HLVd destroying cannabis crops

I've bought clones from Dark Heart for years, no issues, all healthy. Just found out they closed down last month when I went to Perfect Union to get some for this year. They do have clones from the Clone Guy. Someone mentioned a few weeks back that they saw an ad that Dark Heart was hiring, so maybe they cleaned up their shit and are going to restart
I've bought clones from Dark Heart for years, no issues, all healthy. Just found out they closed down last month when I went to Perfect Union to get some for this year. They do have clones from the Clone Guy. Someone mentioned a few weeks back that they saw an ad that Dark Heart was hiring, so maybe they cleaned up their shit and are going to restart
I just saw a IG post the other day where Dark Horse was trying to buy out as many dispensaries as they could. So I think they're doing alright.
That's part of why I have a hard time seeing it as the apocalyptic threat that it's being made out to be. It spreads through clones, seeds, cross contamination, ect with no way of killing it off aside from a genetic reset.

It's supposedly everywhere now with mega farms mono-cropping, all of the breeders sharing cuts, all of the home growers doing both. Yet some duds here and there is the result? Thc levels falling to what some would be considered high already? It just doesn't seem to be the threat that it's being made out to be.
Viruses and viroids are hell to address. In plants or in humans.
Yeah i know its just wishful thinking on my part i guess

The seed thing is scary if true.
It is plausible also i have heard a few folks online claim they got it straight from seeds before as well i dont use cuts myself but i do go from seed always so this is still a risk to everyone not just clone growers cos if the person your buying seeds from is using plants infected with it you could end up with problems you just shouldnt have i guess this also helps me to justify my ridiculous seed collection a bit that i already have and its definitely gonna make me more careful about who i buy from in the future
I have read/heard some breeders claim you can "outgrow" it.. not that it means much since I have also read/heard several breeders say dudding or hlvd don't exist.

they basically describe you need to get the plant as healthy as possible, take a cutting, give it lots of natural sunlight (maybe UV is the way) rinse and repeat and after a few generations forward they apparently test clean.. I have no documentation of this but it was also the only method I have heard that didn't come with a snake oil salesman..

if it is a thing it would not surprise me if we find out it was a monsanto creation..
I have read/heard some breeders claim you can "outgrow" it.. not that it means much since I have also read/heard several breeders say dudding or hlvd don't exist.

they basically describe you need to get the plant as healthy as possible, take a cutting, give it lots of natural sunlight (maybe UV is the way) rinse and repeat and after a few generations forward they apparently test clean.. I have no documentation of this but it was also the only method I have heard that didn't come with a snake oil salesman..

if it is a thing it would not surprise me if we find out it was a monsanto creation..
They invented a viroid and introduced it to Japanese hopps in order to spread it to American cannabis? I know we live in fucked up times, but that seems like quite the stretch.
Paranoid pot heads lmao. Conspiracy theories and pot heads go together like peanut butter and jelly. Come on folks this viroid is old, well documented, and been causing issues for quite some time already. Legalization and the farm bill act simply created the perfect vector for transmission on a wider scale than ever before.
HLVD has become very big with the development of testing kits. A lot of the sales they use are pressurized sales tactics but all the estimations on product loss with no comparative studies was always a big red flag for me. They’ll be “you’re loosing 40% of your cannabinoids” but I’ve never seen or heard of a clone vs clone then infected study. If it’s a Hops oriented strain it would probably be insightful to see how the brewing market has dealt with it. I assume the money of that is comparable to cannabis prior so how did they deal with it? I’ve seen one pic of some dudes stuff with HLVD. Never seen anything like it ever so that’s probably a good sign.
HLVD has become very big with the development of testing kits. A lot of the sales they use are pressurized sales tactics but all the estimations on product loss with no comparative studies was always a big red flag for me. They’ll be “you’re loosing 40% of your cannabinoids” but I’ve never seen or heard of a clone vs clone then infected study. If it’s a Hops oriented strain it would probably be insightful to see how the brewing market has dealt with it. I assume the money of that is comparable to cannabis prior so how did they deal with it? I’ve seen one pic of some dudes stuff with HLVD. Never seen anything like it ever so that’s probably a good sign.
It effects hopps mildly which is part of why it took so long to discover. The fact we keep clones indoors for so long probably plays a roll. It doesnt seem to effect young, vigorous plants nearly as much as old mothers.

As far as lost cannibanoids, true or not, my conspiracy is that its going to be blamed for every single batch of dispensary mids and eventually bad home grow practices.

Remember kids, today's "Just hit week 6 of 12/12, should I start flushing?" is tomorrow's "Is this hlvd?"

Just say no.
It effects hopps mildly which is part of why it took so long to discover. The fact we keep clones indoors for so long probably plays a roll. It doesnt seem to effect young, vigorous plants nearly as much as old mothers.

As far as lost cannibanoids, true or not, my conspiracy is that its going to be blamed for every single batch of dispensary mids and eventually bad home grow practices.

Remember kids, today's "Just hit week 6 of 12/12, should I start flushing?" is tomorrow's "Is this hlvd?"

Just say no.
so they just let it go nuts? That’s crazy.
If your gonna make seeds and bring something in to cross I feel like you should test (stop it there) other then that just keep it clean and bug free (0 vector and contamination possibilities) and “Save the best and cull the rest”.
so they just let it go nuts? That’s crazy.
If your gonna make seeds and bring something in to cross I feel like you should test (stop it there) other then that just keep it clean and bug free (0 vector and contamination possibilities) and “Save the best and cull the rest”.

I'm not sure I get what you mean. They weren't breeding cannabis and hops and while hops are in the same family as cannabis, the similarities are few and far between, and the viroid effects them in different ways.

They didn't know about the viroid until fairly recently, and I'm sure they had no idea it could spread to cannabis.
I'm not sure I get what you mean. They weren't breeding cannabis and hops and while hops are in the same family as cannabis, the similarities are few and far between, and the viroid effects them in different ways.

They didn't know about the viroid until fairly recently, and I'm sure they had no idea it could spread to cannabis.

Hop Viroids
HSVd has never been reported in Europe in hop (Humulus lupulus L), whereas hop latent viroid, genus Cocadviroid, was first identified in hop in Spain (Pallás et al., 1987) and Germany (Puchta et al., 1988.) Despite its name, it was also found in the United Kingdom in hop plants that showed low cone yield and reduced quality for the beer industry (Barbara et al., 1990). Subsequently, hop latent viroid has been widely detected (up to 90%–100% of the tested hop germplasm) in Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain, and Serbia (Pallás et al., 2003).
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