Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

My youngest daughter lives in NE Portland and most of my family is in the surrounding areas.. I live on the north coast of Wa. about as far as you can go without getting your feet wet... Really green.. Really Beautiful.. Really WET!! 120" a year avg.. high was 169" It's a friken rain forest...
my 4 yr. grandson wants nothing to do with this or the bicycle I put together for him just not happy that much with the digital world & then realize I'm writing this with an I- pad , still not happy lol ... on the bright side when I fuck something up with the digital stuff he can straiten it out I guessIMG_1067.JPG
I usually win this contest. Bought my first "deuce" in Detroit in 1964. Back then a deuce was as much bud as would fit into a wooden match box and cost $2. Usually came wrapped up in tin foil.

I started buying matchboxes of weed in 74 when I was 13. We called then Nickels. Inflation. I paid five bucks. Also quickly learned I could buy an ounce for 20 and break that bitch up to sell to my schoolmates. Smoke for free.
Smoked first in a car outside a bar in '68 but didn't get high till '69, the second time I smoked in a '63 Ford Galaxy outside a bowling alley bar! Went back inside with someone seemingly looking over my shoulder for some time and thought I saw a marching band arriving! I really liked it and still do.
That's not a grinnel, it's a common carp - grinnel look like this.
Note the carp has chin barbels but no nostril barbels as does the bowfin.
Also the carp have no teeth but the bowfin is loaded with them.

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Cool, I couldn't remember what it looked like. It's been about 50 years ago! Just found the pic online and thought that might be it. Thanks for correcting me.
Good song. An old un-reconstructed Dead Head here. Didn't get to see them a ton, but always will cherish the shows I did catch.

LOVE that song. I didn't get to go as often as some of my buddies...maybe 7-8 times from the late 80s-early 90s. I was barely of age then.

At a show in NY in the early 90s Gerry lost his train of thought and forgot the words when performing Fire On the Mountain. One of the few "things" I can clearly remember.

No other show, concert or festival has ever carried the same atmosphere. The Allman Bros, CSN, The Band, and Pink Floyd came close though.

I imagine you guys who were youngins' during the 70s had it best with music and festivals like Cal-Jam and the like.
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There are fishing clubs and people that really peruse them, some with fly rods. There are even tournaments both for fishing and bow fishing. They are actually quite bright as fish go. All carp seem horrid in the Americas.

The flesh is really delicate and mild tasting but the bone structure is a pain. Smoking dries it enough so the meat comes off bones nicely.
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59 years old and in Alaska. Growin a bunch, homebrewing, playing music, and having as much fun as possible. Have you noticed when you look in a mirror you still look pretty good, can see the kid in yourself. Then someone takes a picture and you say "what the fuck"? That old guy doesn't look at all like me.
59 years old and in Alaska. Growin a bunch, homebrewing, playing music, and having as much fun as possible. Have you noticed when you look in a mirror you still look pretty good, can see the kid in yourself. Then someone takes a picture and you say "what the fuck"? That old guy doesn't look at all like me.
My brain thinks I'm a very wise 40 year old... My body is easily twice that... Ends up I can think of shit to do way faster than I can do it...Wtf!