hope you don't mind pissing in a cup to recover your own money


It's their mean spirit..mine-all-mine..self-centeredness.

They're bitter, controlling, authoritarians.

They pretend that everything they have was worked hard for and they consider the cheating as their right- but don't you do it.

Case in point: my landlord wants to sue me over having a landline installed that I paid for and need for work. We literally have no cell access. He had it uninstalled because he's a controlling shitstain.
He said I frauded him because I called the cable company. I asked if it is fraud like his family receiving benefits from State of Florida when they don't qualify, fraud..:mrgreen: funny, he didn't have an answer for me.. double standard hippocrites.
Drop a dime on him. He's earned it.
Have you renounced your Democrat Kkk history?

funny when a conservative southerner who abhors civil rights tries to blame a liberal northerner for the KKK.

it takes a special kind of jew hating, neo-confederate, white supremacist douchebag to attempt that piece of spectacular failure.

go back and count pennies in your trailer.
LOL, Do you still think people in jail have all these "rights" you speak of?
That is my only point. I call bullshit when I see it.
You were the one that devolved into name calling and trying to insult me based on my "education".
No sleep was lost on my end. I spoke to my daughter last night and she lives in Milwaukee. It came up in discussion so it was on my mind this morning.
I've liked many of your posts and will continue to do so. As far as being smart and cool, my daughters are both cooler and smarter than me by far, just ask them, lol. And chicks....................that's another story.
I just felt like fighting that day.
Got some heavy shit going down in my personal life and sometimes I blow off steam on RIU.
Not sure if it helped.
Probably not...
Which one are you referring to? So $10 million makes it good huh? Guess that's what your kids are worth?
What good are rights if you're dead????

you said the people trump-loving sheriff david clarke murders in his prisons have no rights. the settlement of wrongful death lawsuits shows that they do.
Which one are you referring to? So $10 million makes it good huh? Guess that's what your kids are worth?
What good are rights if you're dead????

Everyone in this country has rights. The 2 year old that was stuck and killed by a car yesterday not far from here had rights.

Does having rights mean that nothing bad will ever happen to you? No. Of course not.

But that doesn't mean that you do not have them, and that should it ever come to light that they (the rights) were violated then those who violated them will be made to pay dearly for them.

Your continuous droning on and on about how nobody in prison has rights is ill founded, and more than a bit ridiculously monotonous.
you said the people trump-loving sheriff david clarke murders in his prisons have no rights. the settlement of wrongful death lawsuits shows that they do.
Right. When they're dead. Okay you got me. You have rights, you just can't use them. Interesting pov on your end.
EDITED out snarky comment.
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Right. When they're dead. Okay you got me. You have rights, you just can't use them. Interesting pov on your end.
EDITED out snarky comment.

You're totally out to lunch.

How many convictions are overturned? Countless.
How many verdicts are set aside? Countless.
How many appeals are won? Countless.

How is all that possible? Because EVERYBODY, EVEN PRISONERS, HAVE RIGHTS.

Hell, one of the most widely known people in the history of law enforcement was a no-good, worthless, patent criminal. He has a act named after him to this day even though that act was made up from three different cases.

Ernesto Miranda.

If ever there was an open and shut, guilty as hell case, his was it. Hands down.

But even so, he had rights, so he got a new trial. Not only did he get a new trial, they moved it not to another county, but to a whole new fucking state! And as if that weren't enough, they even changed the names of everybody involved during the trial.

He was still found guilty though, because he flat out was.

So just because a guard shoved you because you shot your mouth off doesn't mean prisoners don't have rights. They do. But there is one thing they have to be aware of: That they have them.

Obviously, you aren't.
You're totally out to lunch.

How many convictions are overturned? Countless.
How many verdicts are set aside? Countless.
How many appeals are won? Countless.

How is all that possible? Because EVERYBODY, EVEN PRISONERS, HAVE RIGHTS.

Hell, one of the most widely known people in the history of law enforcement was a no-good, worthless, patent criminal. He has a act named after him to this day even though that act was made up from three different cases.

Ernesto Miranda.

If ever there was an open and shut, guilty as hell case, his was it. Hands down.

But even so, he had rights, so he got a new trial. Not only did he get a new trial, they moved it not to another county, but to a whole new fucking state! And as if that weren't enough, they even changed the names of everybody involved during the trial.

He was still found guilty though, because he flat out was.

So just because a guard shoved you because you shot your mouth off doesn't mean prisoners don't have rights. They do. But there is one thing they have to be aware of: That they have them.

Obviously, you don't.
LOL. I sincerely hope you end up in jail some day. Just for the experience of course. All of what you posted has NOTHING to do with what happens when you are in jail. Sure you may technically have rights, but whom do you complain to?
If a guard shoves you, no problem? Go shove a cop and see what happens. What is the difference? Don't they both have the same rights?
Are you a real "law & order" kind of guy?
Have you renounced your Democrat Kkk history?
No need if he's a liberal. Have you, conservative shithead? Parties change, the concepts of liberalism and conservatism don't. That RWNJ talking point is designed to allow closet racists to feel good about themselves but intelligent people see through it and recognize what a stupid argument it is.
Whatever dude im not the one obsessed with penis lol
My last reply didn't mention it. You just did, though.

You are not permitted under any lease agreement I've ever seen to have any work of any kind done without the express written permission of the landlord. There are many, many reasons why.

No, but I'm sure the department of social services would be very interested in whatever proof you have of them being defrauded by him. But it better be actual proof; they don't take kindly to false/fabricated reports.
You must be a hoot at parties.
Everyone in this country has rights. The 2 year old that was stuck and killed by a car yesterday not far from here had rights.

Does having rights mean that nothing bad will ever happen to you? No. Of course not.

But that doesn't mean that you do not have them, and that should it ever come to light that they (the rights) were violated then those who violated them will be made to pay dearly for them.

Your continuous droning on and on about how nobody in prison has rights is ill founded, and more than a bit ridiculously monotonous.[/QUO
I wont. I'm not that stupid.

Ummm...yes it does, dumbass. That all happened WHILE HE WAS IN JAIL.

Your court appointed attorney would be a good start. Gideon wrote his appeal himself in broken grammar on a scrap piece of paper. That scrap of paper went all the way to the supreme court.

He won.

Give it a try rather than crying like a bitch.

Again, I'm not that stupid. Obviously, you are.
LOL. Let's see. Nice spacing. Hmmm Name calling. Claims that "I'm not stupid". Maybe a little projection?
Almost like a mini meltdown.
I've changed my mind. I hope the cop shoots you instead.
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