I joined the Navy in 1979 to see the world also. I went for 30 days of sea trials on an amunition oil tender. USS Camden AOE-2. A big ass 850 foot long floating time bomb. Giant fuel tanks and missles and ammo on board. Ended up heading to dry-dock in NAS Alameda in the San Fransisco bay area. Lived in barracks on treasure island, in the middle of San Fransisco bay for 2 years.
When I wasn't on duty, we would spend our time in San Fransisco. I really learned a lot about pot and some other mind altering substances.
I ended up staying in the bay area after I got out of the service and lived there till mid 90's.
Started growing in the mid 80's in Marin co. Ca. just North of SF. I now live in Colorado and just started growing again 2 years ago.
The internet, strain selection, grow shops, public information, acceptance and availability of anything you need, have sure changed growing!
Used to be a real pain in the ass. Had to find clones or bagseed. If you got a decent pheno, mother it and get used to it, cause your going to be growing that for a real long time until your next random aquisition of some different or better strain.
It's a lot funner now a days.
I love technology!