Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

I was too young (thank goodness) for Vietnam, but my uncle (who was a major pothead) said they would roll them in cannabis oil. Of course oil being a very high percentage of thc it packed a wallop. He also said, the bud that was not rolled in oil was still good, but there was a very noticeable difference.

Hey, a Plank Owner. Congrats!

when i joined the navy is 79, they asked me what i wanted to. my answer was to see the world, so they put me on a brand new (plank owner) sub tender we sailed around to charleston s.c. where we stayed till i got out in 82. i did get to go through the panama canel, cuba, jamaica, and st. thomas v.i. if i had to do it again i would.

I joined the Navy in 1979 to see the world also. I went for 30 days of sea trials on an amunition oil tender. USS Camden AOE-2. A big ass 850 foot long floating time bomb. Giant fuel tanks and missles and ammo on board. Ended up heading to dry-dock in NAS Alameda in the San Fransisco bay area. Lived in barracks on treasure island, in the middle of San Fransisco bay for 2 years.
When I wasn't on duty, we would spend our time in San Fransisco. I really learned a lot about pot and some other mind altering substances.
I ended up staying in the bay area after I got out of the service and lived there till mid 90's.
Started growing in the mid 80's in Marin co. Ca. just North of SF. I now live in Colorado and just started growing again 2 years ago.
The internet, strain selection, grow shops, public information, acceptance and availability of anything you need, have sure changed growing!
Used to be a real pain in the ass. Had to find clones or bagseed. If you got a decent pheno, mother it and get used to it, cause your going to be growing that for a real long time until your next random aquisition of some different or better strain.
It's a lot funner now a days.
I love technology!
My father was on the U.S.S. Forestall. You probably saw films of it during safety, training courses in the Navy.
nick named forest fire, yes i worked in the engine room so i had to see it 3 times, once a year. what was real fun is i had to go to damage control class. two of us where from the fleet, three where new to the fleet. anyway they put us in a closed tank with windows for the instructors to watch through. well when they turned the water on the other fleet sailor and myself started plugging holes to stop the water, the three new sailors started freaking out. needless to say the secound round went real well, then they got to do it a couple of times with just them three.

My father was on the U.S.S. Forestall. You probably saw films of it during safety, training courses in the Navy.
I joined the Navy in 1979 to see the world also. I went for 30 days of sea trials on an amunition oil tender. USS Camden AOE-2. A big ass 850 foot long floating time bomb. Giant fuel tanks and missles and ammo on board. Ended up heading to dry-dock in NAS Alameda in the San Fransisco bay area. Lived in barracks on treasure island, in the middle of San Fransisco bay for 2 years.
When I wasn't on duty, we would spend our time in San Fransisco. I really learned a lot about pot and some other mind altering substances.
I ended up staying in the bay area after I got out of the service and lived there till mid 90's.
Started growing in the mid 80's in Marin co. Ca. just North of SF. I now live in Colorado and just started growing again 2 years ago.
The internet, strain selection, grow shops, public information, acceptance and availability of anything you need, have sure changed growing!
Used to be a real pain in the ass. Had to find clones or bagseed. If you got a decent pheno, mother it and get used to it, cause your going to be growing that for a real long time until your next random aquisition of some different or better strain.
It's a lot funner now a days.
I love technology!

Uss Navasota AO-106 1972-75
I made MR3
we pumped over 50K barrels of fuel one year on Vietnam.
this is a really cool thread as its nice to come here & hear from other ''old farts'' & their experiences i never made the military but a lot of people i knew did i can remember some that got busted & if they were close to 18 yrs old sometimes the judge would squash their case if they joined the service times have really changed
I saw the uss forestall in training flicks in 69 so yup im old school but only last 5 years a stoner..would have been a blast if I was a toker then
I saw the uss forestall in training flicks in 69 so yup im old school but only last 5 years a stoner..would have been a blast if I was a toker then

I remember the "Trial by fire" flick myself (saw it at least annually for a few years).
Ugly stuff for sure.

