How does religfious belief carry on ?

i believe in science.. not in god.. sorry .. but the joke that without religion science would not of gotten anywere is bullshit.. it seems like people are afraid to think that we evolved .. instead u want to believe that a god created us all... if there was a GOD.. he created a ton of bad people.. does that make sense to u ? nope..

and i love it to.. if ur going to live by the bible then do it.. dont pick and chose the shit u like and go with that.. and then toss out the rest.. and im not gay or anything.. but i do believe that we as humans can make our own decisions as to wat is right or wrong.. .. but the bible wants u to believe its immoral.. like really? the Bible is a big crock of shit.. its a scam and most of all.. a CULT-like atmosphere.. i went to church wih my family until i was old enough to tell em to fuck off and its all a bunch of horse shit..

i believe in science and stand behind spirituality.. there may be a higher power.. there may not.. there may be a GOD... but there maybe a G.O.D. Group of Drunks.. who used the bible to get off alcohol way back .. ?"?? who the fuck knows and who cares.. i think more people need to be proud of who they are and were they came from instead of worrying about were ur going down the road.. as science states .. we die... and like everything else.. we become 1 with the world.. now.. if our soul or Spirit.. lives on or moves onto a different side of things. maybe turns into a different species or watnot.. but.. they say were u die. ur body makes a ton of stuff to make u death is a long dream until it fades away// iunno believe wat u want.. but science will always prove it rong.. ALWAYS.. sciences comes up with ways to heal us.. not some imaginary person u pray to.. and all the bull about god healing people
For the OP, indoctrination! If you've grown up with an idea your whole life, it isn't so crazy. If your father sat to pee, and your mother stood, The children would follow suit. Interesting fact. Humans are born Atheists, and unless converted through indoctrination or emotional need, remain so. I've met two types of religious people. 1) Believe because they have never known different. 2) NEED for their religion to be true to gratify an emotional insecurity.
i believe in science.. not in god.. sorry .. but the joke that without religion science would not of gotten anywere is bullshit.. it seems like people are afraid to think that we evolved .. instead u want to believe that a god created us all... if there was a GOD.. he created a ton of bad people.. does that make sense to u ? nope..

and i love it to.. if ur going to live by the bible then do it.. dont pick and chose the shit u like and go with that.. and then toss out the rest.. and im not gay or anything.. but i do believe that we as humans can make our own decisions as to wat is right or wrong.. .. but the bible wants u to believe its immoral.. like really? the Bible is a big crock of shit.. its a scam and most of all.. a CULT-like atmosphere.. i went to church wih my family until i was old enough to tell em to fuck off and its all a bunch of horse shit..

i believe in science and stand behind spirituality.. there may be a higher power.. there may not.. there may be a GOD... but there maybe a G.O.D. Group of Drunks.. who used the bible to get off alcohol way back .. ?"?? who the fuck knows and who cares.. i think more people need to be proud of who they are and were they came from instead of worrying about were ur going down the road.. as science states .. we die... and like everything else.. we become 1 with the world.. now.. if our soul or Spirit.. lives on or moves onto a different side of things. maybe turns into a different species or watnot.. but.. they say were u die. ur body makes a ton of stuff to make u death is a long dream until it fades away// iunno believe wat u want.. but science will always prove it rong.. ALWAYS.. sciences comes up with ways to heal us.. not some imaginary person u pray to.. and all the bull about god healing people is really just understanding things at a different level. It's not about picking and choosing. You get to a point, as with any other study, that you get stumped. Maybe we move on to another part of our subject and get back to the other when we're ready.
For the OP, indoctrination! If you've grown up with an idea your whole life, it isn't so crazy. If your father sat to pee, and your mother stood, The children would follow suit. Interesting fact. Humans are born Atheists, and unless converted through indoctrination or emotional need, remain so. I've met two types of religious people. 1) Believe because they have never known different. 2) NEED for their religion to be true to gratify an emotional insecurity.

...all my life I believed that any thinker was not caught up in the surface of things. They don't get held up in the typical definition of things to go and figure it out.

Most of these kind of comments are very superficial. Every believer has heard them. I don't know, maybe you need to evolve your slander? Give us something new? :)
...all my life I believed that any thinker was not caught up in the surface of things. They don't get held up in the typical definition of things to go and figure it out.

