could never envision a car.
leonardo davinci envisioned horselss carriages, flying machines etc etc etc, fuck you think your so superior, and everyone born before1980 is some benighted fool who couldnt imagine anything as revolutionary as an iPhone, well guess what champ, dick tracy had a video phone in his watch in the 1940's.
self loading clip fed crossbows were nothing new, they were the chinese infantry's standard arms from around 200ad. yes, TWO HUNDRED AD, thats not a typo, and they were quite effective at killing, the zhuge crossbow was shit for hunting though, and it never caught on in europe but washington and jefferson felt no need to ban these MURDERBOWS despite their high capacity magazines (as much as 20 bolts in a magazine!) and ease of operation, and their uselessness outside war, and mankilling. GW TJ and their BFF alexander hamilton didnt feel the need to ban daggers either and yet, daggers are banned throughout the US as "deadly MURDERKNIVES" only used to MURDERDEATHKILL innocent citizens. why would these cats not ban MURDERKNIVES? werent they Thinking Of The Children??? because they knew those weapons were used for defense of life and liberty. same with swords, cutlasses cannons, muskets rifles grenades, and all the other implements of the soldier, because WE are the nation's army. did you know that the Rough Riders (Theodore Roosevelt's regiment in the spanish american war, 189

were raised as volunteers PRIVATELY, armed PRIVATELY equipped with machineguns PRIVATELY and then presented as a full regiment PRIVATELY until they were sworn and bound to the US dept of war before shipping out to cuba? no, you didnt know that, cuz we always had a standing army right? WRONG! constitutionally we STILL dont have a satnding army, we have a "militia" with shitty low bid issued guns.
jesus Christ indeed. youre a thickwitted little shit who thinks history started with your first nocturnal emission. catch a clue lil shaver, theres a lot of shit that went on before you realized your pecker was more than just something to tug on in your nappy.
i propose that it is unsafe for everone else for you to opine on the interwebsm since your thoughts are ill formed, and poorly engineered perhaps we should take away your interweb license or your free speech license until you can see over the dashboard or your testicles finally descend.