his gun but jump in his car and mow down 20 ppl.
No difference. 40 ppl are dead
When you think about it anything can be a weapon

I was pro gun control.
I realise there is no control.
If individual governments can't get their ppl to live in harmony telling them what they can and can't do is not going to fix that
There is no fix.

I don't really see that a ban on automatic guns will achieve anything but political brown tongues
Stupid stupid stupid.

If everybody had as much Romulan as me peace would reign.
I don't really see that a ban on automatic guns will achieve anything but political brown tongues
Stupid stupid stupid.

If everybody had as much Romulan as me peace would reign.
Automatic weapons are not the issue here, hardly anyone has a automatic weapon, they are prohibitively expensive and it takes 3 months just to get through the paperwork. They want to ban Semi-auto rifles that look like their automatic military counterparts. So basically they want to ban semi auto rifles, but you will still be able to have the FULL Auto rifles.

Its like banning knives, all except for the exceptionally sharp ones.

I am glad you are able to see the light, that banning things does not rid society of them.
I agree that this is "The Incident" that will bring us more gun controll in the US. I don't think it will make any difference, but I think it's coming.

Historially, there have always been mass killings. google "running amok". The origin of the phrase was during the Spanish/American war, when Philipinos would whip out a knife in a place crowded with foreign, white civilians and start slashing. Horrific body counts. Same happened during the Boxer Rebellion in China. No guns, lots of bodies. They have tight gun controll in Russia and in India, but Beslan and Mumbai happened anyway. Gun controll won't change anything, but We The People have to do something, so we feel like we're doing something.

The problem I have such a hard time wrapping my mind around is why these things keep happening for the unfathomable reasons they happen in America (mostly in America, anyway). In the other examples I gave (S/A war, China, Beslan & Mumbai) the massacres were all part of larger fights. Political context, socio/religous wars, stuff like that. Not that the greater fight in any way reduces the tragedy, but it adds a context that can be in some way understood. Here it's just mental health. Why the hell do people do this? They aren't doing it for any sort of 'greater cause' and they don't seem to want anything but to do the act. Why do so many of them wear body armor for suicide rampages? Are they acting out a game? Just what the hell goes through their minds?

Is it the video games? Is it the massive use of psychoactive medications Americans gulp down every day? I don't know. We have something seriously wrong, and I wish I knew what it was. Two things I do know. One, gun controll isn't going to fix doodly-squat. Second, we are going to get more cun controll.
Damn!! I suck then.....:neutral:
next time you will get a real killer of a gun, the Smith & Wesson M&P 15-22. It is a .22 rimfire, but has a pistol grip so therefore is extremely deadly at up to 2 miles away, able to spit out 30 rounds in 1 second, all rounds falling on their targets automatically killing them. The collapsible butt stock allows instantaneous conversion from a handgun size weapon able to be hidden in a shirt pocket to a long rifle able to accurately engage targets at 3000 meters. The flash suppressor on the front keeps you from ever seeing anything come out of the muzzle, but will permanently blind the enemy when they see that massive retina scorching flash when you fire. The bipod mount ensures that you are able to prop the gun up all by itself and hit the full auto switch and the gun will fire on targets automatically with no participation from you. The detachable 30 round magazine ensures hours of full automatic shooting enjoyment.
Why do so many of them wear body armor for suicide rampages? Are they acting out a game? Just what the hell goes through their minds?

Is it the video games? Is it the massive use of psychoactive medications Americans gulp down every day? I don't know. We have something seriously wrong, and I wish I knew what it was. Two things I do know. One, gun controll isn't going to fix doodly-squat. Second, we are going to get more cun controll.

I somewhat agree with you, but wanted to make clear a few inconsistencies. None of the shooters (Colorado or Conn) wore body armor, they had tactical padded gear that wouldn't even slow down a sling shot let alone provide one bit of protection from a rifle round. The media loves to call this stuff bullet proof armor, it is anything but.

Violence in the USA has been trending down year after year for the last decade, we have no more violent outbursts per capita than any other country, it just seems like we do because the media makes a circus of every incident for weeks on end, all the while the economy goes to shit behind our backs.

IMO gun control is strictly prohibited by the 2nd amendment, but I think so many people are brainwashed to think we are a democracy and as long as 51% of the people can be convinced, then they can make whatever laws they want.
scathing my head here, they are banning semi-automatic weapons. WTF? so does that mean drive-by shootings will be done with gunpowder muskets and ram-rods
I somewhat agree with you, but wanted to make clear a few inconsistencies. None of the shooters (Colorado or Conn) wore body armor, they had tactical padded gear that wouldn't even slow down a sling shot let alone provide one bit of protection from a rifle round. The media loves to call this stuff bullet proof armor, it is anything but.

Violence in the USA has been trending down year after year for the last decade, we have no more violent outbursts per capita than any other country, it just seems like we do because the media makes a circus of every incident for weeks on end, all the while the economy goes to shit behind our backs.

IMO gun control is strictly prohibited by the 2nd amendment, but I think so many people are brainwashed to think we are a democracy and as long as 51% of the people can be convinced, then they can make whatever laws they want.

They only have to convince 5 out of 9 President appointees. The Supremes. Looks like that is in the bag. The Law is there are limits to the 2ond Admin. It is the boundaries of the limits that get pushed back in forth.
m1a , i forgot the a.

I doubt its a real m14, but could be wrong.

Just being an accuracy nazi.
Actually, there were some M1As that were converted to select fire by Springfield but you're right, I doubt if the one in the picture is full auto.
I somewhat agree with you, but wanted to make clear a few inconsistencies. None of the shooters (Colorado or Conn) wore body armor, they had tactical padded gear that wouldn't even slow down a sling shot let alone provide one bit of protection from a rifle round. The media loves to call this stuff bullet proof armor, it is anything but.

Violence in the USA has been trending down year after year for the last decade, we have no more violent outbursts per capita than any other country, it just seems like we do because the media makes a circus of every incident for weeks on end, all the while the economy goes to shit behind our backs.

IMO gun control is strictly prohibited by the 2nd amendment, but I think so many people are brainwashed to think we are a democracy and as long as 51% of the people can be convinced, then they can make whatever laws they want.

Did you hear that NY, NY City reported ZERO (0) homicides for the first time ever. Since they started recording it of course. I think it happened like 3-4 weeks ago
This is the problem with the News-joke. They have an agenda to support. The agenda is that America is failing and needs fixing, gun control, etc.

But, the facts are still available, for now.