Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

Alright I'll come clean, I'm old but back in the day, I use to SK8 photo sk8.jpg I still do. I can't believe I survived the 70s!! Keith Moon and JB are still the best in my eyes!!
Nobody had scale's that's why it was a "lid"....when you held the baggie in your hand you could see the four finger's...only one size baggie then!!and a nickle bag was half!
For a long time an oz. was $12.50, even $7.50 on occasion. Then $15 was standard and finally $20. After that it was "Hey, man, it's primo Columbian... that's why it's 35 a bag!" And so the rip-off began.
I remember the columbian red in the early '70s ! moved here in 1972.
My first smoke was from a wooden matchbox worth, 1967ish, Oklahoma.
Im 62 . . .
I always knew it was fake, but didn't know how fake. We had a local wrestling show every week, and I won tickets to go watch them tape it at the tv studio.

It was so obvious in person, fists never hit, but the guy would fling himself backwards like he did get smacked. And those guys were nasty, they were always spitting in the ring
Yes, I remember that too. I lost a few friends to early heart attacks. Not to say that I never touched it, but I always believed in moderation. When I was in my 20's I didn't need it.

I use too do it..
Later figured it wasn't my kind of vibe.
I only like marijuana or a couple brewsky's.
Was that a full four?? and had never heard of someone selling joint's...certainly qp's never a GRAM?? LID=What you could fit comfortably on a coffee can lid!!No Rock's No stem's No seedless weed everyone had a tray to shake the seed's down before you rolled....wished I'd saved all mine!!!

Never heard of four finger lids, at least around here a lid was a weighed ounce

Four fingers was the $15 oz... 5 fingers if it was from a friend. I remember my first "key" from Mexico, $15 an oz was good money back then! I used a record album and a book of matches or pack of papers to "sift" the stems and seeds out....didn't know what "bud" looked like!

For a long time an oz. was $12.50, even $7.50 on occasion. Then $15 was standard and finally $20. After that it was "Hey, man, it's primo Columbian... that's why it's 35 a bag!" And so the rip-off began.

I remember when it went from $35 an oz to $35 a quarter... that's when buds started showing up, but "homegrown" was still something to be avoided, not many people knew how to grow.

Professional wrestling when you really thought it was real.

Can't remember the last time I thought of "Haystack Calhoun" thanks for the memory!
Were I was born the side walks in town were made of wood and most the side roads were dirt.
You go back there and you can see the people that live there now are still pretty tough.
Root beer in those little wax bottles.
Beings its an over 50 thread we cant forget about the Hula Hoop. We use them now as a party game called Beer Shoes. Set two hoops 20 feet or so apart and place a empty beer can in the center of each. Then you toss softballs under hand trying to hit the can. 1 point for hitting inside the hoop and 3 points for nailing the can. Kinda like horseshoes with lots of portability. Fun game after a few beers......
My early days..saddleshoes, red ball flyers, keds, we travelled in airplanes not jets. I still remember the old Constellations engines firing up. had the first stringray bike in the hood, got older..western boots, levis, white T shirt with Marlboro pack rolled in the left sleeve, zippo lighters, ....I had the famous Farrah Faucett poster on the bedroom wall. ROACHCLIPS!!! I still have one I made on a camping trip in about 1970. Good Humor man.. Not just muscle cars..remember the blacked out/tricked out vans.. always liked seeing hot pants and holter top on a gal.
I know that the weed is better now, but I miss the smell of weed back then, nasty as it was. There was something almost magical about it. I guess because it was new and it took me some place I had never been...which reminds me of the first time I had sex high....wow
Dirt>>> forgot about chewing open the root beer!! Good wax!!We coud get little waxed paper bag's of toothpick's dipped in cinnanmon oil!!At the store on the way to elementry school!!