Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

59 years old and in Alaska. Growin a bunch, homebrewing, playing music, and having as much fun as possible. Have you noticed when you look in a mirror you still look pretty good, can see the kid in yourself. Then someone takes a picture and you say "what the fuck"? That old guy doesn't look at all like me.

Welcome, I enjoy the great state as well.
Good to see a fellow Alaskan.

LOVE that song. I didn't get to go as often as some of my buddies...maybe 7-8 times from the late 80s-early 90s. I was barely of age then.

At a show in NY in the early 90s Gerry lost his train of thought and forgot the words when performing Fire On the Mountain. One of the few "things" I can clearly remember.

No other show, concert or festival has ever carried the same atmosphere. The Allman Bros, CSN, The Band, and Pink Floyd came close though.

I imagine you guys who were youngins' during the 70s had it best with music and festivals like Cal-Jam and the like.[/QUOTE]
I only saw the Dead 4-5 times while I was in the Navy. Mostly when they came through Norfolk and up the east coast.

I was kind of late to the scene. Wasn't paying attention until about '72. That summer we were up in the mountains on vacation, and heard about a big 3 day festival at the speedway in Rockingham NC. My sister was 17 and somehow talked Mamma into us going by there, We saw Mick Fleetwood and the rest of Fleetwood Mac in the pool where we were staying. Saw Three Dog Night in the parking lot. Sister knew who they were. I was 12 or so and hadn't really got into music yet. I didn't get to go to the show, but you could hear it all over the town. And by Sunday they had opened up the gates, and most of the townies were there too. That was my first up close look at hippies.

Later on when I was a teenager I saw lots of shows in Dothan Al and a few in Tally. Not the best seating or sound at either venue, but it was what we had. Didn't see Ronnie, but saw most of the southern bands that came after. When I was in the Navy, there were a wider spectrum of shows. Still lots of southern rock, but I saw ELO, Kansas and David Bowie while away from Larry Land. Best show was Greg Allman Band up in Norfolk in the early 80's. I had seen the Brothers during the Cher years, and they had no soul. Terrible shows.
Is it true that people in Norfolk used to have signs on their lawns that said - Dogs and sailors keep off the grass?
Not so much in Norfolk. The Navy was a huge part of the econimy, so folks took the drunk kids with a grain of salt. Chicago was worse. I was from the south, and not used to people being rude.
I grew up on sand in upper Midwest and will never forget sand burrs! Sandy lake bottoms and beaches. Old vast lakebed. Had Sandhill Cranes. A local bog had piles of fine white sand we got for sand boxes. Where I am now all that you get is a box of rocks.
I'm lucky I don't have any sandspurs on my place. But they are around. It makes life a bitch not being able to walk around without shoes. We have the Sandhill Cranes pass through here twice a year. And old fellow I used to farm for called them Sandhill Hooters, and the name kind of stuck with me. Until I had my house built, I had never bought sand. You would just go down the the creek {or where ever} and shovel the back of your truck full.
I'm lucky I don't have any sandspurs on my place. But they are around. It makes life a bitch not being able to walk around without shoes. We have the Sandhill Cranes pass through here twice a year. And old fellow I used to farm for called them Sandhill Hooters, and the name kind of stuck with me. Until I had my house built, I had never bought sand. You would just go down the the creek {or where ever} and shovel the back of your truck full.

We called those ouch bugs. No fun in bare feet. Worse inside your shoe.
Growing up in the south as a kid we would pull the stem of the sand spurs that weren't quite getting brown & you could sling the whole thing (with a dozen or so spurs on them) those things would stick like a tomahawk in yer buddies back. Hurt like fck!!
We have a trash tree called China Berry Tree. They have little yellow berries that can get pretty hard when they dry out. We used to have slingshot wars with those as ammo. Stung like hell.
Here's a little bit of history from our day,this is my favorite comic from back in the day,can you imagine if they put this kind of stuff on the rack today,parents would be screaming bloody murder,sure kids nowadays have access to about anything but not shit like this, that kind of stuff is long gone and rightly so but look how great our generation turned out,now be honest how many of you bought the X-ray specs,I did tock3.jpg rock2.jpg


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Here's a little bit of history from our day,this is my favorite comic from back in the day,can you imagine if they put this kind of stuff on the rack today,parents would be screaming bloody murder,sure kids nowadays have access to about anything but not shit like this, that kind of stuff is long gone and rightly so but look how great our generation turned out,now be honest how many of you bought the X-ray specs,I did View attachment 3919767 View attachment 3919768
I wanted the sub lol.