Holy Smoke Malawi Gold Outdoor Grow

Nice! Man, I had Mozambique Poison in my cart yesterday and was about to check out when the special freebies (including Malawi) from Holy Smokes disappeared <argh> They must have run out - thanks to this thread, lol. Oh well, went with the G13 labs special instead for now. I've been waiting and waiting for the Real Seed's Mazar landrace to be restocked. That's the one I really want. Want to harvest in January, lol.
i gotta ask ya man do you not worry about wandering eyes with that thing being so big?

This is a pretty tight-knit neighborhood. Everybody already knows about it and are excited for harvest. They all have big dogs and security cameras so it is pretty safe here. I am putting up my car cover so I can get ready for rainy weather and dew. Although I do hear this Malawi is pretty mold resistant.

I've been waiting and waiting for the Real Seed's Mazar landrace to be restocked. That's the one I really want. Want to harvest in January, lol.

Awesome! I am trying to locate some nice Punta Rojo. It is conjectured that this is the Sativa they used to create the Hawaiian Red strains.

I'm am so in on this grow. I just got some seed of Malawi Gold from holy Smokes and Plan on doing an outdoor grow out here in AZ next summer. I'm planning on running at least 5 seeds hoping from those 5 i'll get at least 2 females and i'll save the strongest male for pollen so I can get more seeds. You got me even more excited than I already was. Your plants are amazing. Thanks so much for sharing. Can't wait to get a smoke report. Peace

Hey Trout - Sweet! I started mine from one seed indoors in February and took clippings which went outside in May and grew into these monsters :)
I am putting up my car cover so I can get ready for rainy weather and dew. Although I do hear this Malawi is pretty mold resistant.

So when you expecting that to happen Mo? I think I'll be throwing my dehumidifier in the greenhouse in the next couple of days. we shall see.
They are saying that the rain they were predicting is not coming so I may have some more time! Yay :)
Great, bonus time then! Our rain warnings are never that far advanced as it generally rains every day, lol..
This is what the garden looked like before the WOG:



And now:




Wowserr!!!! That thing is a beast. You have to send the picture to Hightimes or one of these magazines out there. That is Amazing. get yourself a watch dog or a Pitbull??? Lol. Great job!:clap:
Unless Mo likes to post in the middle of the night, I would say the grow is in the US........Hercule Poirot surmises.
is this in australia

EDIT: Oh, and of course the season that it is being grown in (Oz is just coming out of Winter as far as I am aware). Oh, it could be Canada as well, but I am opting for a nice warm Medical state in the US....
yep your right on track dst its not in canada its starting to get cold as a mofo up here and first frost is any day now. i think mohican is in california somewhere or something like that rither way hes a lucky bastard to be able to grow all year round outdoor if he so choosed :D.
Ah yez, zat post waz to zrow Hercule off ze scent no! zat merde will not werk wiz old Hercule zo! lol.
Ce ci n'est pas une Cannabis plante! (anyone guess where I got that from???? - artists please stand up!)

Non, c'est une Cannabis arbre!!