Well-Known Member
Completely agree. I had assumed that you, at least, were 215 compliant, as we both got our clones at Harborside, but yes, for sure, that should be a requirement. Given that, however, I do not believe there is anything to keep us from exchanging meds, particularly as there are no dollars involved. If folks are really interested I will do the research first and then work on setting something up...
well you can count me in for sure bro!
hope everyone's having a nice sunday evening. i gots some updates to show you...
the box:

the new fan setup is pretty cool, and i'm actually filtering most of the intake air through an extra "carbon sponge" from a trueair -- i ordered the wrong replacement filters, so i put one of these sponges in between two panty-hoses around the rim of the intake fan. this doesn't seem to block the intake too badly, and i've got the temps down to about 84-88 degs with *all* lights on. this is a big improvement of almost 10 degrees!
and the night wouldn't be complete without some bud porn...

blue cream: