hiking thread

The flies in the redwoods are annoying right now so I take my bike to the coast and chill and get high on the beach after a long ride. It’s heavenly!View attachment 5424026View attachment 5424027
This is the trail at Big Basin I always wanted to do but never did :-( it’s like everybody I know from there has done it except I.
This is the trail at Big Basin I always wanted to do but never did :-( it’s like everybody I know from there has done it except I.
That’s a good one. Still waiting for it to cool off so I don’t have to deal with pesky flies.
Lake Tahoe is on my radar. So many trails over there it’s overwhelming. Been investing in a lot of bike gear for the changing weather and lighting.
When I went to buy some rain gear at the sports basement the guy helping me told
Me that there is a different mentality for bike riding and rain here in the South Bay. He said no one bothers riding when it rain because they don’t want to get there bikes dirty. lol. I was thinking what the hell? I don’t have the privilege of such luxury .
That’s a good one. Still waiting for it to cool off so I don’t have to deal with pesky flies.
Lake Tahoe is on my radar. So many trails over there it’s overwhelming. Been investing in a lot of bike gear for the changing weather and lighting.
When I went to buy some rain gear at the sports basement the guy helping me told
Me that there is a different mentality for bike riding and rain here in the South Bay. He said no one bothers riding when it rain because they don’t want to get there bikes dirty. lol. I was thinking what the hell? I don’t have the privilege of such luxury .
We moved over the hill to Almaden when I was in the 7th grade. Almaden is a killer part of San Jose with the Santa Cruz mountains in your backyard. There’s allot of killer horse trails that we would hit up with our mountain bikes. We weren’t supposed to but did. It would have been fucked if there was an actual horse on there when you come zipping around a corner. The trails are only like 3 foot wide max carved into the sides of the mountains lol. Never got busted by the police but warned a few times. We hit up those trails in the winter also we didn’t give a shit about having to clean our bikes afterwards lol.
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We moved over the hill to Almaden when I was in the 7th grade. Almaden is a killer part of San Jose with the Santa Cruz mountains in your backyard. There’s allot of killer horse trails that we would hit up with our mountain bikes. We weren’t supposed to but did. It would have been fucked if there was an actual horse on there when you come zipping around a corner. The trails are only like 3 foot wide max carved into the sides of the mountains lol. Never got busted by the police but warned a few times. We hit up those trails in the winter also we didn’t give a shit about having to clean our bikes afterwards lol.
I am getting the feeling there is a divide here. There are the mountain bikers and then there are the commuter bikers or road bikers. Maybe Like the road bikers don’t like getting dirty. Lol. Mountain bikers are filthy happy animals/ lol. In my experience mountain bikers are much happier than road bikers. Those trails you speak of sound delicious minus the horse shit.
I am getting the feeling there is a divide here. There are the mountain bikers and then there are the commuter bikers or road bikers. Maybe Like the road bikers don’t like getting dirty. Lol. Mountain bikers are filthy happy animals/ lol. In my experience mountain bikers are much happier than road bikers. Those trails you speak of sound delicious minus the horse shit.
Those are some pretty cool trails to add to your list to possibly check out. There’s quite a few that are linked together to the Almaden Quicksilver Park. You can learn about the history of Almaden too in the actual park. Like how in the early days of extracting the mercury(all the mercury used in gold mining the Mother Load came from there) they were killing shitloads of people down in the Almaden valley when the vapors from the ovens would fall down there. Pretty fucked up shit.
Those are some pretty cool trails to add to your list to possibly check out. There’s quite a few that are linked together to the Almaden Quicksilver Park. You can learn about the history of Almaden too in the actual park. Like how in the early days of extracting the mercury(all the mercury used in gold mining the Mother Load came from there) they were killing shitloads of people down in the Almaden valley when the vapors from the ovens would fall down there. Pretty fucked up shit.
Interesting information. I have patients , young patients with Lung Cancer who don’t smoke and have
Lived the healthy lifestyle.
