Here it comes - gun control!!!

I'm honestly just glad some actual discussion about making progress took place.

You guys made my night. :D

...and on that note, I'm gonna blaze some Neville's Haze :)

Me too!!

I used to grow,but when my mom died i got the house i grew up in and it has very old wiring and does not handle my lights very well.
And to broke to upgrade the wiring.

Go small scale bro. CFL's won't make a ton of bud but they'll keep you better supplied than you are right now.

Just a thought.
Sir, this is literally the exact thing I'm talking about. Everyone should have the same (forced even!) commitment to safety as you do.

I have a BIG problem with that.

My other argument, which might be considered more controversial is this;

If you want a CCW permit, you should have appropriate training. You should have training on choosing an appropriate weapon and caliber for CCW purposes, you should have training on when it's appropriate to use a firearm in a public place, and you should have training on safety concerns that should be addressed when in a high stress situations.

I'm not saying your safety doesn't take paramount concern even, just that if you're going to be given a potentially deadly weapon, and a right to use it in a public place where you could really, really hurt other people, or kill them, you should at least be a reasonably skilled individual.

Is that really asking something extraordinary?


Why do you want gun owners held to a higher standard than say, drivers?
Not even for a CCW permit? Think of the jobs that could be created, Federal CCW trainers that would properly train anyone that filled out a simply CCW form. Hell, they could even use the NRA to get their instructors...

There could be an actual, citizen element that would be highly trained in the use of firearms. If the 2nd amendment was made to ensure the citizens could overthrow a tyrannical gov. what better protection could the citizens have than not only having guns, but being highly trained in their use!

You make it sound like firearms are terribly complicated devices.
We should embrace training from our federal overlords so we can overthrow them?
Then have it done locally. It's a hypothetical scenario, gentlemen.

I'm sure there's a ton of local law enforcement, ex-military, or self defense professionals, that would jump at the chance to help citizens get their CCW's.

Why, are they the only ones qualified?
Nice to see you're still an asshole.

I say you're the asshole. You want Big Brother so bad, I don't.

How about this? We put on a device over your penis that covers it. You can only expose your penis for 30 seconds every hour to pee or clean it. This device has a transmitter that sends signals to a satellite. If you violate the 30 second rule, you're eliminated on sight by the government.

Do you know a shit ton more children are raped each year than are shot? Getting raped as a child is much worse than getting shot. Think of all the children, dude!