Mother Nature giveth and she taketh away! It rained this morning and broke some branches on the Micro Clone in the WOG. I staked them up and they seem like they might be OK. The Big Clone was already well staked and fared better with some minor bending from the wet bud weight. When I staked up the WOG I got covered in fresh Ice Water resin. Smelled great like cedar and I got to view the big colas up close - WOW. Then the sun came out and dried up all the rain so the itsy-bitsy spider went...where was I, oh yeah:
And then it really got interesting - we had a deluge of flash flood proportions. It just fell out of the sky in one big crash, and then it sounded like a freight train for twenty minutes!
The next bit of weather after this storm is the Santa Ana winds that come out of the desert - hot, dry, and hard! I need to get more stakes!
Dam, rain that snaps Cali?!?!?! Well you did say there was rain coming Mo. Please can you redirect some of those hot winds over here, pretty please?
Anyway, plants love a bit of rain on them, it's all part of natures way. Happy weekend!
Dude I'm in love with your plant. I'm going to be sending your PM's when I have my girl in the dirt. Thank you so much for all the updated pics. Keep up the great work. Peace
That may be the best outdoor plant I have ever seen! My girlfriend is taking a nap right now, and I smacked her ass and said ” wake up, you need to see this plant” she was so pissed I woke her up but she replied ” oh my God that's beautiful” and went back to sleep! Nice job dude!