I'm a devout atheist, never believed in God or the supernatural even as a kid. Its all random so there is no one to ask why.
I love organised religion, it doesn't take much "research" to have them bamboozled by asking them questions that they cannot answer because it means their version of belief gets shredded.
The Book of Leviticus is a cracker for when you get accosted by the bible bashers, you can really screw with their heads.
Or, may favourite, "I stopped talking to imaginary friends when I was 6 years old, what's your excuse".
Of note is that such things are only done when a polite "Not interested" followed by a not-so-polite "Fuck off" is not a hint they understand. Believe what you wish, that is your choice, but don't try to force me into believing your fantasies or you will not come off best, "live and let live" you could say....