I'm way over 50! But I am male. So mentally, still about 14

In HS during the mid 60's I wasn't gonna be one of those long haired "potheads". Yeah sure....lol Tried to miss the draft. But it didn't miss me, unfortunately. Wasn't quick enough, I guess. During those days they were taking 30,000, of the 60,000, a month for the Marines. I admire the shit out of Marines. Semper Fi and all that. But I certainly wasn't a Marine. I was surfer from SoCal. I think I shot a BB gun, like twice. Too much surfing and not enough Jr College. So My 1S Turned into a 1A fast. When I did get drafted, at 19 1/2. I figured, one way or the other. I'd be cannon fodder

So I joined the Air Farce, instead. WOW! 2 tours in Thailand certainly changed my mind about bud and potheads.....LOL Still haven't found any smoke that "knocks my dik in the dirt" like that Thai stick used too. Could it have been that it was laced with heroin and/or opium? Ummmmm could be....lol The price was good too. $.50 for 20 sticks... (revving up the DeLorean).
We were heroes, back then too. At least to each other. Even the ones that never made it overseas. We all had to put up with the idiocy and bureauracy. Shame the government fucked it up so bad. That us GI's wound up bearing the brunt of the all hate and resentment I never killed any babies. Although, I may have been responsible for the death of quite a few "ganja" plants.....lol
So 45 years of medicating. And now enjoying the "hobby" of growing. I think I stopped smoking once, for about 6 months. Damn, I believe I almost saw God when I started up again

Maybe I should quit again? Nahhhhhhh