Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

hey, if someone doesn't tell them how they're fucking up, how will they know? and get the FUCK OFF MY LAWN!
So you think you know? Yet you post stupid shit like this
“young people always have to find a reason they're right and older people are wrong.”
It’s not your lawn btw and please stop crying
How could I forget about wrestling in the 60's. BoBo Brazil, Killer Kowalski, Johnny Valentine, Fabulous Moohlah, Antonino Rocco, Ernie Ladd, Chief Wahoo, Johnny Powers.

The Bob Luce - AWA and WWA - Chicago (Wahoo and Superstar Billy Graham, Bobby Heenan, Ox Baker, Baron VonRashke vs. the Detroit battles (The Sheik and Bobo at Cobo, Haystack Calhoun, Pampero Firpo, Mighty Igor)

Sailor Art Thomas, Dick the Bruiser (Crushed Alex Karras at the Oly. AND owned the WWA), The Valentine Brothers( You forgot Jimmy), Bruser "King Kong" Brodey (I wished he had made the jump to WWF).

Man I loved these guys! There were so many.
Turned out Luce in Chicago, had ties to the Mob. Direct friends with Sam Giancona! My dad took me to a show in Chi town and pointed out Sam in a pvt. "right next to Luce" seat. Pop got us over to shake their hands at a break.
Even the commercials by Bruser and Bobo for "One Stop Market" in Chicago......LMAO......"I buy my chitlin's by the case." The maker of "case lots."

Great days of wretsl'in those were!

Gosh Barn, you opened up some old memories there......:hug:
Oh, man. And Johnny Quest was on one of those "fuzzy" channels too!

Remember a "super hero" show from, oh I'd like to say 62 or 63. It was some skinny bumpkin and he took a "pill" (as needed) to become "Mr. Terrific"?

I've only come across a very, very few who remember that one. Single season....Hell, as a kid, I loved it! Something besides Beaver and all the damn westerns.
Still, I did like Wagon Train and a few others. Highway Patrol - 10/4 bye....

Then it was "up to bed." Mom and dad would put on Perry Mason and that spooky fucking Perry Mason theme had me shaking and looking for "something" bad coming...... LMAO!

Aw hell, my age is showing....
The old lady watches Wagon Train every day at 4 pm.
anyone else feel a continuity slip?
My whole day has been a continuity slip.

I did an ultra tight gear review on an instant espresso [cafe' bustelo] last night at the camp. Took three takes and I'm not used to caffeinated coffee. I stopped recording {and drinking coffee} about midnight. Got to sleep about 5 o'clock. Got up at 7:30.