They can’t understand their prognosis. Could it be linked? I will take note
Of this as I work.
anybody do any hiking or bike packing? i've lost about 50lbs this year by walking around in the mountains up here in Nor Cal.

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Love it ! How do ya manage peddling with those flip-flops...and what's that on your hands ( some tats i presume...and I rather see your face, that face gives me the creeps. I gotta great hike in today...had fun...good cardio...43deg , windy and raining. Move or die ! ( adaptability and humor are two great allies). Great to see yer still trucking. Beautiful pics !
Is this where you grew up?
We went to castle SP on the ridge trail and stumbled upon this. What an awesome place. I think this might be my fav trail in the area. Watching the heavenly mist fog in the island of trees and the coast with Monterey hovering in the distance. I was spell bound. Kicking back on the huge rocks and feeling very connected.
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Dang you have all the fun!
My daughter and fam is down in Monterey right now taking a much needed break from the bakery. Mostly to take the girls to the aquarium but they’re gonna try to hit up some basic trails in Big Sur too.
Yuppers that’s the area where I grew up, or nearby there :-)
Where we lived in Ben Lomand, about a couple hundred yards behind us some sand dunes began and went for days. Was killer place to grow up. I was super bummed when we moved over the hill, but my momma hooked us up as always into the best part of San Jose. We were like the Beverly HillHippies lol.
Did you guys know the DB’s were from San jose?
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Dang you have all the fun!
My daughter and fam is down in Monterey right now taking a much needed break from the bakery. Mostly to take the girls to the aquarium but they’re gonna try to hit up some basic trails in Big Sur too.
Yuppers that’s the area where I grew up, or nearby there :-)
Where we lived in Ben Lomand, about a couple hundred yards behind us some sand dunes began and went for days. Was killer place to grow up. I was super bummed when we moved over the hill, but my momma hooked us up as always into the best part of San Jose. We were like the Beverly HillHippies lol.
View attachment 5442377
Did you guys know the DB’s were from San jose?
How's the back doing?
Dang you have all the fun!
My daughter and fam is down in Monterey right now taking a much needed break from the bakery. Mostly to take the girls to the aquarium but they’re gonna try to hit up some basic trails in Big Sur too.
Yuppers that’s the area where I grew up, or nearby there :-)
Where we lived in Ben Lomand, about a couple hundred yards behind us some sand dunes began and went for days. Was killer place to grow up. I was super bummed when we moved over the hill, but my momma hooked us up as always into the best part of San Jose. We were like the Beverly HillHippies lol.
View attachment 5442377
Did you guys know the DB’s were from San jose?
I see. Nice! I’m getting to understand the area more all the time. That certainly is a super cool beautiful place to grow up. The Monterey bakery sounds delicious. We went to Ano Nuevo today to see the elephant seals before they make the park ticketed tour only for the season . With males showing up now and the females showing up in a month for mating season. We got super lucky to spot this adult 14 year old 5,000 lb male right before he headed into the ocean. What a beast! He made the 2 month trek from Alaska fat and full of food. He won’t eat now for 4 months. It’s a beautiful park and always so hot when we go! Today it was 70 degrees. Only 3 more weekends until we move to Colorado. I’m pretty happy with where we have gone and what we have seen this past 6 months.
I am going to miss the ocean so much but want to come back again someday on another assignment . Happy holidays to you and your family!
Dang you have all the fun!
My daughter and fam is down in Monterey right now taking a much needed break from the bakery. Mostly to take the girls to the aquarium but they’re gonna try to hit up some basic trails in Big Sur too.
Yuppers that’s the area where I grew up, or nearby there :-)
Where we lived in Ben Lomand, about a couple hundred yards behind us some sand dunes began and went for days. Was killer place to grow up. I was super bummed when we moved over the hill, but my momma hooked us up as always into the best part of San Jose. We were like the Beverly HillHippies lol.
View attachment 5442377
Did you guys know the DB’s were from San jose?
Ok I know there's a Irvine in Cali but there's a Ben Lomond over there too that's news to me you learn something new everyday I've climbed it's Scottish namesake a few times it's the biggest of the hills around loch Lomond over here