hope you don't mind pissing in a cup to recover your own money

funny when a conservative southerner who abhors civil rights tries to blame a liberal northerner for the KKK.

it takes a special kind of jew hating, neo-confederate, white supremacist douchebag to attempt that piece of spectacular failure.

go back and count pennies in your trailer.

Liberal northerners?
No need if he's a liberal. Have you, conservative shithead? Parties change, the concepts of liberalism and conservatism don't. That RWNJ talking point is designed to allow closet racists to feel good about themselves but intelligent people see through it and recognize what a stupid argument it is.

Right, no need to explain anything if he's a liberal, got it.
Name one legislator who switched parties besides Strom Thurmond. Not my problem you choose to ignore your parties past and present.
Right, no need to explain anything if he's a liberal, got it.
Name one legislator who switched parties besides Strom Thurmond. Not my problem you choose to ignore your parties past and present.
The dems just came up with a new type of slavery Social oppression of minorities with benefits to keep them complacent. Give them free money and they will vote for you. The democratic policy.....
Name one legislator who switched parties besides Strom Thurmond.

i've done that repeatedly.

how the south voted:

1880: democrats
1884: democrats
1888: democrats
1892: democrats
1896: democrats
1900: democrats
1904: democrats
1908: democrats
1912: democrats
1916: democrats
1920: democrats
1924: democrats
1928: democrats
1932: democrats
1936: democrats
1940: democrats
1944: democrats
1948: democrats
1952: democrats
1956: democrats
1960: democrats
1964: republican
1968: racial segregation
1972: republican
1976: republican
1980: republican
1984: republican
1988: republican
1992: republican
1996: republican
2000: republican
2004: republican
2008: republican
2012: republican
2016: republican

no switch though.

Uncle Buck, you've posted that list several times.

Do you think the redneck idiots will ever understand? I mean, several times and they still don't get it.

I know, I know, redneck idiot is redundant.

Uncle Buck, you've posted that list several times.

Do you think the redneck idiots will ever understand? I mean, several times and they still don't get it.

I know, I know, redneck idiot is redundant.


i don't expect twopumpchump will ever overcome his brainwashed, cult-endorsed propaganda.

but i am really posting it for the benefit of others, rather than the hopelessly indoctrinated zombies like twopump.
People are so quick to forget Dems were the party of the kkk. Remember Jim Crow?
Are you so dim that you've missed the repeated discussion about this?

The Democrats and Republicans flipped on this issue in the mid 60s and Southerners have stuck with the racists.

@UncleBuck has all the details.

Try reading some history. There's even pictures for slow people. Are you a slow people?
The dems just came up with a new type of slavery Social oppression of minorities with benefits to keep them complacent. Give them free money and they will vote for you. The democratic policy.....
Nevermind. After having seen the next 5 posts, it's clear you care nothing for facts, as they don't support your delusions.

Even Goldfish can be taught. Are you smarter than a goldfish?
Uncle Buck, you've posted that list several times.

Do you think the redneck idiots will ever understand? I mean, several times and they still don't get it.

I know, I know, redneck idiot is redundant.

i don't expect twopumpchump will ever overcome his brainwashed, cult-endorsed propaganda.

but i am really posting it for the benefit of others, rather than the hopelessly indoctrinated zombies like twopump.

So after H.R.6400 and S.1564 passed the Congress by almost unanimous minority Republican votes and a pathetic "majority" Democrat vote in 1965 ensuring all could vote regardless of race, the votes switched to the party that more proportionately supported civil rights, voting rights and fair housing.

Hella logic there guys.
So after H.R.6400 and S.1564 passed the Congress by almost unanimous minority Republican votes and a pathetic "majority" Democrat vote in 1965 ensuring all could vote regardless of race, the votes switched to the party that ended slavery.

Hella logic there guys.
So after H.R.6400 and S.1564 passed the Congress by almost unanimous minority Republican votes and a pathetic "majority" Democrat vote in 1965 ensuring all could vote regardless of race, the votes switched to the party that more proportionately supported civil rights, voting rights and fair housing.

Hella logic there guys.

the south voted against civil rights, the north voted for civil rights.

Screenshot 2017-03-23 at 6.59.31 PM.png

then the south changed their voting patterns forever.

how the south voted:

1880: democrats
1884: democrats
1888: democrats
1892: democrats
1896: democrats
1900: democrats
1904: democrats
1908: democrats
1912: democrats
1916: democrats
1920: democrats
1924: democrats
1928: democrats
1932: democrats
1936: democrats
1940: democrats
1944: democrats
1948: democrats
1952: democrats
1956: democrats
1960: democrats
1964: republican
1968: racial segregation
1972: republican
1976: republican
1980: republican
1984: republican
1988: republican
1992: republican
1996: republican
2000: republican
2004: republican
2008: republican
2012: republican
2016: republican

no switch though.

maybe twopumpchump just forgot that after civil rights passed, the south immediately started to vote for barry "civil rights suck my ass" goldwater and george "segregation forever" wallace, rather than the party that ended slavery 100+ years earlier.

or maybe he is a neo-nazi white supremacist here to promote neo-nazism and spread retarded propaganda since no one has ever seen him post a picture of cannabis in any form whatsoever.