Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

Some states/counties have "Homestead Exemptions" on real property (land taxes) if you're a Senior (usually 65>), Disabled or a surviving spouse. You may not necessarily be notified you qualify for the exemption. Info should be on the site where you pay your property taxes or local county auditors office.

We did this several years ago.

The Massachusetts Homestead Act is a law under which a homeowner is protected by an Estate of Homestead. A homestead estate provides limited protection of the value of the home, up to $500,000, against unsecured creditor claims. The Homestead Actis Massachusetts General Laws (MGL) Chapter 188.

It's something at least. I'm not sure if it would protect you against asset forfeiture though.
We've had over 13 good years together.

I could not ask for a better friend.

We had to put our 15 y.o. white shepherd down a couple of years ago. It was a difficult decision, he wasn't a dog that ever showed pain, but you could tell he was suffering towards the end.

The process was very peaceful. He layed down with his head on his paws like he was sitting on the porch watching the world go by. Then he fell asleep. And then it was over. He never convulsed. He never whimpered. No panic or fear. He just fell asleep as peacefully as he ever did.

When it was over, I thought back to how both of my parents had their last minutes, and I cursed the world that they couldn't have gone out like my dog.
Just recently had to do the same with my cat, she was with me for 22 years. She was fine until the end, then had a bad stroke and couldn't walk/eat/function. Never was a cat person and I inherited her from my son. But got quite attached to her, changed my mind on cats, I think many times they're smarter than dogs, at minimum more cunning, definitely more attitude ;) She had a good life and went peacefully.

As @greg nr mentioned, had to watch my dad die of cancer, my mom's on her way and full blown Alzheimer's for the last couple of years. It's prompted me to have some talks with my kids, there's no way I'm going out like either of my parents. I'll keep my bike in riding shape, they can just dig a hole at the bottom of the cliff, don't need no stinkin' funeral ;)
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Just recently had to do the same with my cat, she was with me for 22 years. She was fine until the end, then had a bad stroke and couldn't walk/eat/function. Never was a cat person and I inherited her form my son. But got quite attached to her, changed my mind on cats, I think many times they're smarter than dogs, at minimum more cunning, definitely more attitude ;) She had a good life and went peacefully.

As @greg nr mentioned, had to watch my dad die of cancer, my mom's on her way and full blown Alzheimer's for the last couple of years. It's prompted me to have some talks with my kids, there's no way I'm going out like either of my parents. I'll keep my bike in riding shape, they can just dig a hole at the bottom of the cliff, don't need no stinkin' funeral ;)

Lol, I've told the kids that when I die, push me up the hill, put me in a hole, cover me up, and don't tell the new owners I'm there. ;)
13 states that do tax Social Security benefits
Colorado, Connecticut, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia.

Social Security Is Shortchanging Widows And Widowers
New Mexico was(past tense) one of the places i was thinking of movin to....One cannot squeeze a rock and make it give water....So why would they want to Tax us again on (OUR) earnings..Not free money..Thank you BB...
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Just recently had to do the same with my cat, she was with me for 22 years. She was fine until the end, then had a bad stroke and couldn't walk/eat/function. Never was a cat person and I inherited her from my son. But got quite attached to her, changed my mind on cats, I think many times they're smarter than dogs, at minimum more cunning, definitely more attitude ;) She had a good life and went peacefully.

As @greg nr mentioned, had to watch my dad die of cancer, my mom's on her way and full blown Alzheimer's for the last couple of years. It's prompted me to have some talks with my kids, there's no way I'm going out like either of my parents. I'll keep my bike in riding shape, they can just dig a hole at the bottom of the cliff, don't need no stinkin' funeral ;)

Dogs have Owners. Cats have Staff.

here's some nostalgia. this guy was the biggest businessman in the area when i was a kid, owned what was basically a walmart 25 years before walmart opened, had a weekly tv show, gave dolly parton her start....and was a fucking lunatic.....but a well known lunatic...you used to ask bad drivers if they bought their drivers license at Caz Walkers.

here he is throwing what i assume is his nephew's band off stage and bitching them out

theres lots more of this guy on youtube.....one of my area's founding fathers.......
here's some nostalgia. this guy was the biggest businessman in the area when i was a kid, owned what was basically a walmart 25 years before walmart opened, had a weekly tv show, gave dolly parton her start....and was a fucking lunatic.....but a well known lunatic...you used to ask bad drivers if they bought their drivers license at Caz Walkers.

here he is throwing what i assume is his nephew's band off stage and bitching them out

theres lots more of this guy on youtube.....one of my area's founding fathers.......
We had a guy on a morning show up in Dothan Alabama for 30 years. The TV station changed hands, and he didn't like the new owners, so he went down to Panama City Florida and did a few more years down there. I grew up watching him. He was the only show to give the Ag weather report.

This was from the last year the show in Panama City.

Midwest AM Radio c. 1970's, you'd have to remember WMMS, Kid Leo, Boom unitl Noon, Matt the Cat. Sponsors of the World Series of Rock at the Cleveland Stadium.

Lol, I've told the kids that when I die, push me up the hill, put me in a hole, cover me up, and don't tell the new owners I'm there. ;)

My orders are to give my body to medical science, simply because of all the things I've done over the years, and there was a lot of hedonism, a lot of people will be wanting to know how in hells name I lasted as long as I did.