Most of these kind of comments are very superficial. Every believer has heard them. I don't know, maybe you need to evolve your slander? Give us something new? :)

Theres a difference between being spiritually enlightened and being an idiot who doesn't believe in evolution. Sure your argument that life isn't all about science (which was never said) is valid, but when people believe in stupid shit blindly then they should become pariahs. I mean look at those evangelicals in the proven scam of 'faith healing'. Its been proven for ages that pain is subjective, yet you see people believe in it so blindly they'll pay for momentary placebo. Not to mention when they roll around on the floor speaking in tongues... Looks like mental illness to the sane world
Theres a difference between being spiritually enlightened and being an idiot who doesn't believe in evolution. Sure your argument that life isn't all about science (which was never said) is valid, but when people believe in stupid shit blindly then they should become pariahs. I mean look at those evangelicals in the proven scam of 'faith healing'. Its been proven for ages that pain is subjective, yet you see people believe in it so blindly they'll pay for momentary placebo. Not to mention when they roll around on the floor speaking in tongues... Looks like mental illness to the sane world've got a couple agreeable points here. Doctor's can be seen as faith healers also, I guess it depends on how old the kid is :)
I think it's interesting that religion tries it's best to be friends with science, but science really wants nothing to do with religion. I mean, we see theologians desperately trying to convince us that the two are not incompatible, but with a couple of exceptions, we don't see scientists trying to convince us of the same. Why is that?
...all my life I believed that any thinker was not caught up in the surface of things. They don't get held up in the typical definition of things to go and figure it out.

Most of these kind of comments are very superficial. Every believer has heard them. I don't know, maybe you need to evolve your slander? Give us something new? :)

I was not arguing anything. I have no point. Facts are Facts. Slander? US?

Your funny.
I think it's interesting that religion tries it's best to be friends with science, but science really wants nothing to do with religion. I mean, we see theologians desperately trying to convince us that the two are not incompatible, but with a couple of exceptions, we don't see scientists trying to convince us of the same. Why is that?

Why don't scientists picket funerals and march on churches for NOT teaching science in Bible School? Because an ignorant man can be taught. A delusional man will NEVER admit his ignorance, because it is not real to him, so he will never admit he needs an education.
I think it's interesting that religion tries it's best to be friends with science, but science really wants nothing to do with religion. I mean, we see theologians desperately trying to convince us that the two are not incompatible, but with a couple of exceptions, we don't see scientists trying to convince us of the same. Why is that?

Science has demonstrable proof of it's claims, therefor is shown to be credible. Religion has very little, to no proof to any of its claims, therefor has not been shown to be credible. We know science works, the fact that you're reading my spiel on your internet capable device is proof of that. Religion has a much harder time proving any of its claims, as most can either be chalked up to superstitious thinking or random chance. Religious people can't demonstrate that prayer works, they can't pray to god for an amputee to get his legs back, all 'miracle heals' are things that could have happened naturally, and the stories in the bible are so old and modified, (not to mention written generations after the events happened, and by people who understood nothing of the workings of the world) it's impossible to tell if there's even a shred of truth in them other than some mediocre morals.
OP or anyone else that would be interested... i suggest a book called "the believing brain" by michael shermer.
when the theory of evalution is no longer a theory. it will hold more sway i will hold on to my theory that i was created your aguing a point of veiw not facts neither side has the ability to disprove the other so this thread and all the others like it are just a way to bring up your feelings if you realy are comfortable in your opinions than why start such nonsence

creationism isnt a theory lol. name one fact that backs up creationism. i can name plenty that back up evolution. and yes, we can disprove some creationist claims. like when people say humans came from two people that were 'created', we know for a FACT that did not happen. if creation did happen, it was at the bacteria level or lower and life evolved from that point on.

the question is... are we going to lean more towards an idea that says humans were created by a god which is backed up by exactly zero evidence, or a theory which is backed up by countless facts and tests done throughout the world? ever heard of a paternity test?
im not religious or anything but if you actually look at the bible theres alot of wisdom in it any question you have in life is pretty much there and thats a fact. try and read it and if you dont understand ask a preacher they can explain it to you.

Where do i find the section on wave functions or fusion?
How does religious belief carry on when every argument arrives at the same point ? ..........prove your god exists ? And then the argument simply gets side tracked , if any god existed it would be simple to prove ,
if someone has one single piece of evidence a god exists then lets see it , other wise its belief without evidence , wich is absolute obsurdity,this major point gets brushed aside but i wont let it go .

