There is definitely an issue with SOMETHING in the USA. The murders from firearms per capita is much higher in the USA than other countries. Even when you consider that the USA has more guns per capita, about x3 more than the next closest country, the murders per capita due to firearms are vastly, vastly more than x3 the next closest country.
I'm not saying that guns should be banned (I own many guns

), but people need to take a realistic approach to changing SOMETHING to do with the way guns are procured, owned, and stored. The constitution made sense (and still does to a point) but it was written hundreds of years ago. Laws need to be changed to ensure that the public remains safe, because obviously there is SOMETHING wrong with the current way that gun ownership is being looked at.
I keep trigger locks on all my guns to ensure they're safe. I store ammo separately from my guns and rifles, and make sure they're stored unloaded.
It seems like people who are extremely 'pro-gun' can't take even the slightest criticism to how gun ownership is approached or they fall into a slippery slope argument and refuse to even consider amendments. There is a middle ground that could let gun owners keep their firearms, but also make sure that people who own guns are responsible, AND trained in the usage, storage, and safety of their firearms.
This clearly isn't a black and white issue, personal liberty as well as personal protection are at stake, but if both sides dig in with both feet no progress can be made. One thing anyone, regardless of left/right leaning should be able to agree upon is that obviously progress NEEDS to be made so the total number of firearms related fatalities in the USA can be reduced to a number that is more consistent with other industrialized nations. Denying a problem exists is blatant ignorance, and blaming the problem on any one type of firearm is equally ignorant.
I guess the real question is;
"What is the real reason people in the USA are more prone to shooting one another than anywhere else in the world?"
Mis-communication? Belief that violence should be used to solve problems? Influx of easily accessible weapons? Readily available semi/fully automatic weapons? Lax storage laws? Lax laws regarding gun trades and obtaining firearms? The list could be endless...
I'm pretty certain that more guns isn't the answer, USA already has the most guns of any nation, so perhaps something else should at least be considered...