Hottest RIU Men of 2011

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Dank Budz

Well-Known Member
not at all what i though you'd look like...for some reason i pictured you as a dude in his 40's...i hope me saying that doesnt bother you lol.
haha no it doesnt bother me hopefully you just thought that because I act mature for my age? but nope im a young buck just turned 20 feb 9th


Well-Known Member
Im sure you have nothing to worry about, but I might.
and its not pot.
Can I come to your house for a visit and play? LOL sounds like a fun place LOL............Yea sometimes to much info gets you in trouble on many ppl do you read about on facebook everyday getting popped for some stupid shit..........So I agree some ppls could get busted on the internet if they are the way a VPN is nice for average protection but it can be cracked by someone that good on computers like the government......not saying they would spend that much money tracking you for a pissy amount of weed but just be aware the VPN is not that secure against a black hat hacker or the government.............Yes its a midlevel protection and I use it...but if you are really really worriied about your multi milliion dollar grow being on the internet is dumb LOL.......I

Michael Sparks

Active Member
This thread was sabotaged by senseless quips and boyish behavior, time and place guys.. this was for the ladies wasn't it?
hope they are entertained


Well-Known Member
yeah, my place is fun lol. and im not worried about being hunted down, just found out. im not a big dog by any means.


Well-Known Member
srry see4. but in this thread you are coming off as the (no harm intended) "ass clown"
You are quite right, I stooped to their level, and came to my senses, put them on my ignore list, and all is well... moving on..


Active Member
Back on topic...

Smokey (who said he wouldddd) better get his ass onto this thread!!!!!!!!!

along with all you other assless usernames :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Just psssshhh'ing at how many times I've read someone on a forum claim to do something to another user via the internet. Then they return saying "I'll have my friend do it" or, turns out they're a just script kiddie using outdated software and plain can't do it.

I was let down yet again, that's all.
lol you ever play ps3 online?had a bunch of kids say to me a couple times there gonna get there dad that works for sony or some company hack my ps3 and break it.

anyway its weird putting a face to all the people that come on here.
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