When it comes to matters of the heart such as belief and love it doesn't need to make sense.
We still know so little of the world before our eyes and for some, belief is the only way to cope with the unkown.

[TD="width: 15%, bgcolor: #f1f1f1"]
[TD="width: 55%, bgcolor: #f1f1f1"]

[TD="width: 100%"]"Many a long dispute among divines may be thus abridged: It is so. It is not so. It is so. It is not so."[/TD]
~Benjamin Franklin~
When it comes to matters of the heart such as belief and love it doesn't need to make sense.
We still know so little of the world before our eyes and for some, belief is the only way to cope with the unkown.

[TD="width: 55%, bgcolor: #F1F1F1"]
"Many a long dispute among divines may be thus abridged: It is so. It is not so. It is so. It is not so."
~Benjamin Franklin~

Shame it's not the heart or love, it's the brain and mild brainwashing from parent or other surrounding delusionals.

If everyone suddenly came to the conclusion that there was a creator out of nowhere then i'd be like ok there might be something. The fact there's man-made objects (the bible) which has been rewritten who knows how many times telling you to believe it is where it gets a bit retarded.

Oh and... To people saying the bible still applies to today... Yeah the parts about not killing people and other basic human instinct shit.. Congrats on the foresight there
When it comes to matters of the heart such as belief and love it doesn't need to make sense.
We still know so little of the world before our eyes and for some, belief is the only way to cope with the unkown.

[TD="width: 15%, bgcolor: #f1f1f1"]
[TD="width: 55%, bgcolor: #f1f1f1"]

[TD="width: 100%"]"Many a long dispute among divines may be thus abridged: It is so. It is not so. It is so. It is not so."[/TD]
~Benjamin Franklin~

Seriously, you just said because you don't understand something you should believe in something spiritual or God because that would comfort you. That to me is the source of so many problems where science and religion meet.

Answering the greatest questions to life are hard, uncomfortable, and scary but to throw away reason for comfort is lying to yourself.
How does religious belief carry on when every argument arrives at the same point ? ..........prove your god exists ? And then the argument simply gets side tracked , if any god existed it would be simple to prove ,
if someone has one single piece of evidence a god exists then lets see it , other wise its belief without evidence , wich is absolute obsurdity,this major point gets brushed aside but i wont let it go .

Religion is based on, and relies on, faith, faith in what cannot be proven, but needs to be believed and accepted (according to things like the Bible). So, if proof existed there would be absolutely no need for faith and and the entire basis of religion would collapse. If you know God's telephone number, email address and snail mail address you don't need to have faith that he exists, because you would then know he existed. God is not supposed to be provable. Proof denies one of faith.

So, let's look at it from a different angle. If someone believes the Big Bag created everything, prove it, show the verifiable proof. Not one or more of the many theories that are argued of how it might possibly have happened, but actual verifiable proof of the one and only, singular, way it occurred from step 'A' through step 'Z.' Where is the 100% indisputable proof?

Intelligent design? Where is the indisputable proof?

Moon men created everything? Where is the indisputable proof?

Regardless of one's chosen belief, at some point or another they all require a massive leap of faith.
Religion is based on, and relies on, faith, faith in what cannot be proven, but needs to be believed and accepted (according to things like the Bible). So, if proof existed there would be absolutely no need for faith and and the entire basis of religion would collapse. If you know God's telephone number, email address and snail mail address you don't need to have faith that he exists, because you would then know he existed. God is not supposed to be provable. Proof denies one of faith.

So, let's look at it from a different angle. If someone believes the Big Bag created everything, prove it, show the verifiable proof. Not one or more of the many theories that are argued of how it might possibly have happened, but actual verifiable proof of the one and only, singular, way it occurred from step 'A' through step 'Z.' Where is the 100% indisputable proof?

Intelligent design? Where is the indisputable proof?

Moon men created everything? Where is the indisputable proof?

Regardless of one's chosen belief, at some point or another they all require a massive leap of faith.

In the end tho, who really cares what others believe tho? IF we all had true freedom, with religion as a belief system for some and it not be an influencing factor in public policy then the world would be fucking rosey.

Yet here we are, still fighting over it...