That Chief with the extinguisher was one ballsy mo-fo, but the 500 pounder sure was a bummer !
Bought my first illegal drugs, a "deuce", in Detroit, 1964. A deuce was as much reefer as one could fit into a match box, cost was $2. Became a dealer in 1968 when I bought a 1/4 oz. of hash for $35 and sold grams for $7. Back in 1969-70 I realized that a $20 bill would buy an ounce of pot ($10), a case of beer ($5) and a carton of smokes ($4). Street hippies like me could panhandle enough for a pack of cigs, a burger and a bottle of wine in an hour. Living on the street was fun for a while, but after a while gets old. BigSteve.
say big, we was seeing .25 gal gas and .24 for fags (remember that term for cigarettes)during the gas wars. good memories huh
Hey Guys! I'm back after a long absence and glad to see that everyone is still "fartin" around! I have missed you all so much. I have been trying to keep a low profile.....yeah right! I am doing good and growing a big garden. I hope to be hangin out on a more regular basis if I can keep the ole laptop going. Can't wait to see what everyone's been doing in my absence! xoxo
Hey Guys! I'm back after a long absence and glad to see that everyone is still "fartin" around! I have missed you all so much. I have been trying to keep a low profile.....yeah right! I am doing good and growing a big garden. I hope to be hangin out on a more regular basis if I can keep the ole laptop going. Can't wait to see what everyone's been doing in my absence! xoxo

I was starting to think you were gone forever .
this is a really cool thread as its nice to come here & hear from other ''old farts'' & their experiences i never made the military but a lot of people i knew did i can remember some that got busted & if they were close to 18 yrs old sometimes the judge would squash their case if they joined the service times have really changed
That's why I enlisted. My tour led me in the fall of '65 to Hamilton AFB in Bay Area. Finished up in summer of '67. If it wasn't for acid I woulda probably been a lifer.
Spent a total of 24 months in the Army. Originally joined the National Guard to keep from getting drafted....got divorced and went active to get it over. Basic at Ft Ord California and rest at Carson in Colo Spgs. Was stoned all the time. First thing in the morning to the last thing at night. Got out as an E-4, they offered me E-5 to stay another 4 and laughed in their face. I did go back to school and also helped buy my first house under the GI Bill. My first months pay check was $37.
Hey I am an old fart, 58 can I join?.......I am just coming off of a years selfimposed exile here. I got tired of all the kids talking their trash, the bad manners so I quit for awhile. Been smoking and growing since 1968 myself, retired to costa rica and live high up in the mountains now is a small little village, life is great.
I grow in peace and have been breeding lots of plants the last 7 years I have been here. Currently working on escobars Lady Cane mostly and some of his other strains.
in 70s? you are one of the senior most person here. Well, I've started growing it in my 6th grade and it's been 13years now. As you said, learned many stuff and it's still interesting as it was initially.

visiting the thread after long time and feeling proud because of my same enthusiastic interest still :)
By the way, 50 is not old. Hell I am 66 and don't think of myself as old at all. Just takes a bit longer to heal, you forget things, and Dr's. love to see you coming, LOL.

Well I started a Saturday night in 1964, Older cousin who was a Jazz guy took me with him to a gig, been smoking ever since. Had a few outdoor grows in the 70's.

Reason I grow? Medical, but not in a medical state. I had the sweetest deal from the late 90's to 2008 when Cal legalized Med, I was working there in NorCal, and had a very long time friend that was growing in Humbolt county, a med grower for his wife. Well once or twice a yr I would pick up a lb. from him at the good ol' family price. That was some very good smoke and as the yrs rolled on it got nothing but better.

Left Cal in 2008 and have been buying off the street since I knew of no one to buy from. I had been driving into Houston on the East side and would just see a group standing around and ask. Got burned a few times and paid outrageous prices. Well earlier this yr I went on a shopping trip, talk to a guy, he showed me a jar of nice buds with great smell. I ask how much and it again was fucking outrageous but I was out and need some sleep aid so I told him ok. He said his stash was in his car and I follow him to his car and the bag he handed me was nasty, compacted powdery crap. I told him never mind and he said "well give me the money anyway" I turned to walk away and was confronted by two other guys and I got the royal shit beat out of me, they stole my wallet and keys. I had a spare key in the car, drove myself to the hospital to get patched up. I went home and got my pistol went back to that corner and there were two of the guys that beat me up at the corner. I parked the car, walked over to them, one of them said "hey look at this cracker, he came back for another fucking ass kicking". I pulled my piston, told them to raise their shirts over their heads and I took their pistols. Then I told them to empty their pockets and one of them still had my keys and wallet with the cash and cards still in it. I took my stuff, shot both of them in the knee and head home. Young punks of no matter what race should not mess with a pissed off vet.

Well it was at that point that I decided to start grow my own. So here I am about 60 days from harvest.

Peace out,
